

【作者】 王文琦

【导师】 卢昂;

【作者基本信息】 上海戏剧学院 , 戏剧戏曲学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,教育戏剧在域外非常流行,特别是在各类学校中,已成为一种重要的教学手段和培养人才的有效方法。但在国内,教育戏剧尚未得到应有的重视,普及面还十分有限,未能发挥其应有的作用。造成这种状况的原因当然是多方面的,除了对教育戏剧缺乏足够的认识和了解,不熟悉其基本功能外,教育戏剧的相关人才的极度匮乏也是非常重要的因素之一。由于我国目前并没有开设专门的教育戏剧专业,因此在目前全世界范围内,在教育戏剧亟待推广普及的大环境下,专业的戏剧导演往往在教育戏剧的实践活动中担任了戏剧导师的角色。尽管从某种意义上说,戏剧导师的本质就是戏剧导演,然而,由于两者的活动目的不同,在执行手法上的要求也不尽相同,因此一个传统意义上的戏剧导演不能仅靠所学的理论知识或者所积累的舞台经验,去完成一个戏剧导师的教育任务,在这过程中,他必须完成自身的角色转换,进一步提炼升华自我职能,才能够更好地推动教育戏剧的发展。本文试图通过对“戏剧导演”和“戏剧导师”两种角色的分别阐述,分析比较两者的差异,并着重研究在教育戏剧背景下这两者之间的角色转换问题,进一步拓展“导演”的概念与职能范畴,同时也有助于深化艺术院校戏剧教育课题的研究,并且在某种程度上,可帮助艺术院校特别是导演专业毕业生拓宽就业方向,为其它高校乃至中小学培养高质量的戏剧师资,对传播戏剧知识、普及戏剧教育、培养戏剧观众、振兴戏剧艺术具有现实意义。

【Abstract】 In recent years, Drama in Education has become very popular in the world. In all kinds of schools, it has become an important teaching method and an effective way of training. However, in China, Drama in Education has not yet received due attention, with limited popularization and limited function. Of course, there are many reasons for this situation. In addition to the lack of understanding on Drama in Education and its basic functions, the extreme shortage of talents in the field of Drama in Education is also one of the important factors.Since there is no major of Drama in Education in China now, the professional drama director is often obliged to take the role of a drama ATOR in the practice of Drama in Education activities. In a sense, the ATOR is practically the theater director; however, they have different purposes in the behavior, and different requirements of the implementation methods. Therefore, a theater director in the traditional sense can not fulfill the role of an ATOR with the theories he has learned and the stage experience he has accumulated. During this process, he must convert his own role to further refine his own functions, so as to promote the development of Drama in Education more effectively.This paper attempts to state the two roles of the "drama director" and "drama ATOR" and analyze the differences between them, with the focus on the conversion of roles in the context of Drama in Education, so as to further expand the concept and role of a "director". This paper helps to strengthen the research on drama education in art institutions, and to some extent it can help the directing graduates to explore their career. Moreover, it also holds practical meaning for the training of high-quality teachers on drama for the other universities, high schools and primary schools, and for the dissemination of drama knowledge, the popularization of drama education, the cultivation of theater audience, and the revitalization of drama art.


