

Study on Bedload Transport and Estimation of Downstream Channels and Its Tributaries of Jinshajiang River

【作者】 惠晓晓

【导师】 董耀华;

【作者基本信息】 长江科学院 , 水力学及河流动力学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 推移质输沙特性的研究,历来是河流泥沙研究领域中的一个很重要的基础性研究课题,而金沙江下游河段是长江泥沙的主要来源区,本文拟对金沙江下游干支流推移质输移特性与估算方法进行了研究。在对推移质输移特性和估算方法,以及金沙江下游干支流流域特性分析的基础上,通过推移质平衡输沙水槽试验和推移质输沙率公式的计算,提出了适合金沙江下游干支流推移质输沙量估算的方法,并对其支流和干流的推移质输沙量分别进行了估算。主要内容有:(1)综述部分①对推移质泥沙起动、输移机理以及影响因子等基本特性进行了综述。②对推移质输沙量的估算的各类方法:现场观测与试验法,公式计算法,相关分析法等,进行详细描述和综合评价。③分析了金沙江下游干支流的流域概况及其水流泥沙运动情况。(2)典型支流推移质输沙量估算①水槽试验。选取金沙江下游具有代表性的三条支流(龙川江、牛栏江、小江),运用水槽平衡输沙试验,对其推移质输移进行了模拟;并详细分析了水槽试验过程与结果。根据水槽试验成果,依据三条典型支流控制水文站的水流泥沙资料,分析计算得出典型支流的多年平均推移质输沙量。②公式计算。选择建立在不同理论基础上、且在工程实践中广为应用多家推移质输沙率公式,对三条典型支流年均推移质输沙量进行了计算。通过公式计算结果和水槽试验结果的比较分析,建议采用长江科学院输沙关系曲线计算金沙江下游的推移质输沙率。③支流推移质输沙量计算。依据金沙江下游其他支流控制水文站的水力泥沙资料,采用长江科学院输沙关系曲线,对其他支流年均推移质沙量进行了分析计算。(3)干流推移质输沙量估算方法初步研究在对支流推移质泥沙输移研究的基础上,通过对干流流域特性及推移质输沙特性的分析,对干流推移质输沙量估算方法进行了总结分类;并用相关分析法中的沿程累积法、推悬比法和流量相关法对干流的推移质输沙量分别进行了估算。

【Abstract】 The study on bedload transport characteristics is always a fundamental subject in the theoryof sediment transport. While the incoming sediment of the Changjiang River mainly origins fromthe downstream of Jinshajiang River. The characteristics of bedload transport and its estimationmethods in downstream of Jinshajiang River are studied in this thesis. Based on overview ofprevious researches and analysis of basin characteristics of Jinshajiang River downstream, bymeans of flume experiments and bedload transport rate formulae calculation, the bedloadamounts of the main channel and tributaries of this river reach have been estimated. Furthermore,the recommended estimation methods of bedload amount in Jinshajiang River downstreams havebeen proposed. The main contents of this thesis are as follows:(1) Overview①It has an overview of the characteristics of bedload transport, including incipient motion,transport mechanism and their influencing factors, etc.②Estimation methods of bedload amount have been classified into observation andexperimentation, caculation by the formulae, correlative analysis,etc. It is of detailed describtionand comperhensive evaluation of these methods.③General situation of the river basin, flow and sediment transport characteristics ofJinshajiang River downstreams have been analyzed.(2) Estimation for Tributarys①Flume Experiments. Bedload of three typical tributarys in Jinshajiang River downstreams(i.e. Longchuanjiang River, Niulanjiang River and Xiaojiang River) have been studied mainly.Equilibrium sediment transport flume experimentations of these three tributary have been carriedout. Due to the analysis of the experiment results and the hydrographic data of control stations ofthese three tributary, the annual bedload amount of them has been calculated.②Calculation by Formulae. These three tributary’annual bedload amounts are calculatedby some formulae of bedload transport rate, which are of respective theoretical basis andextensive use in engineering practice. Finally, it has a suggestion that the formula of theChangjiang River Scientific Research Institute (CRSRI) is more suitable to such river reach.③Estimation for Other Tributarys. According to their hydrographic data from the controlstations, the annual bedload amount of other tributarys has been calculated by CRSRI formula.(3) Estimation for Main ChannelsOn the basis of the study results of the tributarys, and due to the analysis of bedload transport characteristics of the main channel, the methods to estimate the main channel bedloadamount of Jinshajiang River downstreams are summarized and classified. By means of thecorrelative analysis (accumulation along the river, correlation of flow amount, ratio of bedload tosuspension), the bedload amount of the main channel of Jinshajiang River Downstream havefinally been eatimated.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长江科学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期

