

The Research on Industrial Cluster of Tianjin Binhai New Area

【作者】 韩泽星

【导师】 王竞;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 数量经济学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 产业集群是一种能有效促进区域经济增长的发展模式,己经成为经济结构高级化进程中的普遍现象。目前,产业集群作为一种经济现象已广泛存在于经济生活之中,世界各国都有很多产业集群取得了令人瞩目的成功。经过多年的发展,我国产业集群发展己经积累了大量的经验,在很多地区成为了地方经济新的增长点。因此,我国越来越多的地区希望借助产业集群来发展区域经济。本文根据产业集群基本理论,就如何发展天津滨海新区产业集群,从而实现滨海新区经济的快速、高效的发展,进而提高区域经济竞争力、促进区域经济协调发展等方面进行了研究并提出了相应的对策和建议。论文的第一部分包括第一章和第二章,是全文的重要理论基础。本文在第一章对滨海新区产业集群发展的基本情况进行了评述,在此基础上提出了本文研究的目的和意义,同时,提出本文研究内容的界定、框架以及研究的思路和所选用的研究方法。第二章,对产业集群的相关概念和理论模型进行描述,并介绍国内外对产业集群的研究现状,做出文献综述。论文的第二部分包括第三章和第四章,主要是现状描述和比较研究。第三章本文运用钻石模型从要素状况、需求状况、产业战略和竞争对手、关键和支持性产业等方面对滨海新区的产业集群发展条件进行分析和研究。第四章本文把滨海新区产业集群发展数据同上海浦东新区产业集群发展数据结合起来进行分析,通过比较分析,进而明确滨海新区的发展方向。论文的第三部分包括第五章,主要是实证分析。第五章以滨海新区制造业为例进行实证分析,首先介绍其制造业近十年的发展情况,然后对影响其制造业产业集群发展的因素进行回归分析,接着选取了滨海新区制造业中十大支柱产业,对它们的区位商进行分析,最后分析得出制造产业集群的相对集中水平。论文的第四部分包括第六章和第七章,主要是全文总结与对策建议。第六章根据比较分析和实证检验结果,剖析滨海新区产业集群发展的优势和不足,找出发展中急需解决的问题,最后提出对策和建议。第七章对本文主要结论进行总结,并对本文研究作进一步的展望。

【Abstract】 Industrial cluster is an effective mode which can promote the development of regional economic and has become a common phenomenon in the process of high-grade economic structure. Nowadays, the industrial cluster as a kind of economic phenomenon has been widely exists in economic life and lots of industrial cluster have achieved remarkable success in many countries of the world. After years of development, China’s industrial cluster district has accumulated much experience in many areas, where became the new economic growth point. Therefore, more areas of our country hope to develop regional economy with industrial cluster. According to the basic theory of industrial cluster, this paper hopes to find how to develop the industrial cluster in Tianjin Binhai New Area and help the Binhai New Area develop fast and efficient. This paper also studies how to coordinate the regional economic development and improve the regional economic competitiveness and how to implement the industrial cluster policy.The first part of the paper includes the first chapter and the second chapter, which is the important theoretical basis. In the first chapter this paper reviews the development of i and advances the purpose and significance of the study. At the same time, the paper puts forward the definition and research content and chooses the study method. In the second chapter this paper describes the related concepts and theoretical model and introduces the research status of industrial clusters. The first and the second chapter are the important theoretical basis.The second part of the paper includes the third chapter and the fourth chapter, which is the situation describing and compared study. In the third chapter this paper uses the diamond model to study the development conditions of industrial clusters in Binhai New Area from the elements, demand, industrial strategy and competition. In the fourth chapter this paper analysis the development data of industrial cluster in Binhai New Area compared with the Pudong New Area of Shanghai and combines the development direction of Binhai New Area.The third part of the paper includes the fifth chapter, which is regression analysis. In the fifth chapter this paper analyzes the manufacturing industry in Binhai New Area quantitatively. Firstly, this paper introduces the development of the manufacturing industry in the nearly 10 years. And this paper does the regression analysis for the influence factors in the development of manufacturing industry cluster. At last this paper select ten pillar industries of manufacturing industry and to studies their location quotient to conclude the relative concentration level of manufacturing industry cluster.The fourth part of the paper includes the sixth chapter and the seventh chapter, which mainly is the full text summarizes and countermeasures. In the sixth this paper finds the advantages and disadvantages of the industry cluster in Binhai New Area. Then this paper gets the developing problems which are needed to resolve. Finally this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions. In the seventh chapter this paper summarizes the main conclusions of the whole paper.


