

Sites Museums Architecutre Study

【作者】 褚奕爽

【导师】 戴俭;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 遗址作为人类历史的见证者,它是对古代文明的考古研究中很好的研究对象。遗址是非常珍贵的历史遗存,具有不可再生的特点,所以在遗址博物馆建筑设计中始终是与此特点为基本依据的研究。遗址博物馆不仅要满足遗址展示的需要,更重要的是要尽可能减少展示带来的遗址本体及周围环境的破坏,为遗址的保护创造一个良好的环境。因此,本论文从遗址博物馆保护和展示这两种功能需求出发,通过对国内外大量遗址博物馆实例的研究分析,希望能够得出一些有益的结论和信息,以期为从事遗址保护的建筑师和文物工作者提供些许帮助。本论文共分三个部分。第一部分是对遗址博物馆的相关概念和近期的发展状况的概括性论述,再从遗址保护、文化价值传播、科学研究及社会经济发展这四个对遗址博物馆建筑设计有影响的因素进行分析,认识到遗址博物馆在文化遗产保护工作中的重要作用,并日渐进入到人们的精神生活和休闲生活之中。第二部分主要通过对国内外遗址博物馆建筑实例的对比分析,从建筑学的角度,针对遗址博物馆的特点和影响因素就总体设计、功能组织、展示空间设计等方面进行研究,以期得出一套区别于其它博物馆类型的建筑设计方法,为今后的遗址博物馆建设提供有用的帮助。最后一部分,对国内外5个具有典型特点的遗址博物馆建筑进行详细的分析,系统地阐述它们如何运用建筑学的方法对遗址进行保护,体现遗址的历史文化内涵,并合理的把遗址价值传播给公众。

【Abstract】 Archeological sites serves as our witnesses into the past. As such, they present excellent objects for cultural and archeological study. Thus in the construction of an archeological museum, it is advisable to highlight the valuable and uniquely irreplaceable nature of such sites. A good museum will not only present history in a satisfactory way, it will also and most importantly, preserves the objects under its safe keeping. Hence, this essay proceeds with an eye both toward the preservation and presentation of historical objects. It will analyze both domestic and international museums. This essay attempts to arrive at conclusions and provide information that maybe useful to those involves architectural preservation and cultural endeavors.This paper is divided into three parts.The first part will discuss concepts related to archeological museums and touch upon recent developments regarding such concepts. It will then analyze the effects of preservation, the transition values, scientific research and social developments on archeological museum are gradually entering into the spiritual life and leisure time of many people.The second part of this paper consists of a case study of various museums throughout the world and attempts to analyze these studies from the perspective from an architect. By researching the planning of the museums, the functional organization of the museums, the layout of their empty space, and other relevant facets of museum construction, it will attempt to provide future museum planners with practical assistance.Lastly, this paper will present a detailed study of five typical archeological museums architecture and elucidate how they employ architectural methods for archeological presentation, the manifestation of historical objects, cultural significance, and the communication of such objects value to a mass audience.

【关键词】 遗址博物馆遗址博物馆保护展示
【Key words】 SitesMuseumSite MuseumPreservationExhibition

