

A Research on Farmers’ Behavior in the Implementation of Agricultural Production System

【作者】 尹倩

【导师】 杨万江;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 产业经济学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 建立从农田到餐桌的可追溯体系是确保农产品质量安全的关键,而保障农户参与源头追溯尤为重要。只有建立农产品生产记录制度,充分记录和保存农产品生产源头的质量安全信息,才能建立起可行、高效的农产品可追溯体系,因此农产品源头追溯是农产品可追溯制度形成和体系建设的基础。在农产品生产记录制度实施过程中,政府和农业产业化组织均发挥着重要作用,但是农户作为实施记录的执行者,其参与意愿和参与行为事关源头追溯的成败。本文首先在借鉴国内外相关研究成果的基础上,运用信息不对称理论、农户行为决策理论和政府规制理论,提出了理论分析模型和实证研究方法。随后,基于浙江省杭州市和台州市162个农户“三品”蔬菜种植情况的访谈调查数据和实地收集资料,采用描述性统计分析和计量经济分析,分别构建了农产品生产记录制度实施过程中农户参与意愿影响因素模型和农户参与行为影响因素模型,并对参与意愿和参与行为影响因素进行了比较分析。研究结果表明,农户参与农产品生产记录制度的意愿和行为存在某种背离的情况,其影响因素、影响方向及程度都存在差异。农户禀赋、政策环境和市场环境层面的因素共同影响农户的参与意愿,包括农户文化程度、蔬菜收入比重、对生产记录的认知、政府政策认知、政府培训、政府服务水平和销售渠道等。政策环境和市场环境等外部条件是影响农户参与行为的主要因素,包括政府政策支持、政府培训、政府服务水平、产业化组织检查和产业化服务水平等,销路预期也会影响农户参与行为,而农户禀赋层面的因素对农户行为的影响则微乎其微。据此,本文提出以下几点对策建议:第一,制定和完善农产品生产记录制度相关法律法规,加强政策宣传和推广;第二,加大政策支持力度,提高综合服务水平,营造良好的政策环境;第三,加强市场机制建设,以市场机制拉动农产品生产记录制度的发展;第四,大力扶持产业化组织,发挥其在生产记录制度实施过程中的作用;第五,改进记录方式,加大对生产记录实施的监督和处罚力度。

【Abstract】 The food traceability systems are the key to ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products, and the traceability of farmers’production is particularly important. Only by establishing agricultural production records system, fully recording and preserving quality information, can we deliver the quality information to consumers along with the food chain and build feasible and efficient agricultural traceability system. During the implementation process of agricultural production records system, the government and the agricultural industrialization organizations play important roles, but the farmers’willingness to participate and participation behavior is the key.This paper puts an emphasis on the farmers’ willingness and behavior to participate the agricultural production records system. Based on the theories of asymmetric information, household behavior, market failure and governmental regulation, this paper firstly makes a systematic literature review of domestic and foreign relevant researches, constructs the theoretical model. Then on the basis of field investigation data and information of 162 safe vegetable farmers in Hangzhou and Taizhou of Zhejiang Province, this paper applies both theoretical and empirical methods to analyze the influencing factors of farmers’willingness and behavior to implement agricultural production records system. After that, the paper compares the differences between willingness and behavior factors, and does some explanations of the results.Through theoretical and empirical analysis, the dissertation shows that there are some differences between the farmers’willingness and behavior. Farmers’endowment, policy environment, market environment have been the main factors on farmers’ willingness to participate, including education level, proportion of vegetable income, cognition of production records, cognition of government policy, government training, government service and marketing channel. The farmers’participatation behavior is mainly influenced by policy environment and market environment, including policy support government training, government service, the inspection and service of agricultural industrialization organizations. Also there are some different direction and extent on two sides of the willingness and behavior. The main policy implications of this research are as follows:Firstly, establishing and perfecting the laws and regulations of production records system, and strengthening the promotion policies. Secondly, strengthening the policy support and improving the comprehensive service level. Thirdly, developing the market mechanism so as to stimulate the implementation of agricultural production records system. Fourthly, supporting the development of agricultural industrialization organizations. At last, improving the recording mode and concentrating the supervision and punishment policies.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

