

A Study of Affecting Factors on the Medium-term Growth Performance of Zhejiang Private Enterprises

【作者】 李日晶

【导师】 邢以群;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,中国经济得到了快速发展,作为其主要支柱的民营企业更是得到了持续30多年突飞猛进的增长。浙江民营企业这一特殊的群体在整个中国经济发展过程中扮演了重要角色,展现了巨大的活力,也一直为经济学界和管理学界研究学者关注。在浙江民营企业发展整个过程中,在面临同样市场机遇情况下,企业发展也产生了分化:有的企业昙花一现,而有的企业持续成长至今。本文期望通过分析浙江若干民营企业的成长演化历程,探讨这些企业持续成长到现在的主要原因,借以归纳出浙江民营企业持续成长的影响因素,以供其他企业借鉴。由于这些企业大部分持续成长的时间相对欧美百年企业来说不是很长,所以本文主要做影响企业中期成长绩效的因素研究。首先,本文对企业成长理论及影响因素和企业演化理论做了文献综述,在此基础上,提出浙江民营企业中期成长影响因素分析理论分析模型和研究框架。界定了企业的状态、触发因素和企业演化行为,并确定采用7S研究框架分析企业演化影响因素。接着,本文采用解剖麻雀式的案例分析方法,选取了三家持续成长20年左右的行业龙头企业:娃哈哈、祐康、天堂伞,进行案例研究,梳理了这些企业的发展历程,对这些企业发展过程中重大事件进行详细的分析,总结归纳出每家企业的成长影响因素,对每家企业的影响因素进行比较分析,从而归纳出浙江民营企业中期成长的影响因素,同时也把本文的结论与其他研究企业长期成长影响因素的结论进行了对比分析。最后,提出了本文的研究结论并进行了展望。本文认为,对于浙江民营企业来说,要实现中期成长:要有一个具有较强的创新和决策能力的企业领导人;有明确的发展战略思路并能执行下去;有与企业发展相匹配的组织结构和利益分配机制;同时注重持续的产品创新。而对于企业长期成长非常重要的企业文化和核心理念、治理结构和系统化制度建设,对于企业中期成长的影响并不突出。

【Abstract】 Since China’s opening and reform, the economy has been rapid development. As its main component, the private enterprise has been sustained rapid growth for more than 30 years. Zhejiang Private Enterprises as a special economic power also played an important role, and displayed great vitality in the process, which arouse high attention of scholars in economic and management research field. At the whole process of the development of private enterprises in Zhejiang, the enterprise development has also had a divisive in the face of similar market opportunities:Some enterprises have disappeared; some company is flash in the pan, while some businesses continued to grow to the present.This paper focuses on the growth of a number of private enterprises to explore the main reason for the sustainable growth, and infers the impact of factors of the sustainable growth in order to other companies to learn from. Compared with European and American companies, most of these enterprises continue to grow the time is not very long, so this paper will only lead to the medium-term growth of affecting factors.Based on the review of abundant literature, this paper proposed theoretical model of the medium-term growth of affecting factors, and then defined the state of the enterprise, triggering factors and business evolution of behavior, determined to analyze the affecting factors of the business evolution with the 7S research framework, and established the framework of this research and the analysis model.This paper selected three enterprises:Wahaha, Youcan, Tiantangsan, which have continued to grow around 20 years for case studies, then combing the course of development of these enterprises, and analyzed the important events during the development process of these enterprises, and then summarized the affecting factors for each company made a comparative analysis, and also compared with other studies about the long-term growth of affecting factors.In the end, this paper presented the conclusions and research prospects. If the Zhejiang private enterprises hoped to achieve the medium-term growth, it must have an outstanding leader; must have clear strategy and continuously implemented; must have clear governance structure and organizational structure matching the enterprise development; must have standardized enterprise system, but the corporate culture and core ideas which was important for the long-term growth of company had no effect for the medium-term growth.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

