

Research on the Modes of Brand Globalization and Brand Extension to Update Agricultural Brand Strategy

【作者】 项文也

【导师】 马述忠;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 国际贸易学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在诸多市场竞争策略中,品牌竞争以其全局性与高端性赢得众多跨国公司的青睐。我国农产品缺少国际知名品牌,这不仅源于产品附加值低、质量标准体系不健全等问题,还因为品牌的全球运作与延伸尚处于成长阶段,因此有必要进行农产品品牌战略策动升级以融入全球竞争。本文以全球化浪潮为背景,融合农产品品牌全球化进程中的各种因素,对农产品品牌全球运作及延伸战略的策动升级进行分析。研究结论对我国农业企业参与全球品牌竞争具较强的战略指导意义,并能补充和完善农产品品牌全球化的理论体系。本研究主要分为以下七个部分:第一部分对农产品品牌全球运作及品牌延伸进行理论回顾,提出本文的研究重点与难点,并构建本文的整体研究框架。第二部分以我国农产品国际贸易与对外投资的历史与现状作为研究切入点,结合农产品品牌特性及农业全球化形势,对我国农产品品牌实施全球运作与品牌延伸的必要性进行分析。第三部分以农产品品牌的全球运作模式为主要研究对象。以对品牌全球化内涵的阐释为起点,从农产品品牌全球化的经济学分析视角,结合农产品的特性对农产品品牌全球化运作模式的动态效应进行分析。第四部分在总结已有文献关于品牌延伸理论分析的基础上,构建结构方程模型对农产品品牌延伸的关键因素进行实证研究,利用问卷调查获得实证研究所需数据,运用Amos工具进行统计分析,得到兼具理论与实践价值的结论。第五部分以世界知名农业以及“雀巢”品牌作为研究对象,总结了品牌全球运作与品牌延伸的成功经验,并与我国农业企业相比较,指出我国农业企业在品牌全球化方面的不足。第六部分在总结前文的基础上,提出中国农产品品牌全球运作模式与延伸战略的发展对策与建议:(1)全球运作方面:明确品牌定位、与其他竞争策略相互配合、重视标准化与本土化相结合;(2)品牌延伸战略方面:构建品牌核心价值、重视农业产业链建设以及加强品牌差异化建设。

【Abstract】 Brand competition wins the favor of a large number of multinational companies with its generality and high-point. Our country lacks famous international agricultural brand which is due to a low level of brand awareness, low added value and unsound quality standard system. There is a need for Brand Strategy to update. With the background of Globalization, this paper developed a research system and deeply discussed the globalization modes as well as the Brand Extension Strategy. The conclusion of this study will provide a strategic guidance for the agricultural enterprises those who want to take part in global competition.By reviewing relevant literatures on agricultural Branding Operation and Branding Extension, the first part aims to summarize the key research part and constructs the framework.The second part firstly explained the particularity of agricultural branding and then with the starting points of the history of international agricultural trade and investments, it put forward the need to update the existing brand strategy.The third part started from the connotation of Brand and then deeply extended to the characteristic of agricultural products and the modes of globalization. The economic connotation, and the modes of operations for Agricultural Brand Globalization were analyzed in detail.The fourth part discussed the general theory of brand extension and agricultural brand extension in further. On the basis of theoretic analysis, this paper also built Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to analyze the key factors of agricultural brand extension using the data from questionnaire.With the research object of "Nestle" and the operations of agricultural branding in different country, the fifth part summed up the experience and made a comparison between domestic and abroad. It pointed out the shortages of domestic agricultural enterprises.According to the results of theories and empirical analysis, the argument put forward the suggestions for domestic agricultural enterprises. Them should clear their brand positioning, focus on the integration of localization and standardization and put emphasis on the importance of core value, agricultural industrial chain integration and brand differentiation building.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】F273.2;F326
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】520
  • 攻读期成果

