

The Innovation Management Method and Practice of Electric Power Construction

【作者】 李作民

【导师】 侯学良; 李同满;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(北京) , 项目管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着电力工程市场竞争的日益激烈,电力工程创优管理越来越受到工程管理者的高度重视,但如何进行工程创优以及如何确保创优目标的实现却是电力工程项目管理中存在的一个现实问题。为此,本文在对国内外电力工程创优管理研究文献进行大量参阅和检索的基础上,结合我国若干电力工程创优管理的工程实例成果,对如何搞好电力工程的创优工作展开了较为深入的分析和探讨。在研究过程中,首先在对创优思想的构建和形成进行必要的分析和论述基础上,结合系统动态学理论,给出了基于系统动态学建模理论的创优改进理论模型。在创优管理的模式分析中,对现行创优的模式进行了归纳和总结,并提出了创优管理流程。同时,结合电力工程的特点,总结和分析了如何对创优工程进行管理、如何实现创优目标的若干有效方法,并给出了实例分析结果。为工程项目管理者今后有效地进行工程创优管理提供了有价值的参考。

【Abstract】 With the increasing of competition in engineering market, the innovation management for electric power engineering is becoming more and more important. But, it is still a serious problem that how to innovate and how to realize the innovation objects. The paper analyzes the problems together with some real examples about engineering innovation methods for power engineering projects on the basis of analysis results of other research literature.The paper analyzed and discussed the creating process of innovation management, and put forward an improved model of innovation management according to systematical dynamic theory. Then, in the analysis of innovation management model, the present management models are concluded, a common program of innovation management is sum up. Meanwhile, many methods and techniques or measures that how to innovate and how to realize the innovation objects are summarized. At last, the paper ideal and method are proved by a real engineering example, and a nice result is obtained.


