

Analysis of Vibration Characteristics for Large Scale Variable Speed and Variable Pitch Wind Turbine Transmission System

【作者】 樊丽

【导师】 柳亦兵;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(北京) , 机械电子工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 大型变速变桨风电机组齿轮箱长期在变速变载荷状态下运行,故障率高,因此在运行过程中对其运行和振动特性进行分析,通过运行特性判断其运行状况,尽早解决运行过程中出现的问题,对于保障机组安全可靠运行非常重要。本文以两种典型的1.5MW大型变速变桨风电机组为对象,通过机组运行状态数据和现场测试数据,对传动系统性能及齿轮箱振动特性进行分析,主要研究工作:1)深入分析研究了齿轮箱在不同运行状态下的振动特性,探讨了变速过程对于齿轮箱共振的影响;2)对实测齿轮箱振动信号的非线性特性进行了研究,采用替代数据法等方法对齿轮箱振动非线性进行了定量分析,探讨了变速过程中非线性特征的变化;3)基于实际运行工况数据,对机组传动系统的机械性能进行了分析,为变速变桨风电机组传动系统的设计和运行状态评估提供参考。

【Abstract】 Wind turbine transmission system is easy to occour failure. So the analysis of mechanical characteristics and vibration of gearbox under the running conditions is necessary for determining its operation status and resolving the problems early.In this paper, two kinds of 1.5 MW large-scale wind turbines are researched, and the operation performance and vibration characteristic of the transmission system is analyzed based on the actual operating datas and measured vibration signals. The main research works are:1) The gearbox vibration characteristics under different operating conditions are analyzed and the impact of the variable-speed process on the gearbox resonance is researched; 2) The non-linear characteristic of the gearbox vibration signals is quantitatively studied and its’changement is discussed.3) Based on the operating condition data, the transmission system mechanical performance was analyzed.


