

An Empirical Research on Application of Clt to English Grammar Teaching in Senior Middle School

【作者】 张彩红

【导师】 满永珍;

【作者基本信息】 河北科技大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在英语的教学过程中,语法教学一直是英语研究者们和教师们争论的一个焦点。语法有没有必要教,怎样教才能更有效得提高学生学习语言的效果及运用语言的能力。尤其是目前英语新课程标准被采用以来,这个问题更为突出。新课标强调培养学生的听说读写的综合能力,这似乎意味着语法教学已经没有意义。另外,交际教学法的使用也对语法教学产生了一定的影响。关于交际教学法理论指导下的语法教学的争论日益激烈。本文正是针对语法教学的必要性和交际教学法理论指导下的语法教学是否更有助于学生对语法的掌握这一问题而进行研究的。为了了解这一情况,作者对定州市三所代表性的学校(普通高中,职业高中,重点高中)进行了走访和问卷调查。调查结果表明很多英语教师也认为传统的教学方法对于英语语法的掌握效果一般,希望能够采用交际教学法在让学生更有效掌握语法的同时,提高他们语法运用的能力。但是由于很多英语教师对交际教学法了解甚微,很少使用,即使使用,实施效果不尽人意。据此,作者根据自己对交际教学法的学习研究,进行了一项实验,即用交际法教语法,来检验交际教学法是否能够提高语法教学的效率,是否能够培养学生在交际中准确,流利,恰当的表达思想的能力。本实验所选取的对象是一所普通高中一年级的前40名学生,并把他们分成一个实验班和一个控制班。所选的教学内容为定语从句。在为期六周的教学实验中,对控制班用传统的语法教学法进行教学,而实验班采用交际教学法进行教学,实验结果表明,交际教学法不仅比传统的语法教学更有助于提高中学生的英语语法的习得效果,而且更有利于提高学生的语法学习兴趣和交际能力。因为本实验是对英语基础比较好的学生进行的尝试性教学,而且参与的学生人数较少,所以对于没有英语基础的学生使用交际教学法进行英语教学的效果如何和交际教学法是否适合于大班教学以及交际教学法是否适合于目前的高考考试体制等诸如此类的问题没有涉及到。希望那些对用交际教学法进行英语语法教学感兴趣的研究人员和老师们在今后的有关于这方面的研究中对这些问题做进一步探讨。本文的独特之处在于问卷调查的范围拓宽到三类不同的学校---普通高中,职业高中和重点高中。调查结果表明语法教学的必要性问题和交际教学法理论指导下的语法教学是否更有助于学生对语法的掌握这一问题不但在普通高中和职业高中存在,在重点高中也存在。所以,对于这一问题进行研究是必要的。而且,对于研究的结果可以在各类高中中学中推广使用。

【Abstract】 During the course of English teaching in middle schools, grammar teaching is always a focus argued about by English researchers and English teachers---Is it necessary to teach grammar? Which approach or method to grammar teaching may help the students improve the effects of learning a foreign language and enhance their ability to use the foreign language? Especially since the Standards of New National English Curriculum has been adopted, this problem is becoming more obvious. The Standards of New National English Curriculum puts stresses on cultivating students’integrating skills, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities. It seems that grammar teaching is of no use. In addition, the adoption of the Approach of CLT has also an effect on grammar teaching to a certain degree. So the argument about grammar teaching in the framework of CLT is becoming more heated. The empirical research is carried out just concerned about the issue whether grammar teaching is necessary and whether grammar teaching in the framework of CLT contributes to students’mastering the grammar knowledge more effectively than in traditional method. In order to learn about this, the author investigates three representative schools (an ordinary senior middle school, a vocational middle school, and a key middle school) through questionnaires and face-to-face interviews. The investigating result indicates that many teachers think the traditional methods are not satisfactory for students to master grammar knowledge, but the application of the Approach of CLT can help students master grammar knowledge more effectively and improve their ability to use it at the same time. However, because they know little about CLT, they seldom apply it to English teaching, and even sometimes use it, the result is not satisfactory. In view of this circumstance, the author does an experiment on teaching grammar in the framework of CLT to prove whether CLT is really more effective for students to master grammar knowledge than traditional method and whether CLT can improve the students’ability to express themselves freely, properly and fluently.In the experiment, the subjects are 40 students chosen from Grade One in an ordinary school. They are divided into two classes. One is the experimental class; the other is the control class. The experimental teaching content is the Attributive Clause. During the six-week experiment, traditional methods are used in the control class while the approach of CLT is adopted in the experimental class. The experimental result indicates that the approach of CLT can not only contribute to the mastery of grammar knowledge more effectively but also enhance students’interest in learning grammar and improve their communicative ability. However,the experiment in the thesis is only a tentative teaching, in which the subjects are only 40 students with high English level. So problems like: Is the Approach of CLT suitable to students with English 0 level? Is the Approach of CLT workable to grammar teaching in large class? Is the approach of CLT proper to the present model of National University Entrance Examination etc are not taken into consideration. I hope further researches are carried out in the future by researchers and English teachers who are interested in the issue.The difference from other researches is that the investigated scope is wider, three kinds of schools--- an ordinary senior middle school, a vocational middle school, and a key middle school are investigated. The result of investigation shows that the issue whether grammar teaching is necessary and whether grammar teaching in the framework of CLT contributes to mastering the grammar knowledge more effective than in traditional method not only exist in ordinary senior middle school and vocational middle school, but also exist in key school. The issue is really worth doing research and the experimental result can be applied in all kinds of senior middle schools.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【下载频次】846

