

Modification of Bentonite and Its Application in Printing and Dyeing

【作者】 何华玲

【导师】 魏玉娟;

【作者基本信息】 河北科技大学 , 纺织化学与染整工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来以保护环境、保护人类健康为名的技术贸易壁垒越来越成为限制我国纺织服装出口的手段。纺织品的加工及生产过程中必然要使用到的纺织原料、浆料、糊料、染料以及生产加工设备等都在一定程度上影响着纺织品的生态指标,其中纺织印染助剂从数量和种类上来看消耗量最多。当前印染助剂研制和开发的重点就是以环保绿色表面活性剂为原料,以高新技术为手段研发环保型的纺织印染前处理助剂。天然无机矿物由于具有优良的物化性能,而且对环境友好,已经成为生态环保型印染助剂研发人员的首选原料之一。以钙基膨润土为原料,用盐酸将其进行酸化,通过实验分析盐酸改性膨润土工艺中时间、温度、液固比、酸浓度对酸改性膨润土活性度的影响。得出钙基膨润土盐酸改性最佳工艺条件为:活化温度为90℃,盐酸浓度为2.5mol/L,活化时间为4h,液固比为4∶1。用壳聚糖作改性剂将钠基膨润土进行改性,研究了壳聚糖用量及壳聚糖的脱乙酰度对壳聚糖改性膨润土吸附性能的影响,确定了制备壳聚糖改性膨润土时壳聚糖与膨润土的质量比为1∶6,所用改性剂壳聚糖的脱乙酰度为85%。将制备的盐酸改性膨润土应用于纯棉织物退、煮、漂冷轧堆一步法前处理工艺中作氧漂稳定剂使用,实验分析了双氧水用量、氢氧化钠用量及自制盐酸改性土的投加量对前处理中织物的白度、毛效及强力的影响,并确定盐酸改性膨润土应用在纯棉织物退、煮、漂冷轧堆短流程前处理中,最佳工艺为:过氧化氢的浓度为55g/L左右,烧碱浓度选择为50g/L,盐酸改性膨润土用量为5g/L时,处理后织物的白度、毛效及强力较理想。将制备的壳聚糖改性膨润土作活性染色净洗剂应用于活性染色净洗工艺中,分析了壳聚糖改性膨润土在净洗工艺中的用量、净洗温度、净洗时间等因素对四种活性染料染色净洗后的K/S值、水洗牢度的影响,确定壳聚糖改性膨润土作活性染料染色净洗剂时,最佳的工艺条件为:壳聚糖改性膨润土在净洗工艺中用量3.0g/L,活性染色净洗工艺的温度为95℃,活性染色净洗工艺的时间为16min。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the technical barriers to trade in the name of protecting the environment and human health become more and more restrictions the means of Chinese textile and clothing exports. Textile processing and manufacturing process must be used to the textile raw materials, slurry, paste, dyes, as well as production and processing equipment and so, affected the ecological indicators of textile products to a certain extent, which textile auxiliaries from the amount and types of point of view a maximum of consumption.Current research and development of printing and dyeing auxiliaries is to focus on environmentally friendly green surfactant as raw materials in order to develop environmentally-friendly high-tech as a means of pre-treatment of textile printing and dyeing auxiliaries.Natural inorganic minerals due to its excellent physical and chemical properties, but also environmentally friendly, has become one of the preferred raw material to the studier of eco-environment-friendly printing and dyeing auxiliary.Calcium-bentonite as raw material, be carried out with hydrochloric acid, through the Experimental Analysis of time, temperature, liquid-solid ratio, acid concentration in the modified bentonite process to the impact on the activity degree of acid-modified bentonite.The optimum conditions to modification of Ca-bentonite hydrochloric acid are as folows: activation temperature 90℃, hydrochloric acid concentration 2.5mol/L, activation time 4h, liquid-solid ratio 4:1.Modified the sodium-bentonite with the modifier of chitosan, to study the dosage of chitosan and the degree of deacetylation of chitosan to the impact on washing properties of modified bentonite,and determinedthat: the mass ratio of chitosan and bentonite 1:6 when preparation of shell polysaccharide bentonite. The degree of deacetylation of modifier of chitosan uesd was 85%.The preparation of hydrochloric acid-modified bentonite used as oxygen bleaching stabilizer was used in cotton fabric desizing, scouring, bleaching, cold pad-batch bleaching in the pre-treatment process, experimental analysis of the amount of hydrogen peroxide and sodium hydroxide, the dosage of self-modification hydrochloric acid-modified bentonite to the impact on the whiteness, capillary effect and breaking strong of pre-treatment fabric.And defined the the best process of hydrochloric acid bentonite used in cotton fabric desizing, scouring, bleaching, cold pad-batch bleaching process a short pre-treatment were as follows: hydrogen peroxide concentration 55g/L, the concentration of caustic soda 50g/L, bentonite modified by hydrochloric acid 5g/L, the treated fabric whiteness, capillary effect and breaking strength much more desirable.Bentonite modified by chitosan for detergent used in the reactive dyeing wash process of cotton fabric, and analysised the factor of the amount, washing temperature, Washing time of bentonite modified by chitosan, which to the impact on four kinds of reactive dyeing of the K/S value and washing fastness. And determined the optimum washing conditions, the best process conditions are as follows: bentonite modified by chitosan 3.0g/L, washing temperature 95℃, washing time 16min.


