

Nitrogen Fertilizer Production Wastewater Study of Ultra-Low-Emission Technologies

【作者】 徐娜

【导师】 杨景亮; 张兆昌;

【作者基本信息】 河北科技大学 , 环境工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 氮肥行业是我国化肥工业的支柱产业,在国民经济中发挥着重要作用。但在氮肥行业的生产过程中,存在用、排水节点多,废水产生量大,污染物种类多等特点。目前企业都采取了相应的控制和治理措施,但是仍然存在着处理成本高、废水排放量大、处理效果差等问题,不仅水资源消耗量大,而且外排废水对周围水环境造成了污染。因此,研究开发适合氮肥行业水污染控制及资源化技术,对氮肥行业的持续发展意义重大。本文在对典型氮肥企业用、排水现状进行调研的基础上,结合氮肥行业水污染控制及资源化技术现状,本着“推行清洁生产,采用先进的节水技术和废水处理及资源化技术”的总体思路,以实现氮肥行业废水的综合利用及超低排放为目标,制订了实现氮肥行业废水超低排放的技术改造总体方案。实施的技术改造总体方案中,推行清洁生产,淘汰落后的生产工艺,采用醇烃化精炼装置净化原料气,彻底解决了铜洗工段废水排放量大,氨氮浓度高的问题;采用不锈钢多介质吸附过滤器净化甲醇残液、碳化回清水中的有机物,废水回用于造气炉夹套,节约软水用量。节水改造工程中,对造气、脱硫系统冷却水及碳化、合成、甲醇循环水系统进行改造,实现两个独立的闭路循环系统。通过稳定生产工艺,增加新型设备,添加各类药剂,提高循环水冷却效率。对于生产过程产生的废水,采用“A/O—超滤—反渗透工艺”进行处理,处理后水质好,满足生产过程的水质要求,废水排放量减少,实现了氮肥生产废水超低排放的目标。技术改造实施后,节约新鲜水93.6万吨/年,减少废水排放量90.0万吨/年,COD、氨氮排放量分别减少133.72吨/年和104.45吨/年;吨氨排水量达到1.26m3,远远小于《合成氨工业水污染物排放标准》(GB13458-2001)小型一级50m3/tNH3标准要求。技术改造工程总投资990.44万元,年运行费用为336.34万元,年增加经济效益200.78万元,取得了良好的社会效益、环境效益、经济效益。

【Abstract】 Nitrogen fertilizer industry is a pillar industry of Chinese chemical fertilizer industry in the national economy played an important role.However,in the production of nitrogenous fertilizer industry,there are following characteristics,such as water,drainage nodes more,wastewater volume,a wide range of other pollutants.and so on.At present, enterprises have adopted the corresponding control and treatment measures,but there are still dealing with the high cost of wastewater discharge a large amount of poor treatment effect,not only water consumed in large quantities,but also the efflux of water caused by the surrounding water environment pollution.Therefore,with researching and developping the technology of nitrogen pollution control and resource,the nitrogen fertilizer industry’s sustained development of great significance.In this paper,the typical nitrogen fertilizer enterprise drainage based on the status of research combined with the technology status of water pollution control and resource of nitrogen fertilizer industry,the spirit of "The implementation of cleaner production,the use of advanced water-saving technologies and wastewater treatment and resource-oriented technology" in general ideas,in order to achieve the comprehensive utilization of waste water of nitrogen fertilizer industry and ultra-low emissions, the overall wastewater program of achieveing the technological transformation and ultra-low emissions in nitrogen fertilizer industry is developed.In the implementation of the whole technological transformation program,with the implementation of clean production,eliminating backward production techniques,using alcohol-based refining hydrocarbon feed gas purification device,the problem of the construction section of the copper wash wastewater discharge volume and high NH3-N is solved;with the use of stainless steel multi-media filters absorption the organic matter which come from Purification of methanol residue and carbon-back-clean water.With wastewater reuse for gas furnace jacket,soft water consumption is saved.In the water-saving renovation project,the build gas desulfurization system,cooling water and carbon,synthesis, methanol circulating water system transformation,to achieve two separate closed circulatory system. By stabilizing the production process,increasing the new equipment,adding all kinds of agents,to improve the efficiency of circulating water cooling.For the production process wastewater generated using "A/O- Ultrafiltration - Reverse Osmosis Process" to treatment, the treated water quality is good to meet the water quality requirements in the production process,wastewater emissions and achieve the goal of ultra-low emissions of nitrogen fertilizer production wastewater .After the implementation of technological transformation, saving fresh water 93.6×104t/a,reducing discharged volume of waste water by 90×104t/a, COD, NH3-N emissions reduced by 133.72t/a and 104.45t/a; tons of ammonia discharge to 1.26m3, far less than“the effluent standard of pollutants for ammonia industrial”(GB13458-2001) a small one 50m3/tNH3 standards. The total investment in technological transformation of 9.9044 million yuan, the annual operating cost of 3.3634 million yuan, an increase of 2.0078 million yuan economic benefit. It achieved good social benefits, environmental benefits and economic benefits.


