

【作者】 林均音

【导师】 张伟平; 林海钟;

【作者基本信息】 中国美术学院 , 美术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 钩勒法为中国人叙事立象,表情达意的根本技法之一。其在诗文,书法,绘画中运用甚广,由于过于耳熟能详,因而大多时候日用而不觉。晋郭璞笔赞云:上古结绳,易以书契,经纬天地,错综羣艺。日用不知,功盖万世。①此亦可用以赞钩勒法。钩勒二字有刚利意,圆转意,有起止意,有统率意,钩勒法能直取物象形骨,直见画者情性,直通天地之道。开合自如,回环有致,钩勒法之妙,他法难以取而代之。上古之钩勒,在于刀契,青铜器,玉器铭文,杵书浑厚,刀书清刚,刀法即笔法,已见骨力。秦汉之钩勒,笔以师刀,中锋用笔,回环有势,提按顿挫,方圆互用,刚柔兼济,笔法精妙,见于《九势》。魏晋之钩勒,风骨洒然。《笔阵》一图,斩斫有势。骨法用笔,意在点画。紧劲连绵,循环超忽。迁想妙得,与物传神。钩勒一法,源于太极。阴阳开合,起止回顾。刚健笃实,钩勒之骨。回环往复,生生不已。乾坤易简,迹简意淡。风行水上,自然成文。钩勒一法,技进乎道。

【Abstract】 The“Gou Le”method is one of the most fundamental drawing methods , with which Chinese use to narrate, develop images and express feelings . The method is widely used in poetry, calligraphy and drawing . As we are very familiar with it , we seldom realize its existence though we often use it. Guo Pu , born in the Jin dynasty , spoke highly of writing:“Man tied knots as one method to remember something in ancient times.Later, the method was replaced by writing .Writing makes great contributions to the development of society in all kinds of fields and arts. Though it is seldom recognized when used everyday, its contributions are tremendous. The“Gou Le”method can be praised in the same way . The method is named by two Chinese characters. Those two characters are full of rich meanings , including being vigorous ,round, having starts and ends, and commanding . The method can represent images and outlines directly and clearly, showing dispositions of painters and expressing the law of nature. It’s natural and easy to be open and closed , it’s organized to be round ,thus the method is so wonderful that it is difficult for other methods to replace. The method was practiced in cutting tools in the ancient times . People used cutting tools to carve characters or pictures in bronzes or jade articles . Pestle calligraphy is simple and honest while carving calligraphy is clear and vigorous. Carving methods are writing methods to some extent and carving methods can show the strength of carvers . During the Qin dynasty and Han dynasty, the method was practiced by using brush pens, the writing skill followed to the cutting tools . The tip of a writing brush was used when people wrote. The way of the brush is of great momentum, moving forward or backward . From the book JIU SHI we can know that the technique of writing is wonderful, which includes lift, press, pause and so on. Being square and round is the feature which is used in turn. The method couples hardness with softness .During Wei dynasty and Jin dynasty , the style of the method was elegant and free . The painting BI ZHEN is of great momentum . Drawing by organising ink spots is the essence of the method . Being compact , continuous and moving in cycles are the features of the method . The method expresses the essence of the objects after the imagination of the writer .The method has its origin in the Supreme Ultimate . The two opposing principles in nature appear in turn , so do start and end . Being vigorous and being honest and sincere can be compared to the bone of the method . Moving in endless cycles is the core of the method . The method seeks being simple and easy . The track of the brush is easy and the meaning is simple . The passage forms naturally like wind moves on the surface of the water . Morality and skills of the writers develop together by using the method .

【关键词】 钩勒回环往复显象立意技进乎道
【Key words】 Outlining methodPestlecalligraphySupreme Ultimate
  • 【分类号】J205
  • 【下载频次】68

