
清新淡雅 质朴自然—宋瓷浮雕装饰探析

Fresh and Elegant Simple and Natural-Exploring Porcelain Relief Decoration of Song Dynasty

【作者】 吴建芳

【导师】 戴雨享; 刘建国;

【作者基本信息】 中国美术学院 , 设计艺术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 宋瓷浮雕装饰充满生命活力,追求“清水出芙蓉、天然去雕饰”的美学境界,带来一股清新淡雅、质朴自然之风。它作为一种陶瓷胎装饰语言,是宋代瓷窑常见的装饰手法,并巧妙地结合造型与釉色,化繁为简、极饰返素,不仅增添了宋瓷之美、给宋瓷的繁盛带来别样风采,还反映了宋人独特的审美趣味和思想精神境界,是一种民族精神和民族审美意识的体现。本文通过对宋瓷浮雕装饰风格形成的原因、表现手法、表现题材、艺术特征等方面的探析,并归纳总结出几个主要的美学特征:白贲静美、犀利古雅、质朴自然、莹润出筋、清新淡雅,进而体会宋瓷浮雕装饰所带来的意境神韵、民族审美精神等深层内容,肯定了宋瓷浮雕装饰的现实启示价值。

【Abstract】 The lifelike relief ornaments on the porcelain of Song Dynasty, which pursues the aesthetics ideology of“Hibiscus comes pure and fresh from water and is without any ornaments”, brings us a fresh and elegant display as well as simple nature. Being the ornamental language of porcelain glaze, it is a specific means of decoration in the official kilns of Song Dynasty. With an excellent combination of style and glaze color , it turns complicacy into simplicity, so it is with irreplaceable value. It makes great contribution to the beauty of porcelain in Song Dynasty and reflects the unique taste of appreciation of the beauty as well as the spiritual ideology of the people in that era, therefore, it stands for the nation’s spirit and the awareness of appreciation of beauty.This thesis embossed the major artistic features, simple and quiet, incisive and quaint, rustic and natural, shiny smooth out of bars, fresh and elegant, out from the exploration of the historic reasons, means and theme of expression as well as artistic features. Experience of porcelain decorated by relief gives us the mood and spirit of national appreciation of beauty, deep-seated ideas and content, affirmed relief ornaments of Song porcelain have great realistic significance.

  • 【分类号】J527
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】254

