

【作者】 苏文婷

【导师】 曹意强;

【作者基本信息】 中国美术学院 , 美术史, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 “造化”一词在中国历史发展过程中被广泛使用,但是,“造化”一词本身却难以进行词源学定义。譬如中国人每每讲起“天人合一”从来都是语焉不详的,究其本因,并非语词本身有问题,而是东方人始终习惯于进行一种有别于西方人思维方式的特殊表述,亦即在模糊语境中进行可以被人们简单“意会”的心灵领悟。故而,总结本文所为,可谓试图进行了一种较为艰难的语言学探索,即从东方式感性语境中寻找出理性分析之可能性,而这种寻找理性分析的可能性并非是毫无依据的凭空乱想,却是依据了中国山水画的视觉图景进行分析。

【Abstract】 The Chinese word "Zao Hua" has been widely used in the process of Chinese historical development, However, the Chinese word "Zao Hia" is difficult to be defined by etymology. For example, mentioned the phrase "Uninimity of Heaven and Men", chinese people have always been ambiguous, why? Is not the words themselves are problems, the key question is the special express of the Chinese thinking pattern which is always used to make a different from western thinking pattern, that is to say, making a feeling that esay to understand in a vague context. So, This thesis tries to present the exploration of linguistics, namely, looking out for the possibility of rational analysis from the emotional thinking pattern of the oriental. While, looking for the possibility of rational analysis is not an excursive fancy, but an analysis on visual prospect of Chinese landscape painting.

【关键词】 造化玄学山水绘画
  • 【分类号】J209.2
  • 【下载频次】85

