

Local Academy of Social Sciences Where the Path of Reform Options

【作者】 罗涛

【导师】 王佃利;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 公共管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 新中国第一家地方社会科学院成立于1958年。50多年以来地方社科院作为我国社会科学研究领域的重要组成部分,在提高本地区社会科学研究水平、提供政府重大决策咨询、加快政府决策实现科学化、民主化过程中发挥了积极的作用。进入新时期以后,地方社科院的传统科研体制难以适应经济社会发展需要,主要表现为政事不分、机构官僚化严重、组织的独立性、公共性不足、科研目标定位模糊、学科设置不合理、科研管理手段单一、缺乏有效的激励约束机制、科研资源配置效率不高等问题。为解决这些问题,各地方社科院结合事业单位改革的契机,进行了许多有益的探索,例如采取转变科研导向、重视应用对策研究,提出构建社会主义新智库的发展目标,重新调整学科布局、优化资源配置,创新科研管理体制,推行人员聘用制、定岗定编、绩效工资制等改革措施。通过改革,地方社会科学院增强了自身的独立性和公共性,提高了科研上的投入产出效率,但是深层次上制约长期发展的制度性因素并没有得到根本性的改变。因此改革措施还不彻底,需要进一步的深化改革。本文从阐述西方国家思想库的概念入手,归纳了现代思想库的体制特点和治理模式,例如:组织和运营中的独立性和非营利性,科研管理上的项目制和竞争高效的用人机制,内部董(理)事会治理结构。通过学习现代思想库运营的成功经验,并运用委托—代理理论、治理理论,作者提出了(1)创新事业单位管理体制,切实增强地方社科院的自主性和公共性;(2)构建科学、合理、高效的公共法人治理结构;(3)努力提高组织资源配置效益,营造凝聚人才的竞争机制;(4)加强绩效评估体系建设,完善监督管理机制等方面的改革建议;(5)建立开放互动的运行机制,大力提高自身的影响力。

【Abstract】 The first Local Academy of Social Sciences was established in 1958. Since then Local Academy of Social Sciences has been a very important part of our country social sciences research, and has played positive role in many fields, such as increasing the level of local district social sciences research, providing government major policies consultation, promoting government policies to achieve scientific and democratic. After entering the new era, the traditional research system of Local Academy of Social Sciences is unable to meet the demands of social and economical development.These problems are mainly reflected in, government and public institutions never separating, becoming seriously bureaucratic organizations, lacking independence and publicity, research targeting fuzzily, subjects setting unreasonable, research management tools simple, lacking effective incentive and restraint mechanisms, R & D resource allocation efficiency no high. To solve these problems, Local Academy of Social Sciences has carried out a lot of useful reform exploration, combining the institutions reform. The explorations include that changing the R & D-oriented and emphasizing on application study, proposing building a new socialist Think Tank, re-adjusting the layout of subjects and optimizing the allocation of resources, research management systems innovating, personnel appointment system, job posts identified, performance pay system. Through those reforms, Local Academy of Social Sciences has increased the independence and publicity, and improved the efficiency of research input-output. However, the institutional factors, which constraint the long-term development at a deeper level, have not been a fundamental changed. So, we need to deepen the reform of Local Academy of Social Sciences.By beginning with describing the concept of West nation Think Tank, this article summarizes the modern Think Tank system characteristics and governance model. Such as keeping independence and non-profit, adopting the project in research management system, competitive and efficient employment mechanism, board of directors governance structure. Through studying the success of modern Think Tank and using the Principal-agent theory and Governance theory, the author puts forward the reform proposals, which include 1)innovating institutions management system, and effectively enhancing the autonomy and publicity of Local Academy of Social Sciences; 2) building a scientific and rational and efficient public corporate governance structure;3)improving the effectiveness of the organization resource allocation, and creating the talents competition mechanism; 4)strengthening the performance evaluation system, and improving the supervision and management mechanism; 5) establishing a open and interactive operating mechanism, and improving itself influence。

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期
  • 【分类号】G258.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】246

