

Analysis on the Effects of Market Factors on the Location of Multinational Enterprises

【作者】 韩军伟

【导师】 刘庆林;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 国际贸易学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 伴随着经济一体化进程和国际化生产的新发展,跨国企业已经在很大程度上控制着国际贸易、国际直接投资和技术转移等经济活动,并且在商品市场和服务服务市场,以及加强国际市场联系等方面,跨国企业已经逐渐超过贸易,成为影响世界经济的主要力量。而新经济地理学作为经济学的重要分支,其包含的垄断竞争、规模经济和运输成本等都是当今跨国企业选址必须考虑的因素。因此,本文依托新经济地理学的理论框架,以贸易效应、母国市场效应和关联效应为研究路径,从理论和实证上研究产品差异化、贸易成本、市场关联和地方市场需求等市场因素对跨国企业选址的影响。本文在新经济地理理论和国内外文献综述的基础上,首先以中心—外围模型和垂直产业关联模型为理论基础,研究产品差异化、贸易成本、市场关联和地方市场需求等四个市场因素对跨国企业选址的影响机制。结论表明:产品差异化会导致竞争的开放性,产生集聚现象,从而对企业选址产生影响;高贸易成本使得企业必然会在靠近消费者的地区选址,低贸易成本则会导致企业集聚的产生;市场上分别处于上下游不同产业的企业,通过中间品市场建立起关联关系,从而进一步影响企业的选址决策;地方市场需求会降低企业的运输成本,从而影响跨国企业选址。在机制分析的基础上,本文从贸易效应、母国市场效应和关联效应三个角度对产品差异化、贸易成本、市场关联和地方市场需求等因素对跨国企业选址进行了经验分析。本部分首先从贸易的DSK模型出发,通过地区产品需求和价格指数等来研究贸易效应对跨国企业选址的影响,得到结论:市场规模会对跨国企业选址产生影响;产品差异化会降低地区价格指数,导致地区市场需求变大,从而吸引影响跨国企业在本地区选址。其次,从DSK模型的角度和经验研究的角度研究了母国市场效应对选址的影响,结论表明,母国市场效应通过“市场进入效应,,和“市场挤出效应”来影响跨国企业选址。企业地区分布的变化会降低规模较大地区的价格指数,从而增加该地区的产品需求,进一步吸引企业在该地区选址;企业进入导致市场被更多种类的产品分割,因此企业地区分布的变化会降低地区内各种产品的产量,降低企业利润,从而导致企业不在该地区选址。最后,本部分研究了市场关联对跨国企业选址的影响。在理论分析的基础上,本部分衡量了我国制造业关联指数和FDI关联指数,并通过条件Logit模型实证检验了市场关联对跨国企业选址的影响。结论表明,由于制造业关联能够加强制造业产业之间的前后向关联、产生较低的成本联系、以及较强的技术外溢和集体效率,从而可以使其中的企业以较小的成本获得较大的利润,从而对跨国企业产生较强的吸引力;而在有限市场需求的前提下,FDI会加剧市场竞争,从而使FDI关联引起的“竞争效应”大于“示范效应”,从而对跨国企业进入该地区产生负面影响。在上述研究的基础上,本文最后揭示了研究的基本结论,并对症下药,从降低贸易成本、促进产品差异化、扩大市场规模以及充分利用集聚效应等几个方面提出了我国吸引跨国企业进入和“走出去”的政策建议,以期服务于我国的经济发展。

【Abstract】 With the economic integration processing and the new development of international production, multinational enterprises have been largely in control of international trade, international investment, technology transfer and so on. And multinational enterprises have gradually become a major force affecting the world economy than trade in some aspects of supplying goods and services to foreign markets and strengthening the international market ties. As an important branch of economics, the New Economic Geography is a good method to study the location of multinational enterprises with the hypothesises of monopolistic competition, economies of scale and transportation costs. Therefor, based on the New Economic Geography, this thesis studies the effect of market factors on the multinational enterprises’location choice from three points of view, such as trade effects, home market effects and market linkage effects.Based on the theories and literature review, first of all, the thesis separately analysed the impact mechanism of the products differentiation, trade cost, market linkage and local market demand on location choice of multinational enterprises. The conclusion shows that, products differentiation will lead to open competition, and agglomeration further, which have an effect on location choice; high trade costs will make the multinational enterprises choose the location close to consumers, and low trade costs will lead to agglomeration; the intermediate goods market association, established between the upstream and downstream enterprises of different industries, will affect the location decision-making; the local market demand will reduce the company’s transportation costs, thus affect the location of multinational enterprises.Based on the mechanism analysis, from the three points of view, such as trade effect, home market effect and the linkage effects, this thesis conducts an empirical analysis on the impact of product differentiation, trade costs, market linkages, local market demand and other factors on multinational location. First, starting from the DSK model, this section analyzes the trade effects through local products demand and price index. The conclusion shows that, market scale will affect the location choice; products differentiation will decrease the price index, and enlarge the market demand, which attract more enterprises here. Second, the thesis analyzes the impact of home market effect on multinational enterprises from the DSK model and empirical analysis, and the conclusion shows that, the home market effect affects the multinational enterprises choice through "market access effect" and "market congestion effect". The change of the enterprises distribution will reduce the high-scale region price index, increase market demand, which have great attractions to enterprises; enterprises access leads a great variety of products fragment, and thus reduces the profits. Lastly, this section analyzes the the impact of market linkage effect on location choice. Based on theoretic analysis, this thesis measures the the manufacturer linkage index and FDI linkage index, and analyzes the impact of market linkage on the location choice. The results show that, because the manufacturer linkage can strengthen the linkages between forward and backward industries, reduce the cost linkage, and bring strong technological spillovers and collective efficiency, the enterprises can make a greater profit with a lower cost, which is a key factor in the location choice. With the limited market demand, FDI will intensify the market competition, and the "competition effect" is greater than "demonstration effect", which bring a negative effect on the multinational enterprises’location choice.On the above basis, this thesis finally revealed the main conclusions, and put forward some suggestions on attracting multinational enterprises to enter China, and driving China’s big enterprises "Going out", which will impel China’s economic development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

