

The Living Situation of Portuguese Marranos in 15th-18th Centuries

【作者】 冯涛

【导师】 傅有德;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 宗教学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 马兰诺研究是研究犹太人生存状况,特别是研究中世纪犹太人生存状况的一个重要课题。马兰诺是中世纪反犹运动的产物,所以,研究马兰诺的生存状况也可以让人们对反犹的历史有更全面的了解。另外马兰诺对自己信仰的坚持,马兰诺与生命顽强抗争的精神,马兰诺对世界的贡献,也能带给我们诸多启示。本文主要分两部分对葡萄牙马兰诺的出现及生存状况进行研究。第一部分是研究本土葡萄牙马兰诺的生存状况。首先,分析葡萄牙马兰诺的产生。葡萄牙马兰诺出现的根本原因主要从犹太人的犹太性、基督教和犹太教的分歧以及犹太人永恒的客民身份来分析。犹太人的犹太性决定了他们的一神教信仰、独特的生活方式和价值观念,这些对非犹太人来说无法接受;基督教和犹太教在教义上的分歧,在产生上的特殊渊源,都决定了它对犹太人的态度;犹太人的客民身份不仅基督教社会认同,犹太人自身也认同,这也决定了犹太人被仇视的处境。直接原因主要从普通民众和葡萄牙政府两个方面来分析,普通民众主要是由于宗教偏见和嫉妒心的驱使,葡萄牙政府主要是平衡经济利益和政治利益的结果。葡萄牙马兰诺的产生采用的是集体改教的形式。其次,分三个阶段分析葡萄牙马兰诺的生存状况。第一个阶段是葡萄牙马兰诺受到相对宽容对待的时期,时间大约是从1496年“纯洁法令”颁布到1580年葡萄牙并入西班牙,此时葡萄牙马兰诺之所以能得到相对宽容的对待,主要是因为国内的宗教裁判所尚未完全建立,政府对马兰诺采取了相对宽容的政策;第二个阶段是葡萄牙马兰诺受到残酷迫害的时期,时间大约是从1580年葡萄牙并入西班牙到1640年葡萄牙若昂四世复辟,葡萄牙马兰诺之所以会受到残酷迫害,是因为国内的宗教裁判的活动全面展开,政府在西班牙的控制下对马兰诺采取了残酷的迫害政策;第三个阶段是葡萄牙马兰诺再次得到宽容对待的时期,时间大约是从1640年葡萄牙若昂四世复辟到近代,葡萄牙马兰诺之所以能再次得到宽容对待,是因为国内的宗教裁判所逐渐衰落,政府又恢复了自主权,进行了有利于马兰诺的改革,对其再度实行了相对宽容的政策。第二部分是研究境外葡萄牙马兰诺的生存状况。首先,从相对宽容时期和残酷迫害时期两个阶段,分别分析葡萄牙马兰诺流散境外的原因。其次,分四大区域来研究葡萄牙马兰诺的生存状况。这四大区域分别为邻国西班牙,地中海沿岸国家,西欧北欧诸国和新大陆。西班牙由于历史传统的影响,对马兰诺打击态度坚决;地中海沿岸国家,有很多是穆斯林国家,对马兰诺态度友好,到那里就可以恢复祖先信仰,意大利的一些地区受经济利益驱使,也给了马兰诺很大的自由;西欧北欧诸国,有很多是新教国家,也表现出了对马兰诺的友好,即使是一些天主教国家,也由于宗教裁判所活动不频繁和经济利益的驱使,也对马兰诺存在表示默许;新大陆本身基督教传统就不强,而且马兰诺实力强大,所以,他们的生存环境也比较宽松。第三,分析葡萄牙马兰诺流散的影响。葡萄牙马兰诺极大的繁荣了流散地的经济;因为经济上的强势,一定程度上减轻了他们所受宗教迫害的程度;马兰诺社团遍布各地,夸大了其自身的影响力;在书籍编译,医学政治等方面都做出了贡献。通过分析发现,葡萄牙马兰诺比西班牙马兰诺信仰更坚定,生命力更顽强。从本土境外葡萄牙马兰诺生存状况的对比,我们可以看出,宗教迫害越严重的地方,马兰诺的生存状况越恶劣,反抗意识越强烈,能够发挥的正面作用越小;反之,在一个宽松和谐的环境中,则能够带来各个领域的繁荣!

【Abstract】 Marrano study is an important topic on the living situation of medieval Jew. Marrano is a product of medieval anti-Semitic movement. So it is helpful to get more about anti-Semitic history through the study on the living situation of medieval Jew. In addition, it gives us a lot of inspiration to the spirit of Marranos for their belief.This article includes two parts.The first part is to study the living situation of local Portuguese Marranos. Firstly, this article analyzes the emergence of Portuguese Marranos. The root cause of emergence of Portuguese Marranos is mainly from the analysis of Jews the Jewish nature, the differences between Christianity and Judaism and the Jewish people’s eternal identity of passengers. Jewish monotheistic beliefs, distinctive lifestyle and values can not be accepted by gentile; both the differences between Christianity and Judaism and the special relationship in the emergence determine the attitude; Jewish identity of the passenger is recognized not only by Christianity, buty also by Jew itself, which determines the situation of Jews. The direct cause is mainly from the analysis on the two aspects that the general public and the Government of Portugal. Portuguese Marranos occurred through the form of collective change. The general population was mainly due to religious prejudice and jealousy, the Portuguese Government is to balance economic interest and political interest.Secondly, the living situation of Portuguese Marranos are analyzed by three stages. The first stage is the period of time(1496-1580) that the Portuguese Marranos is treated by relatively lenient treatment, of which the reason is that the Inquisition is not established; The second stage is the period of time(1580-1640) that the Portuguese Marranos is persecuted cruelly, of which the reason is that the Inquisition is established fully and the Government is controlled by the Spain; The third stage is the period of time(1640-) that the Portuguese Marranos is treated by relatively lenient treatment again, of which the reason is that the Inquisition gradually declines and the Government has restored the autonomy.The second part is to study the living situation of the Portuguese Marranos outside Portugal. Firstly, this article analyzes the causes of the diaspora of Portuguese Marranos according to the first two stages. Secondly, this article studies the living situation of the Portuguese Marranos outside Portugal through four areas, including Spain, Mediterranean countries, Western Europe and Nordic countries and the New World. Due to historical tradition Spain has a firm stand against Marranos; In Mediterranean countries, many Muslim countries is friendly to Portuguese Marranos, so they get great freedom in belief; In Western Europe and Nordic countries, there are many Protestant countries, so they also show friendly to Marranos, even some Catholic countries connive at Marrano to settle down; In the New World, Christian tradition is not strong, so their living environment is fairly relaxed.Thirdly, this article analyzes the influence of the diaspora of Portuguese Marranos.The analysis shows that Portuguese Marranos have stronger faith and Vitality than Spanish Marranos. the Portuguese Marranos outside Portugal get less persecution, live less time and have more influence.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期
  • 【分类号】K552
  • 【下载频次】92

