

A Study on Appearance of Right and the Reliance Protection Principles

【作者】 陈雨婷

【导师】 刘保玉;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 权利外观是指行为人所享有权利的外在表现形式,其实质在于以交易当事人行为的外观为准来认定民商事交易行为的效果。作为私法上的一种常见现象,它与人们日常生活与切身利益休戚相关。物权法中的权利外观理论来源于外观主义(又称法外观理论),它是保护交易安全和善意相对人的利益的重要的法理基础。依靠外观理论支撑的信赖保护规则,它是保护交易安全、促进交易效率的重要的法律制度,对于完善市场经济体制和促进商品经济的发展具有重要的实践价值。当前,各国对此问题研究的共同价值趋向是注重商品流通,促进交易安全,保护善意相对人利益。本文运用历史、分析、比较等研究方法,对权利外观理论的概念及历史沿革、法理基础、法律效果和私法适用上的信赖保护规则进行详细分析和探讨。研究的重要内容是当权利的实际内容与外在表现形式不一致引起当事人之间的争议时,善意相对人应否能到法律上的保护,受到法律保护的法理依据以及具体的私法适用规则。在权利外观理论的法律效果上,本文提出对善意相对人的信赖保护应采用使权利外观视为真实的方式,而不采用信赖利益损害赔偿的方式;在适用手段上,本文提出了法律在可归责性与信赖合理性之间寻求平衡的弹性化技术手段;在私法适用规则上,本文提出了将交易相对人的合理信赖纳入私法规范的信赖保护规则,并在信赖责任基础上提出了举证责任的具体分配方式。本文研究内容分为六部分:第一部分,权利外观理论概述。阐述了权利外观的概念及其表现形式,通过与邻近概念的比较,厘清权利外观理论与近似制度的关系及自身的特殊性,探讨权利外观理论对填补法律漏洞的宏观指导作用;第二部分,论述权利外观理论的历史沿革及民法理念变迁。首先对各个时期权利外观理论的社会经济背景及主要规定进行分析和概括,然后阐释了权利外观理论从“静态安全”到“动态安全”,由“个体”到“社会”的民法理念变迁;第三部分,权利外观理论的法理基础及特殊价值。从哲学认识论、经济学及社会学角度探讨了权利外观理论,说明了权利外观理论对维护交易安全,保护善意交易者利益,谋求社会整体效益的合理性;第四部分,权利外观理论的构成要件,包括权利外观事实、本人可归责性行为和善意相对人合理信赖。阐明了外观事实的含义及判断标准、本人可归责性的含义、理由及认定标准、善意的界定及认定方法、认定合理信赖的准据点等问题;第五部分,权利外观理论适用的法律效果。此部分从真实权利人、善意相对人、表见权利人三方关系阐述了权利外观理论适用的法律效果,即本人承担造成权利外观的不利益、信赖外观事实的相对人得其所欲,处分人需要对本人承担可能因无权处分形成的责任;第六部分,权利外观理论的信赖保护规则。从适用界限、适用手段以及举证责任分配三个角度阐述将权利外观视为真实的私法适用规则,以构建信赖保护的私法体系。本文研究成果在于完整清晰地阐明了权利外观理论框架,构建了对权利外观适用的信赖保护规则,对于完善民商法制度,指导我国私法实践做了有益的尝试。

【Abstract】 Appearance of right refers to the rights’s external manifestations, its essence lies in judging the effect of civil and commercial transaction matters by the appearance of conduct.As a common phenomenon in private law, it closely relates to people’s daily lives. The reliance protection rules depending on trusting the appearance is important legal basis, which is to protect the transaction security and to promote trading efficiency. So it has important practical values for improving the market economy system.At present, the national study of this issue tends to focus on the common values of commodity circulation, transaction security, and protection of third party’s reasonable reliance in good faith. The paper is to analyze and discuss the appearance of rights theory from the concept and the history, legal basis, legal effect and the applicable rules of private law. Whether the person should be able to protect by law and the specific applicable rules of private law has become important research content of this article. The appearance of rights theory presents a view, that is, the adoption of the appearance as the true way to protect the people’s reasonable faith. rather than by way of damaging the interests of the reliance; In the application of the means, law should be attributable to find a flexible technical means between the reasonable reliance and the real holder’s liability, This paper put forward the applicable rules of private law on protecting reasonable faith and propose a specific burden of proof allocation.In this paper, the content is divided into six parts:The first part is the outline of appearance of right theory. It describes the concept and manifestations, through the concept of comparison with its neighbor concept to clarify the relationship between the appearance of rights theory and its similar concept, including its special nature.The second part is about the history change of the appearance of right theory, including socio-economic background of various periods, and main provisions. Then this part explain the change from the "static security" to "dynamic security", from "individual" to "society" in civil law concept. The third part is the legal basis of the theory and the special value. From philosophical epistemology, economics and sociological point of view, it describes the rationality to protect transaction security and the interests of the third party’s reasonable reliance.The fourth part is about the composition of the appearance of right theory, including exterior facts, real right holders’ behavior and a third party’s reasonable reliance in good faith.The fifth part is about the legal effect of appearance of right theory. From the interests of the real right holders, the bona fide counterpart, the non-rights holders, it analyze the legal effect. That is, the real right holders assume the duty caused by the appearance of non-interest, the bona fide third parties obtain his wants and hopes, the non-rights holders need bear responsibility to compensate for the loss of the real right holders.The sixth part is about reliance protection rules of appearance of right. This part describes the applicable rules of private law in order to build the protection of private law system from the application boundaries, appropriate tools, as well as the allocation of the burden of proof.This research clearly sets out the theoretical framework of the appearance of right theory and constructs reliance protection rules.So this paper has done a good attempt to perfect civil and commercial law sy;了stem and guide China’s private law practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】426

