

The Empirical Study on the Protecion of Human Rights of Criminaldefendants

【作者】 邓泽宇

【导师】 冯殿美;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 对我们而言,人权已经不是一个陌生的概念。人权理念的确立、人权的保障已融入到我国的法治进程中。在法治历史的长河里,我们的确处在一个非常特殊的位置,首先我们必须承认我国的法治水平比较低,但我们的视野却异常开阔,有许多法治水平较高的国家,也在不断改革,以致于我们的眼睛不时在这些国家的过去与现代之间上下移动,争议变多了,前进的步伐变缓了。刑事诉讼中的人权保障问题也存在这样的困境,随着西方发达国家对恢复性司法和被害人人权的日益关注,国内也出现了许多否定被告人人权保障的声音,认为1996年《刑事诉讼法》的修改过于激进。我们确实不应被表象所惑,每个国家的国情不同决定着改革的方向不同。陈光中老师指出,“世界各国今天都不同程度地进行着或酝酿着刑事司法改革。如英国,法国,俄罗斯,日本等。核心问题是如何对待追究犯罪和保障人权,正当程序和发现事实真相的关系问题。”这是一个利益平衡的问题。在一个多元价值群体共存的领域,事实上,任何价值目标的实现都是一种相对满足,绝对满足是不存在的,这不仅缘于价值目标的设立本身就带有人的主观相对性,而且特定条件的限制也造成了价值目标实现的相对性。被告人和被害人的人权保障显然平衡着不同群体的利益,用一部人人的利益否定另一部分人的利益是需要相当慎重的。考虑到我们的传统文化,我们的实际国情,对被告人人权的保障只能张扬,不能后退,这是我国法治发展不可逾越的阶段。本文旨在通过实证研究,更加直观地展现被告人人权保障的迫切性和重要性,并提出了一些建议进一步保障被告人人权。文章共分四部分第一部分对被告人人权保障中的几个基础性问题作了简述。被告人人权是人权理论发展的成果之一,文章首先简要回顾了人权发展的历史,对人权与人权的司法保障,人权的司法保障和被告人人权的司法保障,我国刑事法制与被告人人权保障的相互关系做了分析说明,肯定了我国在被告人人权保障方面取得的成绩。第二部分是对S省被告人人权保障状况的实证研究。通过调查发现新律师法实施以来,被告人的律师会见权并没有明显改善;指定辩护权往往流于形式;由于存在规避审限,案件移送缓慢等情况,被告人获得及时审判的权利受到限制;公正审判权总体上能够保证,但内部请示报告制度不规范,影响了被告人的诉讼权利;死刑犯亲属会见权的保障不力。第三部分分析了被告人人权保障困境的成因。主要表现为被告人人权理念的缺失;以人为本、司法为民的理念没有充分体现;制度层面缺乏可操作性;程序工具主义的思想根深蒂固;司法人员的职业操守不高;监督力度不够,监督体制不健全;缺乏及时有效的救济机制;不当的“严打”。第四部分提出了加强被告人人权保障的措施。以树立被告人人权理念为逻辑起点,通过论述被告人人权的性质和树立被告人人权的重要意义,强调在思想上对这一理论的认同。思想只有付诸行动才能改变现实,主张通过完善和正确适用刑事司法制度,强化监督制约机制,建立充分有效的国家赔偿机制,提高法官和司法人员素质,坚持司法制度的改革创新,探索建立刑事司法领域的人权保障专门机构机构,不断将被告人人权保障事业推向前进。

【Abstract】 Human right is not a new concept to us. The establishment of human right idea and the protection of human right have become an integral part in the process of rule of law in China. We are now staying in a special position in the history of rule of law, and we have to admit the fact that the rule of law still remains at a low level in our country, while we own an extremely broad view. There exist many countries that have a higher level of rule of law and keep reforming. Our eyes shift between the present age and the history of those countries so frequently that the arguments grow and our steps slow down.Similar difficulties also exist in the protection of human right in the criminal procedure. While the western countries’ concern on the restorative justice and human right of the victim keep increasing, voice that denies the protection of human right of the defendant emerges in our country, which believes that the amendment of Criminal Procedure Law 1996 is an unduly radical movement. We must not get confused by the presentation, because the reforming direction of each country is determined by its unique realities. As Professor Guangzhong Chen says, "nowadays all the countries of the world are undergoing or preparing reformation of criminal justice to some extent, for example, Britain,France,Russia and Japan etc. The focus is how to approach the relation between the punishment of crime and protection of human right as well as the relation between the just procedure and the discovery of truth","this is a problem of balance of interest". In fact, in an area where multi-value groups co-exist, the achievement of any value target is a kind of relative satisfaction and absolute satisfaction does not exist. This is not only because the establishment of a value target has a character of subjective relativity from the human, but also because the restriction of certain objective condition from the society leads to the relativity of the achievement of a value target. Apparently the protection of human right of the defendant and the victim needs to balance the interest of different groups. And to deny the interest of a group with the interest of another group needs careful considerations.In consideration of the traditional culture and actual conditions of our country, the protection of human right of the defendant has to be promoted instead of stepping backward, which is an impassable stage for the development of rule of law in our country. This article will show the urgency and importance on the protection of human right of the defendant in an intuitive way through empirical study, and present suggestions to further advance the protection of human right of the defendant. The article consists of four sections.The first section introduces briefly several fundamental issues in the protection of human right of the defendant. The defendant’s human right is one of the achievements in the development of human right theory. The article first briefly reviews the history of the development of human right; describes and analyzes the relations between human right and the judicial protection Judicial Protection of Human Right of human right, the relations between the judicial protection of human right and judicial protection of the defendant’s human right; and the relations between China’s Criminal Law and the Protection of defendant’s human right, recognizes the achievements in the protection of the defendant’s human right in our country.The second section is an empirical study on the protection of the defendant’s human right in S province. It is found through research that since the implement of new lawyers law, the right of Lawyers’ Meeting With Clients for the defendant has not been improved obviously; the designated defense is a mere formality in most cases; the defendant’s right of due time trial is restrained due to dodging of trial time and slow transferring of case etc.; the internal report and instruction requesting system lacks of standards which affects the defendant’s litigation right, though the right to a fair trial can be guaranteed overall; the condemned criminal’s right to meeting with relatives can not be fully protected.The third section analyzes the root cause of the difficulties in the protection of the defendant’s human right, which mainly includes absence of defendant’s human right idea; failing to fully reflecting the people-oriented idea and the idea of administration of justice for people; lack of operability on institutional level; the deep-rooted idea of instrumentalism; professional ethics of judicial official still to be improved;lack of supervision effort; unsound supervision system; lack of timely and effective remedies mechanism, Improper "Strike Hard".The fourth section presents measures of strengthening the protection of defendant’s human right. It emphasizes on the recognition of the theory in the mind by discussing the nature of the defendant’s human right and the implication of establishing the defendant’s human right with the establishment of idea of the defendant’s human right as a logical starting point. The idea cannot change the reality until it is put into practice. The author suggests to continuously advance the protection of the defendant’s human right through improving and correctly applying criminal judicial system; strengthening supervision and restriction system; establishing highly effective national compensation mechanism; enhancing the quality of judges and law enforcement officials; persisting on reformation and innovation of judicial system.and explore the establishment of the field of criminal justice, specialized agencies, human rights protection.

【关键词】 刑事司法被告人人权保障
【Key words】 Criminal JudicialDefendant’s Human RightProtection
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】342

