

A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Print Commercial Advertisements

【作者】 王晓静

【导师】 高云;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科学技术以及网络的迅速发展,图片,声音以及颜色等非语言符号系统在日常交际和信息传播中的作用越来越明显,挑战着语言传统意义上的主导地位。于是人们发现,单纯从语言角度已经不能对话语进行深入全面的分析和研究,而必须把多种媒体和多种模态结合起来进行分析解读。传统的以语言为分析对象的话语分析也要转向更加复杂的,包含更多符号系统的多模态话语分析转变。要对各个模态中表达的意义进行综合解读,传统的以语言为研究对象的语法显然已经不能达到要求,这就需要架构新的能够解读多模态语篇中多个符号系统的语法体系。克瑞斯和勒文(1996)以系统功能语言学理论为基础,建立了分析视觉图像的语法框架,为多模态话语分析提供了理论基础和分析方法。在交际和传播日益多模态化的背景下,广告话语也呈现出多种形态。但是以往的广告话语分析都集中在文本,而图片、动画、声音和颜色等多种意义来源被忽视。克瑞斯和勒文视觉语法的提出为广告话语的多模态分析提供了可能。本文以该语法框架为理论依托,结合系统功能语言学理论,旨在探讨商业广告中语言和图像等符号的社会功能和意义构建特点,说明多模态广告语篇中共现的多种符号模态如何聚合产生“合力”,共同参与意义表达和社会现实的构建,影响消费者的意识形态,说服其购买广告中的产品。本文采用理论研究和语料分析相结合的研究方法,选取了八幅广告进行初步分析,验证了视觉语法对平面商业广告的适用性。之后又对两幅广告作品从三个元功能方面进行了深入解读,利用罗伊斯的页面符际互补(intersemiotic complementarity)理论和相关的图文关系框架,分析了平面商业广告中的文字和图片符号间的交互作用。文中所用语料多来自国内各大广告设计门户网站以及国际广告大赛“金铅笔”奖的获奖作品。这些语料不仅极具创意,而且与视觉语法各语法点的贴合性强,具有代表性。最后用来做图文关系分析的两幅作品还同时具有文字和图像部分,符合我们的分析需求。该研究发现,平面广告的图片和文字部分都能实现三个元功能,但是这些元功能并不能在单个符号系统内独立完成,它们交融于一体,同时实现。它们的共同作用是通过一系列符号间互补关系来实现的。在概念功能(或称为再现功能)实现过程中,图片和文字构成锚定(anchorage)和图示(illustration)等关系。在人际意义(或互动意义)的表现方面,图片和文字则呈现出人称可补(complementarity of address)和态度互补(attitudinal complementarity)等方式。此外,图像的拍摄角度与文字的人称选择也可以构成互补关系。在构成篇章功能’(构成功能)时,各图像元素及文字成分均按照信息值,显著性和取景等一系列规则分布,共同构成统一协调的整体,各规则在局部作用的效能服从于整体和谐的需求。论文论证了系统功能学派的视觉语法框架对平面商业广告语篇的解释力和适用性,打破了传统的广告文本分析的局限。此外,本文对广告中语言和图像的相互作用和聚合方式进行了较深入的分析,丰富了广告语篇分析的研究维度。本文把根植于西方文化的视觉语法分析框架及页面符际互补理论用于部分中文广告的分析,取得了较好的效果,说明这些理论在东方文化为背景的多模态语篇中的广泛适用性。由于作者本人学术水平的限制及时间空间的限制,该研究只涉及商业广告的静态研究,商业广告中声音及音乐效果对整体意义表达的影响还有待于进一步研究。

【Abstract】 With the development of science and technology, the dominant role of language in communication and mass media is challenged by other semiotic resources such as image, sound, and color. The deployment of more than one semiotic resource in constructing meaning and forming social relations is gaining popularity. Accordingly, traditional discourse analysis which deals with the exclusive field of language is compelled to take into serious consideration of other semiotic resource systems and the so called Multimdodal Discourse Analysis comes into being. To produce a comprehensive account of the different meanings carried by different modalities, new grammars that are sensitive to specific modalities must be formulated. Drawing on Systemic Functional Grammar, Kress and van Leeuwen (1996) proposed a framework for visual analysis which interprets images in terms of their representatioinal, interactive and compositional meanings. This approach to multimodal discourse provides us a powerful toolkit to account for meanings arising from images and the integrated use of the visual and verbal sources in print media.Meanwhile, advertising discourse is also involved in the multimodal trend of the world communication and mass media. Traditional advertising discourse analysis focuses on the verbal aspect of ads, while the existence of other expression systems such as image, sound and color is neglected. The construction of Visual Grammar proposed by Kress and van Leeuwen makes possible the multimodal analysis of advertising discourse. This thesis, with reference to the Systemic Functional approach, analyzes images and verbiage in print commercial ads within Kress and van Leeuwen’s framework, aiming to find how the visual and verbal semiotics construe meaning and construct social reality and how the two cooperate to produce synergistic effect in influencing the consumers. The analysis of page-based synergy also borrows Royce’s intersemiotic complementarity framework, as well as Bathes’and van Leeuwen’s classification of word-image relations.The researcher makes an attempt of a qualitative analysis based on incisive exploration of typological data. When the framework is introduced in Chapter Three, tentative analysis of eight example ads is given to test the applicability of Visual Grammar to print commercial advertisements. And then in Chapter Five, two case studies are carried out. The two ads are analyzed from the perspective of three metafunctions within each mode according to Visual Grammar and Systemic Functional Grammar. Interaction between the two modes is studied within the framework of Royce’s page-based intersemiotic complementarity and relevant image-verbiage relation theories. The data used in this analysis are chosen from domestic advertisings and designing gateways and the prize winning work of One Show Competition. Therefore, they are all creative in designing and comply well with Visual Grammar. The two ads in case study both comprise the verbal and visual parts, ready for intersemiotic analysis.The findings of the present study are basically consistent with the findings in the previous study of image-verbiage relations. That is:in print ads, both the image and the verbal text are able to depict states-of-affairs (ideational), design some social interactions between represented participants and interactive participants (interpersonal) and structuring the text (textual). Although the metafunctions of the two modes are separately analyzed in this thesis, they are actually fused together and fulfilled simultaneously, and through this process they form various intersemiotic complementary relations. To be more specific, in realizing the ideational or compositional metafunction of the ad, the image and the verbiage form relations of anchorage and illustration. Interpersonally or interactively, intersemiotic complementarity realizes in the form of complementarity of address and attitudinal complementarity. Compositionally, the rules of information value, salience and framing work in harmony to form a coherent text. When dissonance appears among these rules, compromise is made for the good of all.This research validates the applicability and practicality of Visual Grammar in interpreting commercial ads, demonstrates how the three metafuncitons of image and verbiage are realized, and thus complete a multimodal analysis of print commercials. Going beyond the traditional field of verbal analysis to do a multimodal analysis, this research opens a new dimension for ad analysis. Besides, the successful application of Visual Grammar and Page-based Intersemiotic Complementartiy framework to some Chinese ads shows that these theories are also feasible in Chinese culture.Due to the limited personal academic capacity of the researcher, the present study only deals with static image of commercial ads, while the effect of sound and music is left untouched. A vast field of research is waiting for further study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

