

A Study on the Transfer of the Right to the Contractual Management of Rural Land

【作者】 商付勇

【导师】 王丽萍;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 中国农村的土地承包经营权制度是产生于社会主义集体所有制基础之上的具有中国特色的土地使用权制度。这种以家庭承包经营为基础、统分结合的双层经营体制,使亿万农民获得了生产经营自主权,农户成为独立的财产主体和市场主体,极大地解放了农村生产力。但是随着生产力的发展,特别是在城镇化和工业化的推进过程中,如何解决经济发展和土地资源利用之间的矛盾,如何进一步提高农村的生产力水平,提高土地的利用效率,成为一个新的难题。积极推进农村土地承包经营权流转成为破解这一难题的必然选择,而现实中有关土地承包经营权流转相关法律制度的滞后,严重妨碍了农村土地承包经营权依法、规范、有序流转。本文第一部分从农村土地承包经营权流转的涵义入手,并从发包方和承包方权利义务演进过程的角度,进一步分析了土地承包经营权的物权化过程,对土地承包经营权流转客体进行了界定。第二部分对我国当前土地承包经营权流转的法律规定与实践进行了总结。第三部分着重论述了当前土地承包经营权流转立法中存在的土地承包经营权物权化程度不足、其他方式取得的土地承包经营权性质不明、流转方式规定不尽科学等不足,以及由此导致的流转主体合法权益得不到保障,土地承包经营权流转后纠纷增多等诸多问题。第四部分分析指出了现行土地承包经营权流转立法缺陷存在的原因,是立法理念上的滞后和立法价值取向的摇摆不定。并对完善我国土地承包经营权流转制度提出了自己的思考,认为应本着尊重历史和实事求是的态度,转变立法理念,依法界定并真正赋予土地承包经营权人作为权利主体所应享有的权益,以达到资源利用最大化的目的,实现社会最大的正义与公平。

【Abstract】 Abstract:The system of the right to the contractual management of rural Land in china is a system of land use right with Chinese characteristics. The double-tier management system that combines unified and separate operations on the basis of the household-based output-related contracted responsibility system, lets hundreds of millions of farmers obtain independence in production and management. Farmer households become property and market players so that they have enhanced their enthusiasm for production. However, with the development of productive forces, particularly in the advancement of urbanization and industrialization process, there is a new problem about how to solve the conflicts between economic development and land resource use, how to further enhance the level of productivity in rural areas and how to improve land use efficiency. The active promotion of transfer of the right to the contractual management of rural land is an inevitable choice for cracking this problem. However, the current relevant legal system about the transfer of the right to the contractual management of land which lags behind, seriously hinder the transfer of the right to the contractual management of rural land which can be carried out according to law and on a standardized and orderly basis.Part one introduces the concept of the transfer of the right to the contractual management of rural land; It analyzes the property process of the right of the contractual management of land from the evolution of rights and obligations of the party awarding contract and the contractor; It defines the object of the transfer of the right to the contractual management of land. Part two summarizes the current law and practice of the transfer of the right to the contractual management of land. Part three focuses on the shortage of the current transfer of the right to the contractual management of land and problems such as lack of protection of legitimate rights and interests of the transfer subject and disputes increase after the transfer of the right to the contractual management of land. Part four points out the reason why the legislative flaws of the current transfer of the right to the contractual management of land exist is that legislative ideas lag behind and legislative values swing. It also puts forward some thoughts on the improvement of the system of the transfer of the right to the contractual management of land. Legislative idea should be changed and the real interests should be given to the subject of transfer of the right to the contractual management of land in order to achieve the purpose of maximizing utilization of resources and achieve the greatest social justice and equity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】D922.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】337

