

Investigation and Influencing Factors Analysis of Sport Consumption Behavior of Residents in the City of Qingdao

【作者】 张艳锋

【导师】 伊向仁;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人们生活水平的提高和工作压力的增大,人们的健康意识逐渐增强,“花钱买健康”已经成为一种时尚消费。体育消费是作为居民消费的高需要层次而存在的。体育消费是指在人们的物质生活条件满足基本生活需要的前提下,为追求个体的发展和享受而引发的适应更高层次需要的一种选择。体育消费属于体育产业的一部分,它随着产业的发展而茁壮成长,而体育消费是体育产业存在和发展的动力。目前,随着城市化进程的快速发展,城区居民规模的日益壮大,城区居民成了社会消费的主力军,同时也是体育消费的主力军。青岛市是著名的旅游城市,作为新兴的经济发达城市,她的城市化水平己经居全国前列,消费水平甚至超过了省会城市-济南,居山东省首位,为居民进行体育消费开辟了广阔的发展空间。尤其是2008年奥运会和2009年全运会的成功举办,更加推动了青岛城区居民体育消费市场的繁荣。但是,目前青岛所辖的城区居民经济收入与消费水平存在差异,致使体育消费结构不太合理,体育消费水平参差不齐。就目前掌握的资料来看,还没有针对青岛市城市居民体育消费情况的专门研究。因此,对青岛市城市居民体育消费状况进行调查研究是十分有必要的。本文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法等方法,针对体育消费的现状进行了实地调查,并对调查结果进行了深入分析,得出以下结论:第一,青岛市居民对体育消费多数持赞成态度,体育消费具有良好的发展前景;第二,青岛市居民体育消费水平与家庭的可支配收入成正比,居民具有一定的体育消费能力,但总体消费水平不高。居民的性别、职业、文化程度的不同对体育消费水平有较大的影响;第三,青岛市居民体育消费结构中,实物型体育消费仍然占了绝大多数,体育消费结构尽管已有所改进和升级,并形成了新的动态平衡,但是消费结构中体育物质产品仍是目前体育消费的主体内容,体育消费结构不均衡、不合理。合理的体育消费结构应该以参与型体育消费为主,这样更有利于体育产业的发展,居民参与型、观赏型体育消费的愿望比较大,具有广大的发展潜力;第四,居民目前体育消费的目的主要还是强身健体,不过已经明显表现出向审美追求、休闲娱乐、社会交往等多元化目的转变;第五,青岛市居民对条件改善后有良好的预期行为,今后居民体育消费需求的主要发展趋势是:大多数居民表示以后在体育消费上的投入要有所增加,只有极少数居民表示要减少体育消费;第六,绝大多数青岛市居民认为影响体育消费的主要因素仍然是经济因素,其他影响因素还有:余暇时间、场地设施及消费的环境、体育价值观念等,都不同程度的影响体育消费的发展。本文旨在了解青岛市城区居民体育消费的特色,摸清当前青岛市居民体育消费潜在的市场需求,预测其体育消费的发展前景,找出相关的影响因素,找到合适的解决方案,以期为青岛市城区居民体育消费的发展提供一定的理论依据,进而促进青岛市消费市场的繁荣,对于整个青岛地区的体育产业研究也具有参考价值。

【Abstract】 Along with the improvement of people’s living and working pressure, a gradual increase people’s health awareness, "to spend money to buy health" has become a fashionable consumer. Sports consumption exist as a kind of consumption of high levels of needs. Sports consumption refers to a choice of a higher level of adaptation triggered by the needs of the premise of the pursuit of individual development and enjoyment under people’s material living conditions to meet the basic needs of life. Sports consumption was part of the sports industry, it thrived along with the development of the industry. Sports consumption was the existence and development of the sports industry. Now, with the rapid development of the urbanization process, and the growing of urban residents, the urban population has become the main force of social consumption, but also the main force of sports consumption.Qingdao is a famous tourist city, as the emerging economic developed city, and her level of urbanization has been highest in the country, the level of consumption even more than the capital cities-Jinan, Shandong Province ranks first, it provide a vast sports consumption space for development for the residents. In particular, the successful hosting of 2008 Olympic Games and the Games in 2009 added impetus to the residents of Qingdao city sports consumer market’s prosperity. However, the current urban residents under the jurisdiction of Qingdao, the economic differences in income and consumption levels, resulting in the consumption structure of sports is not reasonable, and the level of sports consumption varies. Perspective on the information currently available, there is no special study of sport for the consumption of urban residents in Qingdao. Therefore, it is very necessary that the state of sports consumption of urban residents of investigation in Qingdao.This article analyzed the sports consumption of population in-depth in Qingdao through literature, questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics and logical analysis and other methods.The followings are the author’s conclusion:First, the majority of residents in Qingdao favor the sports consumption, so sports consumption has good prospects for development; Second, the sports consumption level of residents in family disposable income in Qingdao is proportional, the residents have some spending power of sport, but the overall level of consumption is not high. Residents gender, occupation, education level of consumption of different sports have a greater impact; Third, in the structure of sports consumption in Qingdao, physical-type sports consumption is still accounted for the vast majority of sports consumption, although there have been improvements and upgrades, and formed a new dynamic equilibrium, but the physical material product consumption structure is still present sports consumption of the main content:Sports consumption structure, unbalanced and unreasonable. A reasonable sport consumption structure should be based on participatory sports consumption-based, so more conducive to the development of the sports industry, residents participatory, watch-type sports consumption aspirations of relatively large, with vast potential for development; Forth, the main residents’purpose of sports consumption is still fit and healthy, but it has been clearly diversified to the aesthetic pursuit, leisure and entertainment, the purpose of changing social contacts;Fifth, the residents of the improved conditions in Qingdao expected good behavior, the future demand for sports consumption in major trends are: the majority of residents said that in future spending on sports consumption should be increased, only a very small number of residents said that to reduce the physical consumption;Sixth,the residents think that the vast majority of the impact of sports consumption is still a major factor in economic factors in Qingdao, other factors include:leisure time, facilities and consumer environment, sports and values, and so on, they impact the development of sports consumption with different degrees.This article aims to understand the characteristics of sports consumption in Qingdao, to find out the potential market demand of current sports consumption in Qingdao, predict the future development of sports consumption, and identify the relevant factors, to find a suitable solution, It will provide a theoretical basis with a view to Qingdao residents in the development of sports consumption, thus contributing to the prosperity of the consumer market, It also has reference value for the entire sports industry research in Qingdao area.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

