

The Campus Medium Study in the View of Media-industrialization

【作者】 潘虎

【导师】 朱秀清;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 传播学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 校园传媒主要包括校报、校园广播、校园教育电视台、校园网、学生报刊、DM等,它们主要面向高校校园师生,是学校的重要舆论阵地和形象窗口。是学校与师生之间重要的交流、沟通桥梁。随着高校的扩招和大学生群体消费能力的日益提高,大学校园成为众多企业看重的细分市场,众多企业逐步加强对大学校园的宣传和营销,但因为大学校园的特殊性,传统的通过大众传媒进行宣传的策略已经不能满足企业主的需求。校园传媒对于校园具有天然的接近性和影响力,众多企业开始寻求与校园传媒的合作,并出现了专门运营校园传媒的广告公司,这些都客观推动了校园传媒的经营改革。但校园传媒进行经营也受到了不同层面的限制,特别是观念的制约、资金和人才的缺失严重束缚了校园传媒经营的手脚。本文提出,校园传媒是我国传媒业的重要组成部分,可以也应该进行商业经营,并从高校市场的形成与扩大、国家相关政策的宽松、社会媒体的产业化改革经验、高校自身的信息需求和目前无序的高校广告市场等方面进行了详尽论述同时,本文针对校园传媒本身的特点,指出,在校园媒体经营过程中,不能一刀切,不同属性的媒体在经营模式上应各有侧重,校报以新闻为主,不能涉及太多广告经营;社团媒体、学生自办媒体则应该更灵活大胆进行多种形式的经营尝试。学校可以成立新闻中心和媒体运营中心。由媒体运营公司统一校园主流媒体的经营,使媒体经营专业化。学校应该整合校内媒体资源、校间媒体资源,并尝试引入社会资金,与社会媒体进行横向合作。同时,因为学校是教书育人的地方,所以在合作经营中学校应加强对校园媒体的宏观管理,使校园媒体在经营时能够与校园文化相适应,推动良好的校园氛围的形成。

【Abstract】 Campus media include newspaper, campus radio, campus educational television station, the campus network, student newspapers, DM and so on, which are primarily for the university campuses. They are the major positions of public opinion and image of school and the important bridge of communication between school and teacher-student.With the increased enrollment and spending power of college students, the university market has become the market segmentation, and many companies gradually strengthen the promotion and marketing of it. However, because of the particularity of the university market, the traditional strategy through the mass media publicity can no longer meet the needs of business owners.Campus media has a natural proximity and influence over the campus, so many companies began to seek cooperation with the campus media, and advertising companies specializing in operating the campus media emerged, which promote the reform of the campus media business objectively.However, the campus media industry has also been restricted at different levels, especially by notion, lack of capital and talent.In this paper, the author put forward that campus media, as an important component of China’s media industry, can be operated as a business. Furthermore, the formation and expansion of university market, relevant national policies, experiences of social media industry reform, information demand of colleges and universities and the current disorder in the university advertising market will be discussed in detail.At the same time, according to the characteristics of campus media, media of different properties should have different emphases. That is, newspaper is supposed to be news-oriented and avoid too much advertising; community media, student self-management’s media should make more flexible and bold attempt to operate in various forms. Schools can set up an information center and a media operation center. And the media operating companies operate the mainstream media.Schools should integrate internal media resources, media resources between schools and bring in social capital, and make a horizontal cooperation with social media. Meanwhile, as the center of education, schools should strengthen macro-management of campus media on operation and make it compatible with the campus culture, so as to promote a good atmosphere on campus.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】G206-F
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】603

