

The Research of the Legal Systems of the Regional Economic Integration Systems under WTO Framework

【作者】 张萍

【导师】 姜作利;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近几十年来,区域经济一体化逐渐发展成为世界经济合作与发展最为显著的特征之一,世界各国纷纷加入区域经济一体化的热潮之中,几乎所有的世贸组织成员都是一个或多个区域经济一体化组织的成员。蓬勃发展的区域经济一体化在推动区域贸易自由化不断向前发展、为其成员国带来更多福利的同时,也对WTO多边贸易体制产生了冲击,例如严重违背了GATT/WTO的最根本原则——最惠国待遇原则,成为个别国家实施贸易保护主义的借口等等,世贸组织对此制定了专门法律进行规范。我国作为WTO成员国之一,认真研究、有效利用这些条款,以便在发展区域经济一体化的过程中实现利益最大化成为当务之急。本文以“WTO体制下的区域经济一体化法律制度”为研究对象,试图阐明区域经济一体化的产生发展历程及其存在的法理上和经济学上的依据,介绍了当今世界上最有影响的三大区域经济一体化组织——欧盟、北美自由贸易区和东盟的法律制度,并在此基础上结合我国参与区域经济一体化组织的实践,对我国的应对策略提出了建议。本文共分五章。第一章区域经济一体化概论,本章主要阐述了区域经济一体化的涵义、分类及产生发展历程。第二章WTO体制下的区域经济一体化法律规则,本章首先介绍了WTO法律制度中关于区域经济一体化组织的条款——GATT第24条及谅解、GATS第5条的出台背景、条文内容等,然后从WTO法律制度实施后对区域经济一体化组织产生的影响和存在的问题两方面进行了详细的分析,最后,本章得出结论,认为WTO相关法律制度对区域经济一体化起到了约束作用,但是由于法律条款语言含糊不清和监管制度的不力,使得这种约束作用大受限制。第三章WTO区域经济一体化的合理性,本章主要探讨了区域经济一体化在法学和经济学上的合理性,首先总结了法学学者对区域经济一体化的法理基础的几种观点,然后结合法理学原理与国际经济法基本原则进行分析,提出契约及有约必守原则是区域经济一体化存在的法理基础,接下来归纳了经济学学者提出的关于区域经济一体化的经济学理论,得出结论,区域经济一体化存在的经济基础在于其可获利性。第四章区域经济一体化组织的法律制度,本章介绍了欧盟、北美自由贸易区、东盟等比较成熟、影响力较大的区域一体化组织的发展历程、基本法律文件、组织机构、争端解决机制,以及运用区域贸易协定的区域合作实践。第五章中国的战略选择,本章首先总结了我国参与区域经济一体化的现状,然后结合前几章的分析,结合我国具体国情、国际政治安全形势和我国经济机构和经济发展水平,对我国今后的区域经济一体化战略提出了建议。

【Abstract】 In recent decades, regional economic integration has become one of the most salient characters in global economic cooperation and development. Almost each member of WTO has joined one or more regional economic integration organizations. While the rapidly developed regional economic integration organizations have promoted regional trade liberalization and brought more benefits to their members, they also shocked the WTO multilateral trading system at the same time, seriously violated the MFN principle for example. Regional economic integration has become one of the excuses of trade protection for some of the nations. WTO has developed special laws to regulate regional economic integration. As a member of WTO, our nation’s careful study and effective use of these clauses, in order to gain the maximum benefits in the development of regional economic integration, have become a top priority.This thesis took the legal system of regional economic integration under WTO as its study object, illustrated the development of regional economic integration and its existence foundations in economics and jurisprudence, introduced the legal systems of three most famous regional economic integration organizations, EU, NAFTA and ASEAN, and proposed our nation’s strategy integrated with our nation’s practice.This thesis contains five chapters.Chapter one, summery of regional economic integration, illustrated the meaning, classification and development of regional economic integration. Chapter two, rules on regional economic integration organizations under WTO, introduced the background and content of clause 24 of GATT, understanding and clause 5 of GATS. Then this chapter analyzed in the aspects of the influence on the regional integration organizations after the implementation of WTO laws and the problems. This chapter concluded that the WTO legal system has played a regulation role on regional economic integration, but due to ambiguous literal and bad regulatory system, its role is limited. Chapter three, legitimacy of regional economic integration under WTO, discussed in the fields of economics and jurisprudence. First, this chapter introduced some of the legal scholars’views on the legal basis of regional economic integration, then combining with jurisprudence and principles of international laws, proposed that contract and the principle of pacta sunt servanda is the legal basis for the existence of regional economic integration. This chapter also summarized the economics theories in regional economic integration, and concluded that profitability is the economic foundation for regional economic integration. Chapter four, Legal system of regional economic integrating organization, introduced EU, NAFTA and ASEAN’s development, basic laws, organizations, dispute settlement body and the regional cooperation practice using regional trade agreement. Chapter five, China’s strategic choice, summarized our nation’s practice in joining regional economic integration organizations, and then combined with our nation’s specific national conditions, international political and security situation and development level of economic and economic institutions, proposed recommendations on our nations’strategy of regional economic integration in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】D996.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】441

