

Study on the Reform of Management System of China Civil Airport

【作者】 丛江

【导师】 王学玉;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 公共管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 毋庸讳言,民用航空运输是当今最现代化、最高科技、最舒适、最便捷的交通运输方式,能实现人员、物资高效快速地空间位移,是国家综合交通体系中的关键环节,占有重要的地位和作用。国内外经济社会发展历程证明,民航运输业对拉动区域经济具有极其重要的作用,是国民经济发展的晴雨表,是促进经济发展和社会进步的有效途径。民用航空运输机场作为民用航空运输和所在城市的重要基础设施、国家及区域综合交通运输体系的重要组成部分,具有广泛的社会和经济效应。机场也是社会公共服务体系和应急救援体系的重要组成部分,2008年的汶川特大地震发生后,成都双流机场以及广汉和绵阳机场在抗震救灾中发挥了不可替代的重要作用。机场还是国家战略资源和国防基础设施,对国家的军事、外交等重要领域有着重大影响。改革开放30年来,尤其是近10年来,中国机场业持续高速发展,机场数量连年增加,机场规模连年扩大;机场的客货吞吐量更是连年呈两位数增幅高速增长,增幅位居世界第一;2005年至今,中国民航运输总周转量一直保持世界第二;拥有13亿以上的潜在旅客市场、拥有40万直接和60万间接总数近百万的民航从业人员的中国,成为了世界民航大国已是不争的事实。但是,伴随着高速发展,机场业也出现了诸多亟待研究解决的突出矛盾和问题,作为航线节点的机场的改革虽然一直进行着,但改革仍相对滞后于经济社会发展的现实需求,尤其是2002年国家民航机场属地化管理改革以来,机场管理体制中的政府责任问题、改革不彻底带来的机场管理方面的新矛盾、新问题,都表现的相当突出。可以说,上述问题若现在不开始重视,长期下去,将既关系到机场能否健康持续发展,也关系到整个民航运输业的健康持续发展,更会影响到中国经济社会的健康发展和持续进步。2009年7月1日《民用机场管理条例》正式实施后,国家民航局对深化机场管理体制改革提出了明确要求,明确机场公共基础设施的定位,探索飞行区生产经营管理和航站区资产经营管理相结合的管理模式,实现机场管理由经营型向管理型转变,从而明确了机场深化改革的方向。鉴此可以说,研究解决上述问题,任务更显紧迫,责任更显重大,意义更显深远。本论文将通过研究分析中国民用航空运输机场管理改革发展中遇到的问题,在学习借鉴中外民用机场管理机构和所在地政府的先进经验和做法的基础上,从现状实际出发,借助公共管理学的研究方法,从公共政策等领域入手,解决机场管理发展中遇到的瓶颈性矛盾和难题,提出科学的并具可操作性的建议和对策,在深化我国民用航空运输机场管理体制改革上探索出一条改革创新之路,在理论和技术方面为我国民航业由大走强略尽绵薄之力。相信随着机场改革的不断深化,经过不断地探索和创新,一定能够尝试出并建立起一种既符合我国国情又利于行业健康持续发展的新型的富有活力的多元化的机场管理体制。

【Abstract】 Aviation transport as the most modern, comfortable and convenient and high technology way of transportation is beyond all question. It is the key part among national comprehensive transport system and can help to realize high-efficient and rapid displacement between people and goods. Domestic and international economic and social development course shows that air transport has played great important in advancing the growth of regional economy. As the barometer of national economy, it is an effective way to accelerate economic growth and social progress. As the important municipal infrastructure and the important part of national and regional comprehensive transport system, civil airports have great effect on society and economy. Airports are also the import part of social public service system and emergency rescue system. Chendu Shuangliu Airport, Guanghan Airport and Mianyang Airport had played an irreplaceable role in the Whenchuan Earthquake Relief Work. Airports are also the national strategic resource and defense infrastructure, and have great influence on important areas of the country, such as military and diplomacy.Over the past 30 years since the reform and opening up in 1978, especially the past 10 years, China Airport Industry has made great progress, both in quantity and scale. The passenger amounts and goods amounts have been keeping double-digit growth. The total transport has been 2td since 2005 in the worldwide. Having 1.3 billion potential passenger market, China will be the big aviation country is beyond doubt. However, there are a number of problems and conflicts have to be settled. Such as reform on link airports, government role in the airport management. These problems will affect the healthy development of the airport, and civil aviation transport, even the society and economy. On July 1,2009, Civil Airport Management Rules came into effect. CAAC has raised a very clear request in the reform on airport management system. That is to explore the manage pattern from the simple business pattern.Based on the study of problems during civil airport reform and development progress, advanced experience and practical work, this paper will give some suggestions and proposals to settle the problems and conflicts on the airport management course with the help of study measures of public management. Start with public policies, I want to explore a new way to accelerate the reform and development of civil airports, which could be helpful in progressing a big China civil aviation into a strong one. As the reform and innovation constantly goes deeper, a new and diversified airport management system which is suitable to national conditions and industry practice will be established.

【关键词】 民用航空运输机场管理体制改革
【Key words】 China civil airportManagement systemReform
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期
  • 【分类号】F562
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1055

