

Life Cycle Assessment as a Method for Comparison of Lighting Sources

【作者】 刘泓伶

【导师】 廖希亮; 张树生;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 环境治理方式已从单纯的末端治理,向清洁生产转变,这种转变虽然极大地降低了污染排放,改善了环境质量,但随着对环境问题了解的深入和环保意识的增强,人们逐渐认识到这种管理模式也不能完全满足经济、资源、环境可持续发展的需求。因此,人们迫切地希望能够对所从事各类活动的资源消耗和环境影响有一个彻底、全面、综合的认识,以便寻求机会采取措施减轻对环境的影响。生命周期评价(Life Cycle Assessment,简称LCA)正是这样一种新的环境管理和分析工具,是用来评价产品(或服务)从原材料提取到最终处理整个过程中对环境造成潜在影响的有效方法。本文的研究工作是瑞典皇家工学院针对不同电子设备的LCA研究项目的一部分,目的是为有关部门制定相关政策提供依据。本文运用生命周期评价方法,评价和比较了白炽灯(GLS)、卤钨灯(Halo)、紧凑型荧光灯(CFL)、直管荧光灯T5、LED灯和陶瓷金属卤化物灯(CMH)六种照明光源。产品主要数据信息依据欧司朗公司提供。本文采用“从摇篮到坟墓”的方法,将照明光源生命周期简化为包括生产阶段、使用阶段和最终处理三个阶段,并以六种照明光源中使用寿命最长的LED灯的寿命(25,000h)作为评价和比较的时间基准。本文运用了基于软件和数据库相分离的LCA评价软件——Gabi4,并同时使用了Gabi4数据库以及瑞士生命周期中心的EcoInvent生命周期清单数据库,整个评价过程遵循ISO14040-ISO14044相关规定。基于我国的电源结构研究了不同照明光源的一次能源需求和环境影响。本文选择的环境影响指标分别为:全球变暖潜能、酸化潜能和人体毒性潜能。这些指标的计算是通过计算照明光源生命周期不同阶段所使用的能量对应的一次能源需求来实现的。本文对六种不同照明光源的研究显示:由于使用阶段需要消耗电能,而电能的生产过程会对环境产生影响,所以照明光源在使用阶段的环境影响最大。由于紧凑型荧光灯(CFL)和LED这两种照明光源在使用阶段能量消耗最低,使其在使用阶段对环境的有害排放也最少。从生命周期所有阶段来看,这两种照明系统的整体能量需求也最低。因此,从节能的角度出发,这两种照明光源是最合适的选择。关于其他方面的环境影响,本文还分析了紧凑型荧光灯(CFL)和直管荧光灯T5中汞的影响因素。汞的排放主要来源于电能生产过程中的煤炭燃烧,即便是将荧光灯中本身含有的汞含量计算在内,其生命周期内的汞排放总量也远低于白炽灯。但随着这两种照明系统市场份额的不断增长,有必要开发完善的回收系统,并增强人们对汞对人体健康和环境影响的认识。

【Abstract】 Patterns of environmental management have changed from end-of-pipe to clean production and this change has greatly reduced pollution and improved the quality of environment. But with the deepening understanding of environmental issues and environmental awareness,there is a growing recognition that clean production also can no longer fully meet the demand of sustainable development of economy, resources and environment. People are eager to get a thorough, comprehensive and integrated understanding in the resource consumption and environmental impacts of various activities they engage in, in order to seek opportunities to take measures to mitigate environmental impacts.Life Cycle Assessment(LCA) is a new tool for environment management and analysis.It is an effective method used to assess the potential environmental impacts from a product (or a service)from raw material extraction to final disposal.This thesis is a part of a research project carried out at Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. The aim is to develop more comprehensive integrated methods based on LCA for future policy development.This study has evaluated the life cycle environmental impacts of six different light sources;Incandescent general lightning service (GLS),Halogen lamp (Halo),Compact Fluorescent lamp (CFL),Light emitted diode (LED),Linear Fluorescent lamp,and Ceramic Metal Halide lamp (CMH) using a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. In this study a’cradle-to-grave’approach has been used with a simplified life cycle including the production phase,the operating phase,and the end of life phase.The time period for this analysis is based on the longest life time of the different light sources,the LED lamp which have a life time of around 25,000 hours.In the study the software system GaBi4 has been used.This program is built in a way where the software is separated from the database.In the study both the GaBi4 database and the EcoInvent life cycle impact assessment database from the Swiss centre for life cycle were used.The LCA structure in the study follow the one described in the ISO standard.The calculations for the primary energy demand and also impacts were based on an electricity mix comparable to the mix used in China. In this study three environmental impact categories have been used. These are Global Warming Potential,Acidification Potential and Human Toxicity Potential.These criteria were calculated from primary energy demand needed for the production of the energy used in the different phases of the lamps.In this study of six different lamps,the impacts have been shown to be highest during the use because of the demand for electricity which causes impact during power production.Since the CFL and the LED have the lowest energy consumption during use, they will contribute to a lower production of harmful emissions during its use phase.These two lighting systems have also the overall lowest energy demand considering all phases which will lead to the result that these two systems are the most appropriate when considering the low energy consumption.Regarding other environmental aspects CFL and the T5 contains mercury.It is actually during the production of electricity through coal combustion we get the highest emissions of mercury, and the emissions of mercury from CFL is much lower than that of GLS even including the mercury in them.But the increase of these lighting systems on the market will require more developed recycling programs and increased awareness of the effects of mercury on human health and the environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期
  • 【分类号】TM923.0
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】253

