

A Study on Gary Snyder’s Translation of Han Shan’s Poems

【作者】 王海燕

【导师】 孙昌坤;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 寒山是中国唐朝一位具有神秘色彩而又名不见经传的诗人。尽管他常被归为诗僧之列,他的诗歌表明他亦道亦儒。他生前虽写下不少诗歌,却因为随处记载,流传到后世的仅有三百余首了。虽然他的诗歌常饱含哲理,却因为其多用口语、俗语,不注重韵律节奏,不符合当时正统诗歌规范,而无缘著名诗人之列。然而,就是这样一个沉默了一千多年的诗人,随着其诗歌传入日韩、之后传入美国而声名鹊起,其诗歌更是在美国诗人加里·史耐德妙笔生花的翻译之下成为美国文学史上的经典,其本人也成为20世纪五六十年代美国年轻一代的精神偶像。史耐德的寒山诗歌翻译,引起了广大学者对寒山前所未有的关注。寒山诗歌在国外的流行也反过来吸引了中国国内学者的关注,香港、台湾和大陆学者纷纷展开了对寒山、寒山诗及其翻译的各种研究。加里·史耐德是20纪美国诗人、散文家、翻译家和生态主义保护者。他是最深入全面地研究中国文化的美国作家之一。他从小对中国文化深感兴趣,一生受中国文化影响颇深。由于深受禅宗、道家和儒家思想影响,他如寒山一般亦佛亦道亦儒。他从小生活在山区,后来又定居在山区,对大山有着深厚的感情,对山上的生活也有着深刻的了解和体会,这一点与生活在寒山的诗人寒山极为相像。正因为如此,他偏爱寒山诗歌中描写自然景色和传达禅宗哲理的诗歌,比别人更能体会隐居在寒山的诗人寒山所要表达的感情。作为“垮掉的一代”的代表,他非常了解当时美国青年的需要,也发现寒山的精神正是他们所需要的,寒山的生活正是他们所向往的。于是,在他极具现代主义色彩的翻译下,寒山跨越了时间与空间的局限,成为美国青年心中的英雄。史耐德也因为翻译寒山诗歌而名声大噪,他所翻译的寒山诗尽管数量不多,却极受推崇,成为美国文学史上的经典。在论述了寒山、寒山诗、史耐德、其翻译的寒山诗以及相关的研究之后,本文从史耐德的翻译过程出发,详细分析了史耐德对寒山诗歌的选择、理解和表达,发现其翻译的每个环节都能体现出译者的主体性。为了对其翻译有深入的理解,文章举例分析了史耐德翻译寒山诗歌时所主要采用的翻译方法,从而进一步赏析其译文。对于其翻译的质量,文章通过对三个流行版本的简要对比,证明史耐德的翻译非常成功,甚至一定程度上超过了其他两个版本的译文。而其翻译经典化的事实也证明了其翻译的高水平和受欢迎度。但是,译作经典化并不仅仅是因为史耐德高质量的翻译,而是有其复杂背景和原因的。于是,文章紧接着分析了史耐德翻译的寒山诗歌成为经典的主要原因。通过全文的分析,本文认为译者主体性充分体现在翻译活动过程中。史耐德对寒山诗歌翻译的方法和经典化的经验可以适当利用到翻译其他中国诗歌中。而史耐德翻译寒山诗歌的活动,以及他所翻译的寒山诗歌的经典化都证明了翻译不仅是两种语言的转换,而是两种文化的交流,译文和译者并不附属于原文和原作者,译者在翻译过程中可以适当发挥自己的创造性。作者希望通过本文,可以让读者对史耐德翻译的寒山诗歌有更深入的理解,也希望可以借此引起对寒山诗歌以及其他中国诗歌翻译的更多关注,为更好促进中西文化交流做出贡献。

【Abstract】 Han Shan was a mysterious poet in the Tang Dynasty, whose name and information were rarely recorded in official history. Although he is usually classified as a monk poet, his poems deliver his ideas of Taoist and Confucianist philosophy. He wrote plenty of poems in his lifetime. However, as he often wrote poems out of emotion and recorded them casually, only about three hundred of them were passed down to later generations. His poems were not in line with conventional poet norms, since Han Shan preferred to employ vernacular words and paid less attention to rhymes and rhythms. Thus, he was not regarded as a prominent poet in the history of Chinese literature. Yet, with his poems being spread to Japan and Korea, and then to America, he rose to fame abroad incredibly after nearly a thousand years’silence. Due to the translation of an American poet named Gary Snyder, Han Shan became the spiritual idol of the American youth in the 1950s and 1960s and Snyder’s translation became a canon in American literature. Unprecedentedly Han Shan and his poems (which are also referred to as Cold Mountain Poems) became a hot topic among scholars and researchers in the literary circle of the United States. Then, his popularity abroad drew the attention of scholars in China. Hong Kong, Taiwai and mainland experts and scholars began to conduct relevant studies on Han Shan phenomenon.Gary Snyder is an American poet, proser, translator and ecological environmentalist. He is one of the American writers whose studies on Chinese culture are the deepest and the most comprehensive. He became curious about Chinese culture when he was very young. Strongly influenced by Zen Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, Snyder resembles Han Shan in these philosophical thoughts. Besides, he lived in the mountain areas in his childhood and settled down near the mountains after he returned from Japan, which was similar to Han Shan who lived in a mountain named Cold Mountain. Thus he shares similar love of nature with Han Shan and has a more profound understanding of Han Shan’s poems about nature. These are reasons that Han Shan’s poems Snyder chooses to render are all about nature and philosophy. Moreover, as a representative of the "Beat Generation", Snyder knew exactly what the American youth pursued at that time and found that Han Shan and the spirit demonstrated in his poems could meet their demands. Then, through his translation with modern and local features, Han Shan was well accepted by the American youth and highly esteemed as their hero. Snyder became renowned for his translation of Han Shan’s poems. Though he only translated twenty-four out of over three hundred poems, his translation was spoken highly of and finally became a canon in the American literary history.The thesis introduces the research background of Han Shan, Han Shan’s poems, Gary Snyder and the translation of the Han Shan’s poems and reviews related studies carried out previously. Then, following the whole process of Snyder’s translation, a detailed analysis is made on Snyder’s selection, understanding and expression of Han Shan’s poems. As a result, it proves that translator’s subjectivity is well embodied in each step. In order to make readers better appreciate Snyder’s translation, some examples are given to illustrate main translation strategies and methods Snyder adopts. As for the quality of Snyder’s translation, through a brief comparison of three different translated versions of Han Shan’s poetry, Snyder’s translation is testified to be the best one in some degree. Moreover, its canonization afterwards also serves as a good evidence for Snyder’s excellent translation and its impact and prevalence in America. However, the canonization depends not only on Snyder’s remarkable translation skills but also on complicated reasons. Thus, in the following chapter, the author analyzes main factors that push forward the canonical process of Snyder’s translation of Han Shan’s poems.In accordance with the analysis in this thesis, it can be concluded that translator’s subjectivity is fully demonstrated in the process of the translation activity. The experience of Snyder’s successful translation of Han Shan’s poems can be utilized appropriately in the translation of other Chinese classical poems. Furthermore, Snyder’s translation activity and the canonization of his translation in the United States certify that translation is not only the conversion of two languages but also the communication and exchange of two cultures. The translated text and the translator are not inferior to the original text and author. In the translation process, the translator has the freedom to make certain creative renderings for the purpose of cultural exchange. Through the analysis in the thesis, it is expected that readers can have a deeper understanding of Snyder’s translation of Han Shan’s poems and that more attention can be aroused to Han Shan phenomenon as well as the translation of other Chinese poems, thus making some contributions to the cultural communication between the East and the West.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期
  • 【分类号】I046;I712;I207.22
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】675

