

On the Criminal Law Protection of Virtual Property

【作者】 庞宏乾

【导师】 田荔枝;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 网络时代,新鲜事物日新月异,虚拟财产就是这个时代的产物。伴随着新事物的出现,新的犯罪类型也相应而生。以虚拟财产为对象的犯罪行为已经日益严重,对其进行保护刻不容缓。虚拟财产作为一种财产已经被大多数人所认可,但其究竟具有何种权利性质、应当如何进行保护、其是否属于刑法保护的财产范围、此类案件又应当如何进行处理等等问题在理论界和实务界还存在着很大的争议。由于以上争议的存在,我国法律目前在这方面还具有巨大的漏洞,使得立法和司法上存在巨大的困难,对虚拟财产的保护问题,尤其是刑法保护,已经成为一个我们无法逃避的现实。为了能有效解决上述问题,改变这种对虚拟财产的刑法保护无法可依的状态,我们应当对此进行深入探讨,总结国内的实践经验,借鉴国外和港台地区的法律实践和理论,从而找到一条适合我国的惩治针对虚拟财产犯罪行为的途径。本文第一章是对虚拟财产的概述,主要介绍了虚拟财产的概念、分类、特征和属性,通过以上介绍主要说明虚拟财产是属于财产的,其具有虚拟性、依附性、现实性、价值性、可交易性、合法性、持续性和期限性等特征,而且应当具有物权属性;第二章是对侵犯虚拟财产行为的情形及其特征的论述,说明侵犯虚拟财产的行为复杂多样,具有侵犯对象非传统性、行为主体低龄化、主观方面都为故意、行为方式高智能化和隐蔽性强、行为空间具有虚拟与现实二重性等特征;第三章主要论述了国内外对虚拟财产的法律规制状况,主要说明我国大陆地区对虚拟财产的保护在立法和司法方面与其他先行国家和地区具有较大差距,存在很多不足;第四章是对确立虚拟财产刑法保护必要性和可行性的论述,虚拟财产属于法益,对其进行保护有利于促进网络游戏新兴产业,有利于减少犯罪,是符合刑法谦抑性的,而且虚拟财产的价值是可以计算的;第五章论述了笔者对我国虚拟财产刑法保护的构想,在立法上,通过借鉴域外相关成功经验,由先出台立法解释,然后制定刑法修正案,再制定单行刑法逐步完善对虚拟财产的保护;在司法上,通过制定司法解释、树立新的司法模式和确立合理的虚拟财产价值衡量机制来加强对虚拟财产的保护。笔者希望能够通过本文的论述给广大学者带来启示,唤起人们对网络虚拟财产的重视,从而能更有效的对网络虚拟财产进行保护,促进网络产业发展,为实现和谐社会出一份力。

【Abstract】 Internet era, new things with each passing day, the virtual property is a product of this era. With the emergence of new things, new types of crime also appear. Virtual property as an object of the criminal act has become increasingly serious, and their protection is urgent. Virtual property as a property has been recognized by most people, but what the exact nature of the right, how to protect it, whether belonging to the scope of the property of criminal law to protect, how to handle such cases and so on are still considerable controversy in theory community and the practitioners. As the controversy over the existence, our law in this area now also has a huge loophole, making the legislative and judicial protection of virtual property very difficult, in particular the protection in criminal law, and it has become a reality we can not escape. In order to effectively solve the above problems, changing the state that there are no laws to protect virtual property in criminal law, we should explore this issue in depth, sum up both the practical experiences and learn from abroad and Hong Kong and Taiwan region in legal practice and theory, in order to find a suitable approach to punish criminal acts on virtual property in China.This first chapter is an overview of virtual property. Mainly introduces the concept of virtual property, classification, characteristics and attributes, having reviewed the above description is mainly to explain the virtual property is part of the property, which has a virtual nature, dependence, reality, value, exchangeability, legality, continuity and duration of such characteristics, and should have the property attribute. Second chapter is about the forms and characteristics of a violation of the virtual property, to illustrate violations of the virtual property are complex and varied. The object of the violations is nontraditional and their main bodies have a younger age. The subjective aspect of the behavior is all intentional. The behavioral forms have a nature of high intelligence and strong confidentiality. The behavioral space has the characteristics of the duality of virtual and real. Third chapter mainly discusses the virtual home and abroad the legal regulation of property condition. China’s mainland mainly provides for the protection of virtual property in the legislative and judicial with other first with a wide gap between countries and regions, and there are many shortcomings. Fourth chapter is to establish the criminal law to protect virtual property, the necessity and feasibility of the discussion. Virtual property is of legal interests, their protection is conductive to the promotion of online games and emerging industries to reducing crime is in line with modesty of penal code, and the value of virtual property can be calculated. Fifth chapter discusses the author of China’s criminal law to protect the concept of virtual property. In the legislation, by drawing on the successful experience outside the relevant from the first introduction of legislative interpretation, and then draw the Criminal Law Amendment and then gradually improve the criminal law to develop a single line of virtual property protection; in the administration of justice through the establish a reasonable measure of the value of virtual property mechanism to strengthen the protection of virtual property.I want to bring some inspiration to scholars through this article, and arouse people’s importance of virtual property. So we can protect virtual property more effectively, accelerate the development of network industry, and help to achieve a harmonious society.

【关键词】 虚拟财产刑法保护立法司法
【Key words】 virtual propertycriminal law protectionlegislationjudicial
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】417

