

The Exploratory Study of Thai Students’ Chinese Language Listening Anxiety

【作者】 吴剑

【导师】 王尧美;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 对外汉语, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 国外二语教学界的实证研究和经验总结都发现,焦虑感对语言学习有着巨大的影响,是最关键的心理变量之一。国内外语教学界的研究,特别是英语教学领域,表明了语言焦虑对其学习策略的选择有着巨大的影响,进而影响其学习成绩。国外二语教学界对语言焦虑的研究比较成熟,已经全面发展到了听、说、读、写四种技能的焦虑研究,国内英语教学界对焦虑的研究的重点主要是放在了口语和阅读上。对外汉语教学界也慢慢把目光转向研究学习者的个体情感因素,特别是焦虑,而不仅仅停留在汉语本体的研究上。但是必须要指出的是,以汉语学习焦虑作为对象的研究才刚刚起步,分技能的焦虑研究更是寥寥无几。在当下,听力教学是对外汉语教学中最薄弱的一个环节,学生不喜欢上听力课,听力成绩提高慢,课堂教学效果难以令人满意。Krashen的“情感过滤假说”认为焦虑是影响第二语言习得最重要的情感因素之一,那么在听力信号输入、处理和输出阶段都有可能存在焦虑的情况下,学生的焦虑感势必会对其听力理解造成影响。在听力信号输入阶段,语音的输入是不间断、不复返、短暂存在的,焦虑可能导致学生错过重要的输入信息,从而导致听力交际的失败;在听力信号处理阶段,焦虑会影响到听者对听力策略的选择,让听者处理信息的时间增多,使听者急需得到实时反馈等,这些都会影响学生对听力信号的正确处理;在听力信号输出阶段,焦虑会使输出的时间延迟和准确率下降,最终影响到听力理解结果。本文对泰国汉语学习者学习汉语时的听力焦虑情况进行了问卷调查,在前人研究的基础上对以下问题进行了探索性的研究:第一,泰国学生在汉语听力课堂是否存在焦虑感?第二,泰国学生的汉语听力焦虑和课堂焦虑是否存在着相关关系?是正相关、负相关还是零相关?第三,如果泰国学生在汉语听力课堂存在焦虑,那么学生的个体因素和焦虑感是否相关?比如学生的性别、年龄、国籍、汉语学习年限、自身语言背景和听力周课时量是否跟焦虑值的高低相关?是一种什么样的关系?第四,影响泰国学生听力焦虑的原因主要有哪几类?它们在对听力焦虑产生影响方面有无差异性?第五,泰国学生自己认为的造成听力焦虑的原因是什么?有什么好的策略能够使他们自主地降低焦虑感?第六,在汉语听力教学中有没有一些普适性的教学原则,可以有效地指导汉语教师降低学生的听力焦虑感?分阶段的图式策略是否可行?通过问卷调查(CLCAS&CLLAS&OPEN questions)和统计分析,笔者得出结论:1.泰国学生在汉语听力课堂上存在焦虑感;2.对外汉语课堂焦虑和听力焦虑之间存在明显的正相关关系;3.年龄因素和焦虑感为负相关,汉语学习年限、母语背景、听力周课时与焦虑呈现正相关,性别因素与焦虑无显著相关关系,国籍无可比性(均为泰国国籍);4.通过因素分析,可以认为:个体因素、听力策略、话题熟悉程度、环境、突发情况和训练强度这六个方面的要素是泰国学生听力焦虑的主要来源;5.泰国学生的开放式问答表明,他们自己认为造成听力焦虑的原因主要来自三个阶段:输入阶段、处理阶段和输出阶段,每个阶段有不同的焦虑来源,同时学生们认为可视化的听力学习材料能够有效地降低其焦虑感;6、为了降低泰国学生的听力焦虑感,需要遵循以下教学原则:可懂输入原则;运用学生的背景知识原则;可视化教学原则;听力任务清晰化、简明化、结构化原则;强化听力策略教学原则;焦虑敏感性原则。同时笔者也认为在听力前、听力时、听力后三个阶段,均有相应的图式策略用以帮助降低听力焦虑感。

【Abstract】 The empirical studies and experience summary of Second Language Teaching Profession Abroad have found that anxiety is one of the most important psychological variables, which has a huge influence on language learning. The research of Foreign Language Teaching Profession Domestic, especially in the field of English Teaching has found that language anxiety has a tremendous impact on the choice of language learning strategies, thereby affecting their academic performance. The anxiety research of Second Language Teaching Profession Abroad has a more mature development, which has fully developed to four areas:listening, speaking, reading and writing. Meantime the anxiety research of English Teaching Profession Domestic mainly focused on the oral and reading. Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Profession has slowly turned its sight to the emotional factors of individual learners, particularly anxiety, not just focus on the Chinese Ontology. It must be pointed out that the research of Chinese language anxiety has just started, meanwhile academic study on the anxiety of sub-skills is very few too. In the moment, listening teaching is the weakest link of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, students don’t like to have listening lessons, the improvement of listening skills is slow, the classroom teaching effect is unsatisfactory. Krashen’s "Affective Filter Hypothesis" believes that anxiety is one of the most important emotional factors which affect second language acquisition, then during the process of signal input, processing and output stages where there may be anxiety, students’ anxiety will inevitably impact on their listening comprehension. In the input stage of listening, cause voice input is continuous, non-return and transient, anxiety may lead students to miss important input information, resulting in communication failure; in the signal processing stage of listening, anxiety will affect the listeners on the choice of listening strategies, so they will need more time to process information, they will in urgent need of real-time feedback, etc, all of these will influence students’ proper signal processing; in the signal output stage of listening, anxiety will delay the output time and drop the accuracy rate, ultimately affect the results of listening comprehension.This paper will investigate the Chinese language listening anxiety of the Thai learners by three anxiety scales, we want to do some exploratory study based on previous researches to answer the following questions:Firstly, whether there is listening anxiety in the Chinese as a Second Language Classroom,Thailand?Secondly, whether Thai students’ Chinese listening anxiety is correlated to Chinese general classroom anxiety? If the answer is yes, is it positive, negative or zero correlation?Thirdly,if Thai students feel anxiety in the Chinese as a Second Language Listening Classroom, whether the students’ individual factor and anxiety are related? For example, individual factors, such as students’ gender, age, nationality, Chinese years of study, language background and listening lessons per week, are they associated with the level of anxiety? What’s the correlation?Fourthly, how many types of anxiety will impact Thai students’ listening comprehension? Their impact has any difference or not?Fifthly, Thai students themselves think what are the reasons for Chinese listening anxiety? Is there any good way to enable them to reduce the autonomy of anxiety?Sixthly, is there any universal principles of Chinese language teaching for teachers to guide students in reducing listening anxiety? Schema phased strategy can feasible?Through questionnaires (CLCAS & CLLAS & OPEN questions) and statistical analysis, I conclude:1, Thai students sense anxiety in the Chinese listening classroom; 2, Chinese Language Classroom Anxiety and Chinese Language Listening Anxiety have a positive correlation; 3, Age and anxiety have a negative correlation, while the other factors,such as Chinese years of study, language background, listening lessons per week and anxiety are positively associated, but gender has no significant correlation with anxiety, nationality and anxiety are not comparable(all participants are Thai); 4, through factor analysis, it can be thought that:individual factors, listening strategies, topic familiarity, environment, emergency situation, and training intensity are six main sources of anxiety; 5, The Open Questions from Thai students show that:their own reasons of listening anxiety are from three main stages:input stage, processing stage and output stage. Each stage has different sources of anxiety, while Thai students think that the visualization of listening materials can effectively reduce their anxiety; 6, In order to reduce Thai students’ listening anxiety, we must follow six teaching principles: the principle of intelligibility input; the principle of use student’s background knowledge; the principle of video teaching; the principle of design clarity, concise and structured listening tasks; the principle of enhance listening strategies teaching; the principle of anxiety sensitivity. I also propose that during the before listening stage, listening process stage and after listening stage, there are relative schema strategies which will help reduce student’s listening anxiety.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】642

