Research of "X-Er" Structure in <Shengming Zaju>
【作者】 贾华杰;
【导师】 王新华;
【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 硕士
【摘要】 提到明代文学作品,人们最先想到的是小说,毕竟四大文学名著有三部是诞生于明代,还有《金瓶梅词话》、《醒世姻缘传》、“三言”、“二拍”等在文学史上非常值得称道的作品。明代的杂剧相比就较为逊色了,不及元杂剧的辉煌,更不及明代小说的风光,但明代杂剧依然有其自己的特色,有其值得称道之处。《盛明杂剧》是明代晚期成书的一部明杂剧选集,是研究明杂剧不可或缺且极具代表意义的重要文献。《盛明杂剧》在语言运用上也体现出了它的重要价值,《盛明杂剧》收录的多是南方作家,尤其是吴方言区作家的杂剧作品,根据现代吴方言区的语言状况来推断,无论语法上的儿缀,还是语音上的儿化音,都应该是数量极少的,但是《盛明杂剧》的作品中出现了较多的“X-儿”形式,并且可以论证其中大部分为儿缀,分布于名词、量词、动词、形容词、副词、代词等多种词类之后,并且已经具备了儿化音产生和存在的充分条件及必要条件。本文分三章进行了论述:第一章为绪论,笔者先从《盛明杂剧》这部作品的价值及其语言价值两方面说明了本文的选题意义,介绍了本文的研究范围和研究方法。另外笔者还对研究概况进行了论述,除了介绍作品的研究概况之外,主要是对“儿”的性质的研究概况的叙述。笔者首先梳理了学者们在使用“词缀”和“词尾”这两个术语的时候的不同界定,提出了本文写作过程中仅使用“词缀”这一术语,并给出了自己的定义,进而提出了“词缀”的判定标准;其次,笔者探讨了关于儿化的语言性质的三种主要观点,即以赵元任先生和朱德熙先生等为代表的“词缀语素说”,以高名凯先生为代表的“两种语素说”以及以葛本仪先生、李立成先生为代表的“语音节律说”;最后,笔者叙述了儿音史的研究情况。第二章笔者首先对《盛明杂剧》中词根语素性质的“儿”以及词缀语素性质的“儿”进行了例析,其次对作品中儿缀与各词类组合情况进行了统计分析,并分析了附加于各种词类之后的儿缀其小称词缀的特点。笔者还在这一章分析了《盛明杂剧》“X-儿”形式的-些比较固定的结构形式——名词+儿+名词、一+时间名词+儿、名词/动词+头/子+儿、动词重叠式+儿等。第三章笔者分析论证了《盛明杂剧》“X-儿”形式中“儿”的音值。笔者首先梳理出“儿,作为韵脚字的情况,虽然“儿”主要还是与“支思韵”和“齐微韵”的字进行押韵,但是‘儿”已经有和“车遮韵”的字押韵的情况。其次,笔者论证了儿化音存在的必要条件-—儿缀的使用量大,以及充分条件——使用密度高、如果独立成音节会破坏音节对称和音律,处于容易产生儿化的结构中,双词缀不符合语音经济原则,处于稳定结构中语音易弱化等。
【Abstract】 People always think of novel firstly, when they talking about the literature of Ming Dynasty. For three of the Four Classic Novels were born in this dynasty, it also had such praiseworthy works as<the Golden Lotus>,<The Rousing Story of Fated Love>, ’San Yan’,’Er Pai’. Compare to the novels of Ming Dynasty, Zaju was overshadowed, even eclipsed by Zaju of Yuan Dynasty. But it still had its characteristic, it was wonderful, too.<Sheng Ming Zaju> is an anthology of Ming-dynasty Zaju, which was published during the waning days of Ming Dynasty. It is indispensable and full of representativeness to the study of Ming-dynasty Zaju. It’s also valuable on Linguistics, for the works it selected were mostly written by authors born and lived in the southern part of the country, especially in the region that people use Wu dialect. According to the modern Wu dialect, either Er affix in grammar or Erhua in Phonetics, must be seldom. However, <Sheng Ming Zaju> has plenty of "X-Er" structures, and most of them are affix, which are added to several word classes, such as nouns, classifiers, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, and so on. Besides, it already had the necessary and sufficient conditions that Erhua’s existence needed.The thesis is divided into three parts:The first chapter is exordium. The author firstly explained the significancy of the topic from two sides, that are the value of the work and its language, and also explained the study scope and method. Then the author talked about the general situation of the research. Besides the situation of the work, the author particularly introduced the former research of the word Er’s character. In the first place, the author combed the different opinions when the scholars use the terms affix and suffix. During the writing process, the author only used the term affix, and defined it by myself, then established the standard of affix. In the second place, the author discussed the three main ideas about the linguistic characters of Erhua:affix morpheme theory which was represented by Mr. Zhao Yuanren and Mr. Zhu Dexi, two morpheme theory which was represented by Mr. Gao Mingkai, rhythm theory which was represented by Mr. Ge Benyi and Mr. Li Licheng. In the end, the author described the research situation of the phonetic history of the character Er.In the second chapter, the author primarily illustrated two different kinds of the character Er, the etyma and the affix. Secondly, the author counted and analyzed the situations that the Er affix added to different word classes, also its nature of Xiaocheng affix. In this chapter, the author also analyzed some fixed structure, noun+Er+noun, Yi+time noun+Er, noun/verb+Tou/Zi+Er, overlapping verb+Er, and so forth.In the third chapter, the author analyzed and proved the pronounciation of character Er in the X-Er" structure of<Sheng Ming Zaju>. The author firstly combed the situation of the rhyme word Er, though it mostly rhymed with the word in "Zhi Si rhyme" and "Qi Wei rhyme", it rhymed with the word in "Che Zhe rhyme" yet. Secondly, the author proved the necessary condition that Erhua existed, that is the huge amount Er used, and the sufficient conditions, that are the high density, the symmetric syllable and the rhyme will be destroyed when Er was read independently, exist in the structure that Erhua can easily generate, double affixes are not in keeping with the phonetic economic principle, the sound will weaken when it exist in a stable structure.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
- 【分类号】H116
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】98