

Service System of Post-line to City Hotel Architecture Design

【作者】 安娟

【导师】 卜德清;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在宾馆建筑设计中,宾馆后线区的设计对于宾馆各种设施正常运行,提高员工工作效率,进而降低宾馆运营成本、提高宾馆的经济效益起着至关重要的作用。宾馆后线区域随着社会的发展以及生活方式的改变日趋复杂化。本文通过对西方以及我国城市宾馆后线区域发展历史的简单回顾,总结出我国城市宾馆后线设计的现状以及存在的问题。宾馆业的核心是服务。本文提出“后线服务系统”的概念,将宾馆后线服务系统分为前台服务系统、客房服务系统、餐饮服务系统以及会议娱乐服务系统四个子服务系统。宾馆的使用者由顾客群体和员工群体两类人群组成,员工为顾客提供的服务,主要是通过这四个子服务系统实现的。本文通过研究顾客的行为心理以及员工的行为心理,提出满足使用者行为要求的后线设计要求。本文对后线区域的各个组成部分进行了详细研究,对特定服务用房如厨房、洗衣房的工艺流程、设备型号、建筑空间设计以及面积指标都进行了深入研究,同时结合笔者在实地调研中发现的问题,提出对宾馆后线设计的一些看法和建议。最后对大量的宾馆后线实际案例及参与的工程实践项目进行了功能分析及流线分析,通过分析发现实例中存在的问题及目前的设计趋势,理论结合实际,得出本文的结论。

【Abstract】 In the designing of the hotel, Post-line of Hotel plays a vital role for the normal operation of the hotel facilities, increasing employee efficiency, and lowering hotel operating costs, increasing economic efficiency.Post-line of Hotel with the social development area, and changes in lifestyle become increasingly complex. Based on the briefly review of the history of Post-line of Hotel in the city hotel in West and China. This article summed up the current situation and existing problems in the Post-line of Hotel of city hotel.The core of hotel industry is service. This paper proposed the concept of" service system of Post-line to Hotel", the hotel system is divided into four sub-service system, room service system, catering service system, entertainment service system. Guest groups and staff groups composed of two groups of hotel users. The staff provided service to customers mainly through the four sub-service system implementation. This paper which studied the behavior and psychology of customers and staffs proposed the requirements to satisfy the requirements of user behavior.This paper carried out a detailed study of space components of Post-line of Hotel, carried out in-depth study in processes, equipment type, design and building space, area indicators of space for specific services such as kitchen and laundry. Combined with the author in the field research in the problems identified, proposed some views and suggestions of the design of the Post-line of Hotel.Finally, after a certain amount of hotel lines of the actual cases and projects involving engineering practice functional analysis and flow line analysis, the analysis found that instances of problems and the current design trends, theory with reality and come to this conclusion.


