

The Design of Static Load Test Auto-Detection System

【作者】 何漻

【导师】 王立峰;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 为了保证每座建筑物的安全,在建设之前就要对建筑物的基础进行检测,最大程度地将建筑物的质量得到保证。首先就得对建筑物的基础也就是地基进行检测,以检测地桩的承受压力,这种检测方法就是静载荷试验。静载荷试验对于确定地基承载力和变形指标,是最直接有效地方法。检测的主要数据就是位移传感器的位移偏离量。为了便于采集数据,本设计是使用了Silicon Laboratories公司生产的一款单片机C8051F327芯片,这款芯片本身带有USB接口,便于和PC机进行通信;以西门子Siemens公司生产的工业级通讯模块TC35i为短消息接收和发送的核心,设计出一款可以远距离采集数据的无线数据终端设备。本设计中要利用短消息(SMS)服务功能,首先首先介绍短消息操作的PDU编码/解码过程和本设计所要用到的AT指令。为了把USB技术应用到本设计中,本文还简单介绍了USB接口,WDM驱动程序的开发过程。这个设备的开发包括了两个部分的内容,分别是硬件部分设计和软件部分的设计。在硬件部分的设计中,介绍了设计所要使用的C8051F327芯片和TC35i模块的性能和主要特点,给出了具体的硬件设计的方案,绘制出了电路原理图和PCB图。软件部分设计有三个部分,分别是固件程序,驱动程序和应用程序。在固件程序的设计中,先介绍了固件程序的设计思想和编程结构,并给出了部分固件源程序和程序的流程图。驱动程序的设计部分介绍了驱动程序的结构,设计过程和具体的实现方法。主机的应用程序的设计的主要是设计一个人机界面,完成对短消息内容的PDU的编码和解码,实现对短消息的发送和接收,将接收到的数据保存在数据库中,这样使用户能够更好地对所采集到的数据进行分析,处理和判断。

【Abstract】 To ensure the safety of each structures,we need to detect the foundation of the structures before the structures start to build,and maximize the quality of the structures is guaranteed.First of all,the foundation of the buildings is detected to giving a pile press,and this test is Static load test.The static load test determinined to measure the bearing capacity and deformation index is the most direct and effective way.The main data is the detection of displacement sensor displacement deviation.In order to facilitate data collection,this design utilizes System-on-Chip MCU,the Silicon Laboratories C8051F327 microcontroller as the control core,this chip have USB interface,it could been convenient to communicate with PC,and acts Siemens Corporation’s industry level communication module TC35i as the transmission core,So we can design a data collection that can be remote wireless data collection terminal device.To take advantage of short message text(SMS)services in this design,we must first introduce the PDU operation of encoding/decoding process and AT commands we used. In order to use the USB technology,the paper briefly introduces the relative knowledge of USB interface,and introduces the development process of WDM driver.The development of this device include the contents of two parts,namely,hardware design and software design.In the hardware design,wo introduces the characteristic and performance of C8051F327 which we used and the TC35i module which are used in the design application,then produces the concrete hardware design acheme and PCB schematic.There are three parts in the software design part,such as firmware’s program,the driver development program and the application program development.In the design of the firmware program,firstly introduced the ideas of program design and programming strcture and then introduces program flow diagram and gives some codes of the program. In the driver segment, we introduce the driver structure,the process of development and the realization method.The application program mainly includes the design of a friendly man-machine interface,the PDU ecoding/decoding and achieving short message on the sending and receiving,put the data that received into the database,and this can make users to analysis of data collected,processed and judged.

【关键词】 静载荷TC35iUSBSMSGSMC8051F327
【Key words】 Static Load TestsTC35iUSBSMSGSMC8051F327

