

The Research of the Optimal Design of Slider

【作者】 乔宁

【导师】 谭晓兰;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 计算机硬盘数据的读写操作是根据电磁反应原理,由记录数字子信息的磁介质(磁盘)和面向磁介质带有沟槽的小电磁体(磁头)的相对运动来完成的。由于磁盘的高速旋转使磁头和磁盘间隙中产生高速气流,该气流称为空气轴承,它产生的升力支撑磁头稳定的悬浮在磁盘上方。近年来,计算机的飞速发展,要求硬盘的存储密度越来越大。根据Wallence公式可知,降低磁头飞高对存储密度的提高影响很大。但随磁头飞高的降低,不可避免的造成磁头磁盘的碰撞及摩擦磨损。因此,设计合理的磁头滑块结构,提高磁头飞行稳定性迫在眉睫。本文首次把稳健设计思想引入到磁头滑块设计中,在上一届磁头滑块的优化设计基础上,对磁头滑块进行稳健设计。设计分为两部分:对飞行参数的稳健设计和对磁头滑块形状的稳健设计。本文以三体磁头滑块为例,以质量函数(力和力矩的残差平方和)为目标函数,加以设计变量和统计容差的约束,建立容差稳健设计模型并对其求解。目标函数也就是质量函数的确定是以指数函数为模型,利用气膜压强分布求值来拟合,然后用MATLAB软件对拟合函数进行仿真,并得到函数曲线对比图。在模型求解过程中,用FORTRAN语言进行编程,利用随机概率算法对其进行求解。结果表明,稳健设计后的磁头滑块飞行特性有了更大程度的改进,而且对磁存储技术的进一步发展有重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Hard disk reading and writing operations is based on principles of electromagnetic respon-se. There is an air bearing between the head and disk, which support the head suspended above the stable. In recent years, the rapid development of the computer to require hard drive storage density is increasing. According to Wallence formula, lowering head flying high has a great influence on the increased storage density. Of course, it will increase the friction and wear between the head and the disk, so designing rational slider and improving flight stability is exigent.This is the first to introduce robust design into the design of magnetic head slider on the based of the optimal design of slider. The design is divided into two parts:the robust design of the flight parameters and the robust design of slider shape. In this article, takes the three-body slider as example and take the quality function as the objective function to build a tolerance model and restricting it and solving it. The objective function is simulated using the exponential function model. Then programming by the MATLAB software and getting the function curve comparison chart. In the model the solution process, using FORTRAN programming language and random probability algorithm to solve the model in the designing. The results show that the flight characteristic has a greater degree of improvement after the robust design of the slider, and also has important practical significance to the further development of magnetic storage technology.


