

Study on Cold Chain Logistics System Safty Evaluation of Fresh Agricultural Products

【作者】 刘斐斐

【导师】 杨华龙;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 物流工程与管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,有关于食品安全方面的事故时有发生,已经成为国际范围内关注的焦点,但是我国的关注点主要在生产、加工以及销售过程,对物流过程中的安全问题没有足够的重视,尤其是生鲜农产品这类易腐易烂产品,出现问题更为严重,主要体现在生鲜农产品物流系统基础设施不完善、中间环节繁多、物流渠道复杂、物流结点散乱、运作效率低下等方面。这些直接导致生鲜农产品物流过程中损耗严重,安全事故频发。本文主要在分析生鲜农产品冷链物流特征、性质基础上,结合实际调研结果,分析了跨区域和区域内生鲜农产品物流作业流程。介绍了系统可靠性理论,并将其在生鲜农产品物流系统安全评价中进行应用。以草莓为例,用DEA方法对数据以及风险水平有效性进行分析的基础上,运用风险坐标图法和GO-FLOW法分析和评价了草莓物流系统安全水平,并对运算结果进行了比较分析,针对出现的问题提出了生鲜农产品冷链物流系统安全对策建议的四种对接模式,以及未来发展趋势。

【Abstract】 At present, food safety has become a new focus all over the world. But, more attentions are paid for the operation process consisting of produce, processing and sale than that for some problems related to the safety of agricultural products. Agricultural products supply characterizes with traditional mode made of storage and transport, especially for the fresh agricultural products, the problem is more serious. Enterprises at different stages lack enough coordination; related departments at different levels of government pay little attentions to the supervision of food safety during logistics progress; a wholesome cold chain system has not come into being; the proportion of fresh agricultural products under the conditions of refrigerated storage and transport is very low. All of these lead to a great deal of loss and accidents related to food safety during operation process of fresh agricultural products logistics.On the basis of the character and feature of the fresh agricultural products cold chain logistics, together with the results of detailed investigation, logistics progress has been carried out from different aspects including two-dimension space model. Taking strawberry logistics as an example, the operating process of fresh agricultural products logistics covering several regions are analyzed, elementary risk analysis on logistics system with partial cold chain is presented by risk coordinate graph method, and, risk levels of strawberry logistics system in complete cold chain environment as well as partial cold chain are evaluated by GO-FLOW method, evaluation results are compared and analyzed in detail.

  • 【分类号】F326.6
  • 【被引频次】26
  • 【下载频次】2533

