

The System Design and Researches for the New Energy-saving Plastic Equipment

【作者】 鞠德宝

【导师】 李成求;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 轮机工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着半导体封装技术的发展,半导体元件塑封技术水平也得到了进一步的提高,作为推动塑封产业发展的另一个重要组成部分,塑封机的性能的改进越来越受到人们的重视。在塑封行业人们渴望有一种价格低廉、耗能少、工作性能可靠、使用管理方便的塑封机,这种新型节能半导体塑封机的创新设计不仅有理论意义更具有实用价值。本文通过对现有塑封机的性能和工况分析,得出现有塑封机在实际工作过程中,合模保压过程耗能最大,整个系统的工作压力较高,液压回路复杂,这些问题主要是由于目前塑封机采用纯液压缸作为执行机构造成的,且特制的执行液压缸增加了整机的制造成本。因此本文提出了一种以连杆机构与液压相结合的执行机构,在此基础上设计出了一种新型的节能塑封设备。具体工作如下:1.概括了半导体元件塑封机的工作原理,以及目前现有塑封设备几种节能方法,总结了这些方法的优点和不足。并以载重200吨的塑封机为例,分析该设备的耗能情况,以及该设备经过传统变频节能改造后的节能效率。2.提出了一种新型的液压与连杆相结合的合模机构。运用SolidWorks软件对其主要受力部件(连杆和平台)进行了有关应力、位移、形变的数学建模和仿真,使设计的结构更加的合理。针对新的执行机构笔者为其设计了与之相适应的液压系统,并对系统中涉及的液压组件(液压泵、液压阀件、蓄能器等)进行了选型。3.对新设计塑封设备的性能进行了的分析得到以下结论:(1)新设备的工作压力减少了一半,这使得在保压过程中因压力降低而减少了液压油的泄漏量;(2)通过计算得到了新系统在一个工作循环过程中的能量消耗量减少了45%以上,达到了节能目的;(3)通过对新设备液压系统发热功率和散热功率的计算,得出系统本身的散热量高于系统的发热量,系统不需外加冷却设备即可达到散热要求;(4)由于新型塑封设备本身具有结构和性能上的优越性,使其制造成本大大降低,这对于整个塑封产业来说意义重大。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of semiconductor packaging technology, the semiconductors’encapsulation technology level has been further improvement, the plastic package equipment as another important component promotes the development of encapsulation industries, the performance improvement of the encapsulation machine has been attention by people.In the plastic industry people eager to have a kind of plastic machine that is cheap, low energy consumption, reliable performance, convenient using and management, this the new energy-saving plastic equipment not only has the theoretical significance but also has the using value.Based on the existing plastic machine performance and working condition analysis, that existing plastic machine in actual working process, the most energy lost in the closing mould and keeping pressure process. The existing plastic machine system has high pressure, complex hydraulic loop, the current plastic machine adopts pure hydraulic cylinder as actuators to due to these problems, and the special hydraulic cylinder increased cost. This paper put forward a new kind of compound die mechanism which is a combination of the link mechanism and hydraulic, and design of a new energy-saving plastic equipment. The specific work is as follows:Firstly, the paper generalized the working principle of the semiconductors encapsulation machine and several existing saving-energy method, summarized the advantages and disadvantages of these methods. Taken compound die pressure 200t semiconductor plastic package equipment for example, and analysed its energy consumption and the saving energy efficiency of the traditional equipment with the inverter.Secondly, put forward a new kind of compound die mechanism which is a combination of the connecting rod mechanism and hydraulic.Used SolidWorks to establish the mathematical modeling and simulation and to analyse the stress, displacement and deformation for its main force parts (platform, connecting rods). The author designed the hydraulic system for the new actuators, and choose the hydraulic components (hydraulic pump, hydraulic valves and accumulator, etc) for the hydraulic system.Finally, Thanks to the new design of the system performance analysis of the following conclusions are obtained:(1) The new equipment system working pressure decreased in half. This makes the leakage of hydraulic oil greatly reduce; (2) Through the calculation the author got the energy consumption less than 45%, achieve the purpose of saving energy; (3) Through the calculation for the calorific capacity and the heat dissipating capacity of the hydraulic system, draw the system’s calorific value below the heat emission value; (4) Because of the new plastic equipment itself has the superiority of the institutions and the performance, it make the manufacturing cost is reduced greatly, it has the great significance for the plastic industry.

【关键词】 塑封机变频器节能液压连杆结构
【Key words】 Plastic-envelop machineInverterEnergy-savingHydraulicLink mechanism
  • 【分类号】TN305.94
  • 【下载频次】87

