

On International Guidelines on Criminal Justice of the Criminal Summary Trial Reform

【作者】 刘欢

【导师】 赵微;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国融入世界经济贸易体系,我国正在逐渐摆脱以专政为核心的刑事司法理念,向以人权保障为归依的刑事司法理念演进。在这一过程中,引入国际刑事司法准则十分必要,其中包括价值上的转换,制度上的转换,规范上的更新。我们在处理国际刑事司法准则与中国刑事简易审判程序的关系时,必须处理好国际化与本土化、积极与稳妥、引入与融通的关系。同时,以国际刑事司法准则为指导,切实的对中国刑事简易程序进行革新,以促进法制的健全。切实实现司法公正和有效提高诉讼效率是世界各国刑事诉讼所追求的目标。我国目前正在进行的刑事简易审判程序改革实质上也是对公正和效率这两项刑事诉讼的基本价值进行协调,以使我国的刑事司法体制尽可能的体现这两项价值的平衡。但是公正和效率并非天然就是协调统一的,若处置不当。二者就会出现相互对立的状态,甚至两项价值目标均无法实现。为解决这一问题,各国以国际刑事司法准则为指导在刑事司法体制中纷纷开始大规模适用简易程序。可以说,一个国家刑事简易审判程序设置的是否合理与完善直接关系到这个国家刑事司法体制能否有效地运转。这种合理与完善的程度是这个国家人权保障状况和诉讼效率高低的重要标志之一。正是由于此重要性,笔者才决定以此为题来做自己的毕业论文。这篇论文的正文共分为四大部分:第一部分是国际刑事司法准则对中国刑事简易审判程序的影响。中国加入世贸组织,表明中国已融入世界经济贸易体系,从而加速了经济全球化的进程。中国的入世,其意义决不限于经济贸易,它必将对中国的政治、社会与法律的发展带来深刻的影响。而国际刑事司法准则对中国刑事司法改革的重要影响就是对中国刑事简易程序的变革。笔者将分别从价值转换,制度革新,规范更新等三个方面进行论述。第二部分是刑事简易审判程序的价值。深入的思考刑事简易审判程序的价值是构建这一程序的基石。笔者从整个法制建设的角度出发,提出简易程序的建立,是刑事诉讼历史发展的必然结果,它通过提高刑事诉讼的效率,确保刑事诉讼中的司法资源得到合理的配置,在此基础上保证法律争议目标的实现,满足多种主体利益的要求。第一,简易程序是刑事诉讼历史发展的必然选择。在这一部分中,笔者从简易程序的历史发展过程着手,分析这一程序的社会基础,进而发现其历史发展的轨迹。这一部分突出反映了刑事简易程序的效率价值。第二,简易程序是保障司法正义实现的必要条件。在这一部分,笔者着重论述了刑事简易程序的正义价值。在民主文明的国家里,正义永远是法律所追求的理想,只有具备了这一价值,刑事简易程序才具备了正当性基础。笔者认为,现代法制社会是建立在市场经济基础上的。“市场经济是各种利益多样化并存的社会,满足各种利益主体的需求是一种完备法律制度内在品格。”一切错综复杂的现象,包括法律现象都可以从利益中得到解释。利益是社会生活中唯一的,普遍起作用的社会发展动力和社会矛盾根源。而刑事简易程序恰恰能满足多种刑事法律关系主体利益的需求,在现实中保证正义的实现。笔者分别详细地论述了刑事简易审判程序对司法正义的实现,对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人,被害人合法权益的保障以及对整个社会利益维护的巨大作用。第三部分是中外刑事简易审判程序的对比。比较法时刻学研究中的一项重要手段,通过把本国的制度与法制发达国家的相关制度相对比,发现自己的不足,以吸收国际先进经验来完善自己是我们促进法制进步的一个有效途径。笔者从刑事简易程序的适用范围、申请、受理以及审判特点等方面与西方法制发达国家的相关内容进行了一个全面的比较,分析了现行刑事简易审判程序存在的诸多问题。以此为下文刑事简易审判程序的重构作铺垫。通过前一部分的对比,结合我国司法实践的实际情况,我们不难发现,我国现行刑事简易程序存在重大问题。首先,中国刑事简易审判程序的启动不取决于被告人的自愿选择,完全由法院和检察院来决定,体现了浓重的职权主义倾向,不利于对犯罪嫌疑人和被告人的人权保障,加深了他们诉讼客体的地位。其次,检察机关有权自行决定不派员出庭,导致庭审纠问化,合理的诉讼结构被破坏。再次,被告人在简易程序中难以获得律师的有效帮助,使被告人在诉讼中极为容易受到不公正待遇。第四,在案件从简易程序向普通程序转化方面,被告人几乎没有任何选权。第五,从司法实践的情况来看,刑事简易程序的适用极低,无法承担其应当承担的责任。最后,从整个刑事司法体制来看,普通程序与简易程序发生错位。对整个刑事司法体制的良性运做都产生了重大负面作用。第四部分是对重构中国刑事简易审判程序的具体设想。这一部分是本文的关键所在,是笔者近两年来,在深入分析了中国司法现状并参照了大量法制发达国家的立法例的情况下而得出的。笔者重点论述中国刑事简易审判程序应当选择的模式以及这一模式应当确立的一些基本原则。然后,从公诉案件和自诉案件两部分分别加以论述。这一部分集中体现了笔者个人的观点,并阐明重构中国刑事简易审判程序的意义,概括为:第一,通过实现资源的优化配置,保证程序正义的实现。第二,改进诉讼结构,平衡控辩双方力量对比。第三,保证刑罚人道性的实现,推进轻刑化的进程。第四,提高诉讼效率,促进诉讼经济原则的贯彻。第五,促进司法工作人员和普通公民法律意识的革新,推进依法治国进程。通过对这些问题的分析,为从整体上重构我国刑事简易程序提供正当性依据。

【Abstract】 As China’s integration into the world economic and trading system, China is gradually rid itself of dictatorship as the core concept of criminal justice, to protect the human rights concept for the conversion to the evolution of criminal justice. In this process, the introduction of guidelines for criminal justice is necessary, including the value of the conversion, institutional transformation, specification updates. We are dealing with international criminal justice norms and the relationship between the Chinese criminal justice reform, we must deal with internationalization and localization, and actively and steadily, the introduction and the factoring relationship. Meanwhile, the norms of international criminal justice as a guide, practical summary of the Chinese criminal procedure reform in order to promote the integrity of the rule of law.To realize justice and to promote judicial efficiency are the aims of the criminal procedure in every country. The Criminal Judicial Reform being made in China is also to coordinate these two fundamental values so as to make our criminal procedure reflects these two values.But these two values are not coordinative and unified in nature. Maybe, they conflict with each other. Even worse, they are all lost in the criminal procedure.To solve this problem, every country in the criminal justice standards for guidance begins to adopt the summary procedure in its criminal system. Whether the summary procedure is perfect and reasonable has close relationship with the motion of criminal system in this country. It is because of this importance, I decided to do this as its theme his graduation thesis.This article is composed of four sections:The first part is the characteristics of international criminal justice standard. China’s accession to the WTO, that China has been integrated into the world economic and trading system, thereby accelerating the process of economic globalization. China’s accession to the WTO, its meaning must not be limited to economic and trade, it is bound to China’s political, social and legal development has brought a profound impact. Norms of the international criminal justice, criminal justice reform in China is an important influence on the Chinese criminal summary procedure changes. I will be converted from the value, system innovation, standardize the updating discussed in three aspects.The second is the values of the criminal summary procedure. The values are the bases of this procedure. The author thinks that this procedure is the certain result of the history of the criminal procedure. It ensures the just through promoting efficiency and rationalize judicial resources. Firstly, author discusses that the summary procedure is a certain result of the criminal history. It stresses the value of the efficiency. Secondly, the author discusses the value of the just of the summary procedure. Just is always the aim that civilized countries pursue. Only having this value, the summary procedure has reasonable condition. The author thinks that modern society is based on the Market economy. This economy has many interests. To meet the requests of all the interests is a internal character of a perfect legal system. The Criminal Summary procedure can meet many requests of different interests and can ensure the realization of the just.The third is the contrast among China and other countries. The author makes his contrast of summary procedure from the range、the application and the quality of the trial. He finds out and analyzes many problems in Chinese criminal summary procedure and makes preparation for next sections. He thinks that there are many problems in our summary procedure. Firstly, the right to start the procedure is decided by the judge and the public prosecutor. Secondly, the prosecutor has right to not to attend the court. Thirdly, the defendant has no help of the lawyers. Fourthly, the defendant has no right to change the procedure. Fifthly, the rate of the application to this procedure is very low. Lastly, the common procedure and summary procedure have change their role.The fourth section is the specific contents about reformation of the criminal summary procedure. It is the most important one in this article. The author has spent two years on it through extensive research. He discusses the rules that this model should adopt. Then, he gives his own points of view. I can claim that the significance of this reformation is very extensive. Firstly, it can ensure the realization if the just. Secondly, it can balance the strength between the prosecutor and the defendant. Thirdly, it can reduce the criminal penalty. Fourthly, it can promote procedural efficiency. Fifthly, it can develop the process of the Rule of Law.

  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【下载频次】64

