

Study on the Preparation and Properties of Nano-particles/Polyurethane Emulsion Modified by Fluoride and Siloxane

【作者】 张政

【导师】 张占平;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 材料科学与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着环保意识的增强,低表面能环保型涂料已成为涂料发展的主要方向。水性聚氨酯-聚丙烯酸酯乳液既具有聚氨酯(PU)优异的抗划伤性、拉伸性和粘附性,同时又具备了聚丙烯酸醋(PA)的耐候性、耐腐蚀性,但是,两者的性能都决定了聚氨酯-聚丙烯酸酯乳液(PUA)耐水性差。通过引入键能高,表面能极低的氟元素,则可以同时获得具有低表面能,耐水性优异的氟化水性聚氨酯-聚丙烯酸酯乳液。碳纳米管作为21世纪的新型材料,具有奇异的结构和独特的物理性能,可提高聚合物复合材料的多种性能,被认为是制备高性能聚合物复合材料最理想的候选填料之一本实验首先以有机硅改性聚氨酯(SiWPU)为种子乳液,向种子乳液中滴加全氟丙烯酸酯、丙烯酸丁酯(BA)、甲基丙烯酸丁酯(BMA)三种单体,制备具有核壳结构的FSiPUA复合乳液。通过测试乳液的稳定性、乳液粒径、涂膜水接触角和吸水率,研究了反应温度、全氟丙烯酸酯用量、丙烯酸酯单体用量、引发剂用量、乳化剂用量及配比上述各因素对乳液性能及其涂膜性能的影响。同时对复合乳液涂膜进行了化学结构与表面形貌的表征。研究表明,制备出的氟硅改性聚氨酯-聚丙烯酸酯乳液(FSiWPUA)具有优异的性能,全氟单体的加入能够有效改善乳液胶膜的耐水性及表面疏水性。在氟硅改性水性聚氨酯-聚丙烯酸酯乳液研究的基础上,分别用溶液共混法和原位聚合法制备了纳米粉体/氟硅改性水性聚氨酯-聚丙烯酸酯杂化乳液。研究了纳米粉体分散性、种类、加入量等因素对杂化乳液性能及涂膜性能的影响。选用端羟基的碳纳米管及通过超声分散和分散剂的加入使纳米粉体获得更优异的分散性及与基体的相容性,从而在使制备出的乳液性能更佳的同时,保证了杂化乳液胶膜的耐水性和疏水性不会变差。同时对杂化乳液胶膜进行了化学结构与表面形貌特征的表征。结果表明,纳米粉体的加入能够极大的改善乳液胶膜的粗糙度和表面能。

【Abstract】 With the improvement of environment protection awareness, the green paint with low surface energy has been an important trend of coating development. Polyurethane-polyacrylate(PUA) emulsion has both the advantages in herited from polyrethane(PU) materials such as regards toughness, mar-resistance, elongation and excellent adesion. But the properties inherited from polyacrylate(PA) materials such as hardness and corrosion-resistance, the properties of both materials all determine the poor water resistance of PUA. A kind of fluorinated PUA emulsion with low surface energy and good water resistance can be prepared by adhibiting fluorine with high bond energy and low surface energy. Carbon nanotube(CNT), as a novel material in twenty-first century, was considered to be the most promising candidate as ideal filler owing to its unique structure and particular physical properties.In this experiment, using siloxane-modified WPU as the seeds emulsions, adding three acrylate monomer (fluoride butyl acrrylate, butyl acrrylate, butyl methacrylate) to the seeds emulsions, the composite emulsions were synthesized with core-shell structure. Stability, particle size, water contact angle and water absorption of film coatings of the emulsion are tested. It was studied systemly that the effect of factors such as the reaction temperature, the content of acrylate monomer, the content of initiator, the ratio and content of emulsifier on the properties of emulsion. At the same time, the chemical structure and surface morphology of the film coatings was characted. The research indicates that the properties of emulsion is excellent and the water resistance can be improved with fluoride monomer.On the base of FSiWPUA emulsion, the emulsion of FSiWPUA complexed with nanoparticles was prepared in-situ/polycondensation and blended in solution respectively. It was studied systemly that the effect of factors such as ability of disperse, species and content of the nano-particles on the properties of the emulsions and its film coatings. In order to obtain the compatibility of nanoparticles in the polyrethane and force of interaction, the carbon nanotube functionalezed with poly(lactic acid) and dispersant were used in experiment. The prepared emulsion’s properties and water resistance of film coatings are better. At the same time, the chemical structure and surface morphology of the film coatings was characted. The results indicates that the roughness and surface energy of film coating can be improved with catbon nanotubes.


