

GAAA Algorithm-Based Optimized Dispatch for Container Trucks in Container Terminals

【作者】 杨大奔

【导师】 关政军;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 集装箱卡车(简称集卡)是在集装箱码头起重要作用的一种水平运输设备,在卸下货物、装载货物、转堆的过程中运用极其灵活、具有很大规模的数量、运载过程较为复杂。因此我们只有合理调度集卡、并对集卡进行优化配置,才能使整个作业过程能够高效的运载;集卡的调度、优化配置的合理性与否能够极大地推动堆场的利用率、影响堆场的生产成本等多个方面、并且还能影响堆场的机械设备的装卸速度,因此对集装箱码头的发展有着极大的影响。论文首先介绍遗传算法和蚁群算法的概念、特点,以及每种算法的不足,然后提出采用遗传蚁群相融合的GAAA算法,该算法能够避开遗传算法和蚁群算法这两种算法的缺点,更好的发挥各自的优势。其次论文重点研究了集卡的动态实时调度,包括实时调度的原则、实时调度的原理以及动态实时调度算法的基本步骤。并且本文针对目前研究现状的不足提出了拥塞的定义,并在考虑拥塞的条件下对集卡的动态实时调度进行了研究。最后,本论文还着重研究了GAAA算法在集卡优化调度中的应用,确定了可行点集,以及信息素的更新策略和路径点的选择方法,并将信息熵引入蚁群算法,把信息熵作为算法终止的准则,提高算法的运行速度,实现自适应调节。本文运用MATLAB和WITNESS对实时调度算法进行仿真,其结果表明本文提出的集卡实时调度策略是合理可行的,对提高码头资源的利用率有明显的作用。本文研究成果为集装箱码头改进作业调度提供了可靠的科学依据。

【Abstract】 Container trucks in the container terminals play an important role in loading, unloading and shifting cargo, with a large number and complicated transport processes. Therefore, only reasonable dispatch and optimized configuration of container trucks can guarantee the efficiency of the whole transportation process. Also, the feasibility of optimized dispatch for container trucks can promote the utilization of container yards and the handling velocity of the mechanical equipment and reduce the production cost of container yards, so it has a great influence on the development of container terminals.This paper first introduces the concept and characteristics as well as the deficiency of the ant colony algorithm and the genetic algorithm. Then propose the GAAA algorithm combining the genetic algorithm and the ant colony algorithm, The algorithm can avoid the shortcomings of the genetic algorithm and ant colony algorithm, and play their respective advantages.Second, this paper mainly studies the dynamic dispatching of the container trucks, including the principles, theories, basic procedures and application of the GAAA algorithm. Congestion is also referred to in this paper, including its definition, the feasible points distribution, the update strategy of pheromone and the selection methods of path points.Finally, this paper shows the simulation experiment based on MATLAB and WITNESS algorithm and the analysis of the results. The results show that the proposed set of cards real-time scheduling policy is feasible, improving the utilization of terminal resources, significant role. This results of the container terminal provides a reliable scientific basis to improve job scheduling.

【关键词】 集装箱卡车调度仿真
【Key words】 Container trucksdispatchingsimulation
  • 【分类号】TP301.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】170

