

The Research on the Insurance Clauses of Piracy

【作者】 张金霞

【导师】 初北平;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着索马里海盗的盛行,海盗这一古老的行为在近期越来越受到国际社会的关注。面对不断攀升的海盗劫持事件及赎金请求,人们也越来越重视承保海盗风险的保险条款。因此,对于承保海盗风险的保险条款的研究非常必要。本文主要由引言、正文及结论构成。引言部分主要通过近几年海盗袭击事件数量的对比,分析海盗行为的盛行对航运业的巨大影响。尤其是海盗改变以往的攻击形式,大多采取劫持船舶索要赎金这一新方式获得利益。进而提出本文主要是针对承保海盗风险的各种保险条款加以研究,比较并分析海盗赎金的保险责任的分担方式。介绍论文的研究路线,评述研究范围内已有的文献。第一章主要是针对海盗行为的基础理论及现状,分别研究了海盗行为在国际公法及保险法中的定义、海盗行为与恐怖分子的区别、常见的海盗的行为方式及造成损失的类型和国际社会对海盗行为的应对措施等,为后文对海盗赎金等的理论分析奠定基础。第二章主要是针对各类承保海盗风险的保险条款加以比较分析,主要以英国协会的保险条款与我国人保的保险条款为例详尽分析,并分别从海盗赎金的性质、保险合同的订立、承保的具体事故与损失、除外责任及保险费用的承担等方面分析各类承保海盗风险的保险条款之间的存在的主要问题。第三章作为本文的结论部分主要对第二章提出的各类承保海盗风险的保险条款之间存在的主要问题研究分析解决之道,提出海盗险保险架构的理顺与重组,以适应航运实务的需要。

【Abstract】 The international society pays more attention to the age-old crime of piracy in recent years since the surge of pirates based in Somalia. In facing of increasing number of kidnaps and mint ransoms asked by the pirates, people accord great importance to the insurance clauses which cover losses by piracy. In this regards, it is really necessary to research on the insurance clauses of piracy.This article is consisted of introduction, content and conclusion.The preface mainly analysis the immense influence on the shipping department by the surge of number of piracy attacks in recent years. Especially pirates take new method to gain huge profit by kidnap the whole vessel and asking for ransom. So this article mainly research on the insurance clauses which cover losses by piracy, as well as analyzing the share of responsibility of the insurance caused by the ransom asked by pirates. Furthermore, the preamble introduces the theme and scope of the subject with brief comments on the literature available in the scope of subject.Chapter One mainly states the relevant basic theory and current situation to lay the foundation of the analysis on the ransom in the following chapter. It consist of the separate concepts in international law and insurance law, the differences between piracy and terrorist, the pirates’way of act and type of losses caused by piracy, as well as the solutions that currently in use.Chapter Two illustrates different kinds of insurance clauses which cover the losses caused by piracy currently, and analyzes the main problems among them including the character of the ransom, the establishment of the insurance contract, the coverage of insured events and losses, the exclusion as well as the share of the premium.Chapter Three shall be taken as a conclusion that illustrates the solutions of the problems stated in chapter two. The main measure is that the framework of the insurance which cover losses caused by piracy should be straighten out and restructured in order to meet the need of the practice.

【关键词】 海盗行为赎金保险条款
【Key words】 PiracyRansomInsurance Clause
  • 【分类号】D996;D922.284
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】556

