

Protection on Expressions of Folklore in Intellectual Property Domain

【作者】 侯玮薇

【导师】 曾培芳;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 民商法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 民间文学艺术是由特定的群体或个人,在共同的社会生活和集体劳动中创作产生的,被该群体成员共同认可,体现该群体特定品质,通过代代相传,处于不断发展中的智慧成果。目前,民间文学艺术法律保护模式主要有习惯法保护、合同法保护、宪法保护和知识产权保护,由于习惯法、合同法及宪法保护模式本身存在的局限性,不能为民间文学艺术提供较好的保护。而民间文学艺术的知识产权属性,决定了知识产权制度是最适合民间文学艺术的保护模式。近年来,国际组织召开多次会议讨论民间文学艺术的保护问题,并就民间文学艺术的知识产权保护达成一些共识,促进了民间文学艺术的发展。与此同时,文化资源丰富的发展中国家为了更好的保护本国的民间文学艺术,采取了一系列积极有效的保护措施。与发展中国家相反,仅有少数发达国家鼓励国民保护民间文学艺术,大多数发达国家不重视民间文学艺术的保护,试图将民间文学艺术划入公有领域。为了保护和弘扬民间文学艺术,我国在借助一些行政措施或地方性法规保护的同时,还倾向于用著作权法、商标法等知识产权制度加强对民间文学艺术的保护。但现有的知识产权制度仍不足以保护整体民间文学艺术,因此我国需要建立一个专门的、系统的、集各种特殊权利内容为一体的特殊保护体系,以期达到全面保护民间文学艺术的目的,促进民间文学艺术的发展与传承。

【Abstract】 Expressions of folklore is not only the crystallization of human wisdom, but also the symbol of national culture. Expressions of folklore is the source of modern culture and technology. Expressions of folklore is created by the certain groups or individuals in the social life and group labor. And expressions of folklore is recognized by the certain groups and individuals which reflect their feature. Expressions of folklore is the developmental intelligent creation by generation to generation., The currently legal protection for expressions of folklore is mainly by the mode of customary law, contract law, constitution and intellectual property law. However, the protection of customary law, contract law and constitution is limited. The intellectual property characteristic of expressions of folklore decide that the intellectual property system is the most appropriate mode of protecting expressions of folklore.International organizations take a positive attitude in protecting expression of folklore in recent years. The protection for expressions of folklore proves a lot by the joint effort of the World Intellectual Property Organization and UNESCO’s Meanwhile, the developing countries with abundant cultural resource actively adopt a series of effective measures for protecting expression of folklore better. Contrary to the developing countries, most of the developed countries take a negative attitude although some developed countries encourage protecting expressions of folklore. And the developed countries try to assign expressions of folklore to the public domain.In order to protect and promote expressions of folklore, our country not only adopts some administrative measures and local regulations,but also tend to use the system of copyright, trademark and another intellectual property to enhance the protection for expressions of folklore. Because of the limit of currently protection of intellectual property,our country should establish a special system which consist of tenet, right holder, content of right,range of protection and institution of protection. The special system is used to protect expressions of folklore comprehensively and prompt the inheritance and development of expressions of folklore.

  • 【分类号】D997.1;D923.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】390
  • 攻读期成果

