

The Decision-making and Modeling of Dual-channel Pricing on Online Direct Marketing and Traditional Distribution of Small and Midsize Manufacturing Enterprises

【作者】 鄢珍

【导师】 李莉;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 情报学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来,互联网开始在全球范围迅速发展,带来了传统分销方式的巨大变革,很多企业纷纷引入了在线直销渠道。运用电子商务手段可以显著提升中小制造企业的竞争优势,为其创造更多的商业机会,使其在激烈的市场竞争中不断发展壮大。但是,引入在线直销渠道虽然可以与传统分销渠道形成优势互补,也会与其形成相互的竞争。如何整合、协调在线直销渠道和传统分销渠道,制定有效的双渠道定价策略,实现不同渠道利益的均衡和渠道整体效益的最大化,成为电子商务企业迫切需要解决的实际问题。本文从电子商务环境下我国中小制造企业所面临的现实问题出发,首先回顾了双渠道营销和定价的相关理论和方法,接着构建了面向双渠道关系协调的中小制造企业定价决策模型,创新性地考察了产品数字属性和消费者在线购买接受程度对双渠道定价决策的影响,对比了零售商占主导地位和制造商与零售商独立决策两种情况下的双渠道定价策略。最后,本文借助Matlab软件对决策模型进行了计算仿真,以期为中小制造企业的管理者制定双渠道定价策略提供决策支持,使中小制造企业能够科学而合理地应用双渠道开展营销活动。本文的研究表明,产品数字属性异质和消费者在线购买接受程度异质都会对双渠道各成员的定价决策产生影响。当零售商处于主导地位时,制造商根据零售商的定价制定产品价格对制造商和零售商双方都是有利的。

【Abstract】 The Internet began to develop rapidly around the world since the 90s of the 20th century, which had brought great changes to the traditional method of distribution. Many companies have introduced online channel to sell their products directly. The use of e-business can improve the competitive advantage for small and midsize manufacturing enterprises significantly, bring them more business opportunities and help them to develop in the fierce competition. However, despite the online channel can be a complement for the traditional channel, there may be a competition between them. How to integrate and coordinate online channel and traditional channel and develop an effective dual-channel pricing strategy to achieve a balance between the two channels and maximize the overall profits have became a big problem of e-business enterprises.This paper reviewed some theories and methods of dual-channel and pricing at first, and then built a dual-channel pricing model, analyzed the influence of product digital attributes and consumer acceptance of online shopping on dual-channel pricing decisions and compared the dual-channel pricing strategy in two cases. At last, this paper calculated and simulated the dual-channel pricing model with Matlab in order to give some advises on pricing to the managers of small and midsize manufacturing enterprises.This paper concluded that product digital attributes and consumer acceptance of online shopping can affect the dual-channel pricing decisions. If the retailer can take charge of the supply chain, it’s better for the manufacturer to price products according to the retailer’s price, which will bring benefits to both sides.

  • 【分类号】F224;F274;F405
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】694

