

【作者】 刘燕戈

【导师】 程翔;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 武器系统与应用工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国装备的传统弹药无线电引信,信号处理电路通过对目标多普勒信号的幅度信息的处理控制器起爆时机,在应用中存在引信炸点散布大、引战配合效率低、抗干扰性能不高的问题。在现代信息化战争条件下,解决存在的这些问题提高无线电引信抗干扰和引战配合效能的要求越来越迫切。本文根据多普勒效应原理,提出了在无线电引信信号处理中充分利用多普勒频率信息中包含了弹目位置、速度、姿态等各种信息,对其进行处理再结合幅度信息处理来控制引信起爆时机的观点,目的是使引信在最佳起爆区起爆,同时大大提高抗干扰能力。研究中主要进行了以下几项工作:进行了频率特征量的选择,分析多普勒信号,选取频率信息中包含的适合微处理器计算控制的弹目信息,主要是频率特征和频率变化率特征;在确定了处理电路所分析处理的相关信息的基础上,提出可行的总体方案,绘出处理电路工作原理图,并进行简要说明;进行硬件电路设计,包括相应滤波与预处理电路、幅度信息采集处理电路、频率信息采集处理电路、电源电路、执行电路的设计,并分析这些电路工作流程;给出微处理器频率信息处理电路流程图及器件选择和软件流程设计;进行仿真测试及结果分析。研究成果经仿真测试结果表明,设计解决了传统无线电引信处理电路中存在的问题,成果已经应用于海军某新型近炸引信的研制中并取得了良好的效果。

【Abstract】 In traditional radio fuse used for projectile in China, to control burst time, the amplitude of Doppler signal of target were been applied for signal process circuit. The shortcomings of using this signal are large disturbance of burst point, low efficiency of fuse-projectile cooperation and low anti-jamming ability. In the modernize war condition, to improve the efficiency of radio fuse, it is emergent to solve above problems.In this thesis, according to the principle of Doppler effect, a new method which take advantage of many Doppler frequency information such as projectile-target distance, speed, stance for signal processing in radio fuse was been put forward to. All above information as well as amplitude was synthesized to control the burst time, aiming at control the fuse burst at the best burst area and greatly improve anti-jamming ability.Studies been fulfilled in this thesis include the selection of Doppler frequency characteristic signal, mainly apply frequency and frequency change rate, fuse overall design based on analysis of related signal and analog-digital processing circuit, design of amplitude signal acquisition circuit, frequency signal acquisition circuit, signal filter and pre-process circuit, power supply circuit and execution circuit, design of software, simulation test and results analysis.According to simulation test of the achievements of the research, shortcomings of traditional radio fuses were been solved. It has been applied in the research of a new proximity fuse for navy and has very good performance.


