

【作者】 侯旷怡

【导师】 解立峰; 胡毅亭;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 乳化炸药是工程爆破最常用的工业炸药,使用非常广泛。乳化炸药和乳化基质弯曲装药的爆轰问题具有很重要的研究价值,成为了近年来学术界关注的热门课题。本文对乳化炸药和乳化基质弯曲装药爆轰传播进行比较系统的实验研究,研究的主要结论如下:1、乳化炸药半约束弯曲装药条件下,当装药的曲率半径r=50mm时,爆速随着弯曲角度θ的增大而减小,爆速与弯曲角度的关系为线形关系。药层厚度δ越小,爆速下降越快。2、乳化炸药在波纹管中弯曲装药条件下,其爆轰波在弯曲初始阶段的爆速下降幅度要大于在弯管中爆速下降的幅度。3、在装药管径为40mm,药温范围为90℃~130℃,曲率半径r<80mm时,乳化基质弯管装药均不会发生完全稳定传播。当管径为50mm,药温为120℃,曲率半径r=80mm时,弯管之间介质为空气时,乳化基质弯管装药完全爆轰;当弯管之间的介质由空气变为钢板时,乳化基质弯管装药爆轰中断。4、在装药管径为40mm,药温范围为120℃,曲率半径r为60mm时,当初始压力小于0.7MPa,乳化基质均不会完全爆轰传播,但爆轰长度随着初压的增加而近似线性变大。5、设计了乳化基质阻爆原理样机,初步计算确定了三种阻爆原理样机结构参数。

【Abstract】 Emulsion explosive is one of the most common industrial explosive and widely used in engineering blasting. The bending charge detonation characteristics of emulsion explosive and emulsion matrix have great research value, which is one of hots study in academia recently as well. The systemic experiments, which were mainly focused on the detonation propagation of bending charge of emulsion explosive and its matrix, were carried out in the thesis. The main conclusions are as follows:1、When the charge curvature radius was 50mm under the semi-constrained charge condition of emulsion explosive, detonation velocity decreased with the bending degreeθincreasing. The smaller thickness of emulsion explosive charge was, the quicker detonation velocity decreased.2、Detonation velocity decreased larger in initial bending part than that in the bending pipe in a corrugated tube charge.3、When the charge pipe diameter was 40mm, the temperature of emulsion matrix was from 90℃to 130℃and the curvature radius was less than 80mm, complete detonation wave propagation discontinued in the corrugated tube. When the pipe diameter was 50mm, the temperature of emulsion matrix was 120℃, the curvature radius was 80mm and the media was air between the bending pipe, complete detonation wave propagation of bending pipe charge occurred. While the media was steel plate, detonation wave propagation stopped.4、The corrugated tube diameter was 40mm, the temperature of emulsion matrix was 120℃and curvature radius was 60mm. When the initial pressure was 0.7MPa, complete detonation wave propagation discontinued and the detonation length approximately linearly increased as the initial pressure increased in the emulsion matrix.5、The explosion prevention prototype was designed. The structure parameters of three kinds of prototypes were determined by calculation.


