

【作者】 王培

【导师】 陈文建; 李武森;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 光学工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 光谱仪器是一种应用光学原理,对物质的结构和成分等进行光谱研究的光学装置。文章首先系统阐述了多通道光纤光谱仪的发展、研究现状及应用,介绍了光谱仪的基本原理,提出了基于面阵CCD的多通道光纤光谱仪的整体设计方案;其次完成了仪器的光学结构设计,包括光栅的选型、系统参数的确定;然后在对光谱探测器件原理分析的基础上完成了面阵CCD器件选型工作,并对周边硬件电路做了一些时序仿真,最后分析了仪器的软件部分。论文采用多根光纤代替传统入射狭缝并用面阵CCD作为光电探测器件设计微型多通道光纤光谱仪,能同时对多个被测物进行探测,实现多通道测量,系统的工作效率大大提高,更适合工业部门光谱现场检测。

【Abstract】 Spectrometer is an optical instrument which is based on the optical principle, and it is used for the the detection of spectrum of the material structure and ingredients. Firstly, the development, current situation of the research and application of the micro multi-channel fiber optical spectrometer is systemtically expounded in this dissertation, an integral design of the instrument which is based on the area CCD is also proposed; secondly, the design of the optical system is performed, including the grating selection and the determination of system parameters; thirdly, the type selecting of array CCD is completed in accordance with the principle of the detector, for the peripheral hardware circuits, some research of the timing simulation is completed too; in the final part of the paper, the instrument’s software is discussed.More fibers instead of the traditional entrance slit and the area array CCD are used to design the multi-channel optical spectrometer in this paper, so the multi-channel measurement is realized, and the system’s sensitivity has been significantly improved, then the system is more suitable for the detection of industrial scene spectrum.

  • 【分类号】TH744.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】456

