

The Study on the Approaches to Landscape Planning of Mountain Agriculture in Chongqing Based on the Analysis of Eco-flow and Suitability

【作者】 马立辉

【导师】 王海洋;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国提出资源节约型、环境友好型农业生产体系的发展目标,重庆也加快农业结构战略性调整,构建现代农业产业体系,统筹规划农业布局,优化农业产业结构和布局。重庆地形以中山、低山、丘陵为主,山多坡陡,土壤侵蚀严重,尤其是喀斯特地貌地区面临石漠化的危险,山地农业的生态安全是急需解决的问题。在以上背景及发展趋势下,探索出适合重庆山地农业景观生态规划的途径及方法,具有重要的理论与实践意义。在城郊都市型农业示范区、库区生态农业走廊分别确定了两个研究区,为重庆市江北区五宝移民安稳致富示范园和重庆涪陵南沱镇三峡移民生态家园研究区。本文从生态流、物质循环、生态适宜性等方面进行了分析,并结合农业产业的发展需求,对山地农业景观的规划途径及方法进行了初步探讨。研究成果有以下几个方面:1.在重庆涪陵南沱镇三峡移民生态家园研究区,首先,分析了其生境特点,包括地形、坡度、水文;其次,以氮素为例,分析了营养物质在农业生态系统中的生态流及物质循环特点。研究结果表明:①通过施氮肥、植物固氮、降水沉降等途径获得的氮素,以生态流的方式在流域内各生态系统间流动,最终流出生态系统,汇入长江流域,导致水体富营养化。②通过分析复合农业生态系统中物质的循环利用特点,从沼肥及化肥、植物固氮、降水沉降等途径获得的氮素,在土壤-植物-枯枝落叶-土壤之间转化利用,利用率在45%-55%,随地表径流排出系统外的氮素4.5-6.0 kg year-1 hm-2。通过径流输入长江流域的氮含量降低了60~70%,但仍然有部分氮随径流输入长江流域,地表径流中总氮含量1.02mg L-1,高于国家标准Ⅲ类水标准中铵态氮含量1.0 mg L1,导致水体富营养化。③从营养物质在不同生态系统间的生态流动、循环利用等方面考虑,有针对性的改变氮素来源、阻断或减弱生态流、提高物质循环利用率,有效地解决营养元素随地表径流的排出引起水体富营养化的问题,对山地农业的景观生态规划有重要的理论与实践意义。2.在重庆市江北区五宝移民安稳致富示范园研究区,先分析了研究区内的社会经济及产业结构特点,借鉴国内国际都市农业发展的成功经验,合理选择了适合研究区的农业产业。然后,在研究区生境特点的基础上进行了景观生态适宜性分析,根据适宜性评价值把研究区划分为四个区域,为景观适宜性区域、景观较适宜性区域、景观较不适宜性区域、景观不适宜性区域。最后,把农业产业与景观生态适宜性评价结果结合,提出了改善农业产业结构布局的措施。本文对以上内容的研究符合重庆构建资源节约型、环境友好型农业生产体系市情,提出的山地农业景观生态规划途径及方法,为重庆乃至西南地区山地型生态农业景观生态规划提供理论依据,具有重要的实践意义。

【Abstract】 With proposing development goals of a resource-conserving and environment-friendly agricultural production system, Meanwhile, Chongqing also speed up the strategic adjustment of agricultural structure, build a modern agricultural industrial system, planning of agricultural distribution, and optimize agricultural industrial structure and layout.The type of terrain has mainly medium mountain、low mountain and hills in Chongqing.So soil erosion is serious. Especially the karst regions are facing the risk of desertification. Now ecological security of mountain agricultureis urgent problem. In the above background and development trend, a study on the approaches and methods to landscape ecological planning of mountain agriculture in Chongqing, which has important theoretical and practical significance.In this paper, two research areas were identified in suburban-urban agriculture demonstration area and ecological agriculture corridor in reservoir area of "Northeast of Chongqing", stable-rich demonstration garden of migrants in Wubao Town, Jiangbei District, Chongqing City and ecological home of Three Gorges migrants in Nantuo Town,Fuling District, Chongqing City. From the ecological flow, material cycle, ecological suitability analysis and agricultural industry trends, the approaches and methods to landscape ecological planning of mountain agriculture in Chongqing. The research results were as follows:1. Base of ecological home of Three Gorges migrants in Nantuo Town,Fuling District, Chongqing City. First, the analysis of its habitat, including terrain, slope, hydrology; Second, for example N,it analyzes the characteristics of eco-flow and material circul on agro-ecosystems. The results show that:①By nitrogen, plant nitrogen fixation and precipitation settlement, flow in a way of eco-flow among the ecosystems, then flow out of the ecosystem, import the Yangtze River Basin finally, lead to eutrophication.②By analyzing the characteristics of the recycling of material in complex agro-ecosystems, N by biogas and fertilizer, plant nitrogen fixation and precipitation settlement, transfered and utilized in the soil-plant-Litter-soil, utilization rate of 45%-55%, and discharged outside the system with the surface runoff,4.5~6.0 kg year-1 hm-2. Along with surface runoff in Yangtze River basin, decreased by 60-70% in the runoff. However, there are still some nitrogen input Yangtze River Basin with the runoff. Total nitrogen in surface runoff is 1.02mg L"1, higher than ammonium nitrogen in the national standard Class III water,which is 1.0 mg L-1, lead to eutrophication.③Based on analysis of the characteristics of the eco-flow and recycling of nutrients in different ecological systems, targeted to change the nitrogen source, block or reduce ecological flow, improve the material recycling rate, effectively address eutrophication problems that caused by the nutrient discharge with surface runoff, has important theoretical and practical significance on landscape ecological planning of the mountain agriculture.2. Base of stable-rich demonstration garden of migrants in Wubao Town, Jiangbei District, Chongqing City. First, characteristics of the region’s socio-economic and industrial structure、the success in development of urban agriculture domestic and international and reasonable choice of a suitable agricultural industry in study area, which is researched. Second, landscape ecological suitability analysis was done by habitat characteristics of the study area. The study area was divided into four regions according to suitability evaluation value, as follow, landscape suitable areas、landscape more suitable areas、more appropriate areas、landscape appropriate areas. Finally, combines the agricultural industries and landscape ecological suitability assessment, proposing measures to improve the agricultural structure and layout.In this paper, the content of the research is consistent with building resource-saving and environment-friendly agricultural production system trends in Chongqing. The study on the approaches and methods to landscape eco-planning of mountain agriculture in Chongqing based on the agricultural industry and material cycle, is to provide a theoretical basis for landscape ecological planning of mountain eco-agriculture in Chongqing and southwest of China. So the research has important Significance of theory and practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

