

A Study on He Lin’s Confucian Concept of Personality

【作者】 徐福林

【导师】 邹学荣;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 中国哲学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 自遭遇西方现代性以来,近代中国开始了现代化的宏大叙事。与此相关联的是挽救民族危亡,取得民族国家的独立,以及国民的启蒙。如此特殊的中国近现代历史境遇,需要什么样的国民人格,如何塑造这样的国民人格,在中国近现代思想史有过诸多的理论论辩和理论成果。贺麟的儒者人格观就是其中之一。贺麟把德国古典哲学、斯宾诺莎哲学、新黑格尔主义,与中国儒家哲学,特别是宋明理学陆象山和王阳明的心学一派,结合起来,创立了“新心学”。他以复兴儒学为意旨,以“新心学”为哲学基础,从时代需要出发,通过对儒者、儒者气象、意志自由和儒者的塑造等问题的阐明,提出了中国近现代思想史上独特的儒者人格观。本文立足中国的现代化进程,在前人研究的基础上,以思想史的方法,立足贺麟原著,分析儒者人格观产生的时代背景,解释儒者人格的内涵,发掘儒者人格的形而上基础,探讨儒者人格的塑造进路,揭示儒者人格观的局限和启示,深化了对儒者人格观的研究,同时也拓展了对贺麟学术思想的研究。全文共分为五个部分,第一章简述贺麟的生平与学术;第二章论述儒者人格观的时代背景和思想渊源;第三章论述儒者人格的内涵与特质:第四章论述儒者人格的塑造与归宿;第五章是对儒者人格观的评价。其中第三章和第四章是本文的主体部分。

【Abstract】 Western modernity preluded the great process of modernization of modern China,in which national salvation, national independent and national enlightenment are included. In this special period of modern Chinese history, on what kind of national character we needed and how to created such a national character, various theoretical arguments and theoretical results were provided, including the Confucian concept of personality proposed by He Lin.Combining the German classical philosophy, Spinoza, Neo-hegelianism, and Confucian philosophy, specially Lu Xiang san and Wang yang ming’s "Xin xue" of Neo-Confucianism, He Lin founded the New Idealism. With an attempt to revive Confucianim and the New Idealism as the philosophical foundation, he founded the special Confucian concept of personality to meet the needs of the times by illustrating clearly confucians,confucian personality, confucian weather, free will, and the shaping of the confucian personality.With focus on China’s modernization process and based on previous research, the thesis analyzes the background of the Confucian concept of personality, interprets its integrity, explors its metaphysical basis, approaches the shaping of the Confucian personality, and reveals the limitations and inspiration of Confucian concept of personality, with an attampt to further the Confucian concept of personality and expand He Lin’s academic thought.The thesis is divided into five parts. The first chapter briefly introduced He Lin’s life and academic thought; The second chapter discusses the background and origin of the Confucian concept of personality; The third chapter analyzed the integrity and characteristics of Confucians; The fourth chapter focuses on the shaping and destination of the confucian personality; The fifth chapter assesses the Confucian concept of personality. Among them,the third and fourth chapters deserve special attention and focus.

【关键词】 贺麟儒者人格儒者人格观
【Key words】 He LinConfuciansPersonalityConfucian concept of personality
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

