

Integrated Assessment and Enhancement of Pesticide Marketing Channels Competitiveness

【作者】 田丽

【导师】 丁伟;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 农药学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 为了满足农业生产者防治病虫草鼠等有害生物所需要的农药产品和特殊服务,产生了农药市场营销活动。市场经济的快速发展,尤其是中国加入WTO后,国外跨国性的大型企业大规模的涌入中国市场,农药市场营销经历着快速发展与转变升级。与其他营销活动相比,农药营销学的研究内容更偏重渠道的建设和营销服务。如何尽快提升市场竞争能力,如何在残酷的市场竞争中生存并发展壮大,如何获得持续的竞争优势?除了拥有良好的产品和服务、恰当的定价策略之外,建立适合企业自身特点的销售渠道和网络,并对其进行有效的管理和控制,己成为我国农药企业竞争的核心。在目前我国农药企业低水平、消耗式竞争的状况下,农药市场经营的关键是急需要研究农药企业自身营销渠道的建设与管理,以提高企业的国际竞争力。本文根据我国农药市场竞争环境和营销现状,对我国农药市场营销渠道模式进行了分析,取得了以下研究成果:提出了现有营销渠道中的突出问题主要表现在:渠道效率和忠诚度不够、渠道服务功能弱、渠道冲突产生内耗;明确了影响农药企业营销渠道优化的因素:产品特性、企业实力、市场需求、中间商特性等;指出了营销渠道优化的方向:渠道重心转向零售终端、渠道结构转向多元化模式、渠道关系转向战略合作伙伴型联盟;得出了营销渠道创新的措施:以农户需求为导向设计和选择营销渠道,指出渠道中冲突和价格管理的建议,建立对经销商、零售商的选择与评估标准,提出零售终端推广活动的开展方法与步骤。文章以拜耳作物科学为案例,系统分析了营销渠道管理优化的实施与保障措施以及可资借鉴的提升渠道竞争力的经验和方法。

【Abstract】 The pesticide marketing activities came with the variety of pesticide products and the special service during the disease, insect pests, weed, rat and others control. As the rapid development of marketing economic, especially after China’s accession to WTO, foreign multinational large enterprises large-scale moved in China. The pesticides marketing mode is experiencing rapid development and transformation and upgrading. Compared with other marketing activities, the emphasis of pesticides marketing was focused on marketing channels and marketing service. How to raise its market competitiveness, how to survive harsh competition in the market and to develop and grow up, how to obtain sustainable competitive advantage? In addition to its excellent products and services, appropriate pricing strategy, the establishment of a suitable enterprise’s own sales channels and network characteristics, and its effective management and control, has become the core of enterprise competition.Under the condition of low level productivity and consumption-type competition of pesticide enterprises in China, the key of pesticide marketing business is an urgent need to study on their own construction and management of marketing channels in order to enhance their international competitiveness. Based on the competitive environment of China’s pesticide market and the status quo of China’s pesticide marketing, and the pesticide marketing channel models are analyzed and presented in the current outstanding problems in marketing channels:channel efficiency and loyalty is not enough, channel service functions is weak, channel conflict resulting friction. The impact of pesticides corporate marketing channel-optimized factors included product characteristics, business strength, market demand, brokers and other characteristics. The marketing channel optimization direction:the shift to the retail channel for the terminal, the channel structure to a pluralistic model of strategic channel relationships shift Partner-type alliance. The marketing channels innovative measures:the selection of marketing channels based on farmers demand-oriented design, pointed out channel conflict and price control proposals, the establishment of distributors, retailers, selection and assessment criteria, proposed by the retail terminal promotional activities to carry out methods and steps. And taken Bayer CropScience as a case, the implementation of optimal marketing channel management and protection measures was analyst in this dissertation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

