

Study on the Agritourism Development Strategy in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area of Chong Qing

【作者】 陈飞

【导师】 赵毅;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 旅游管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 自改革开放以来,我国农业在长期的发展过程中不断地暴露出一些问题,表现为产业经济结构单一、农业效益偏低、农民收入欠佳等问题,究其原因,与中国社会长期形成的城乡发展不平衡以及农业经济结构和体制问题有密切关系。为了解决这些问题,党中央、国务院及各级政府积极推进新农村建设,寻求发展特色农业,走现代化农业发展的道路。然而农业的发展单纯依靠传统农业是很难在短时间内实现快速增长的目的,如何建立多角度、多层次提高农业附加值,拓宽农民增收渠道的增效机制便成为解决该问题的关键。三峡重庆库区地处中国西部,是我国长江流域经济发展水平最低的地区,也是我国最大的移民区,长期落后的经济、社会、自然现状使上述问题显得更加艰巨。科学地选择适合该区域经济社会发展的产业,是三峡重庆库区充分发挥地区优势、改善产业结构,实现库区农村经济发展,消除二元结构,实现移民合理安置,并使库区早日脱贫致富的重要战略。作为第一产业与第三产业融合的产物——“农业旅游”,植根于农村特有的资源,如农村的田园风光、农副产品的生产加工、农耕文化、农村的民俗文化、传统建筑等,以其劳动密集型优势、产业关联优势和生态环保优势成为农业增收的新途径。重庆库区拥有得天独厚的自然地理条件和人文元素为农业旅游的发展提供了丰富的资源,城市居民选择休闲度假方式的多元化更为库区发展农业旅游保证了稳定的客源。因此,在库区探讨农业旅游的发展道路,能够有效地发挥区域比较优势,促进库区产业结构的不断优化和升级,同时有助于解决库区移民、脱贫与致富的三大问题,实现库区城乡统筹一体化化的发展。本文采用定性分析和定量分析相结合的方法,首先采用文献收集法,整理相关理论基础和库区农业旅游发展的资料;其次采用实地调查的方法,选取六个对象作为重点调研重点,通过与当地有关政府部门、村委会、经营户及农民进行一对一的访谈和小范围内的讨论,获取丰富的库区农业旅游发展资料;再次,采用对库区农业旅游客源地问卷调查的方法,采用SPSS 15.0和Excel 2003软件进行相关数据分析,掌握客源地对库区农业旅游需求意愿特征;最后,运用比较法对国内外农业旅游发展的成功经验进行归纳总结,并采用SWOT分析法对库区发展农业旅游的可行性分析,根据发展战略探讨库区农业旅游发展对策。通过对库区发展农业旅游的问题分析及对策的研究,本文认为库区依据自身拥有的丰富自然人文资源、区位比较条件、国家政策的倾斜和当地政府的大力支持引导以及重庆市国内外旅游的客源基础等优势与机遇,能够引入农业旅游,通过市场目标准确定位、特色农业旅游产品的设计、积极的宣传促销,并从思想观念、规划、政策法规、管理体制、投融资渠道、环境优化、人才培养等方面着手,实现库区农业旅游的发展,促进库区农业经济结构调整,实现库区的脱贫致富。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the society and the acceleration of the urbanization process, the living environment is getting worse and worse, bringing down the life quality of the day. Therefore, more and more urbanites, more frequently tour the rural areas for alleviating the stress caused by the deteriorated environment. Not only various delicacies they can enjoy there but also they can relax through a series of special immersion programs. As the demand grows, agritourism has rapidly developed in recent years. Nowadays, the rural China is beset with various problems such as single product structure, poorer income, environment pollution; etc.All of these problems needs to be solved urgently. In answer to the call of building a new socialist country and accelerating the integration of urban and rural areas, the central committee, the state council and the national tourism administration, together with local governments and departments at all levels actively promote agritourism nationwide.Based on the actual conditions and relevant supporting policies, the thesis, both qualitatively and quantitatively, analyzes the ways to develop agritourism under the guidance of the theory of industry convergence, the theory of sustainable development, the theory of agriculture location and the theory of the coordinated development of urban and rural areas. In the first part, the author gives an overview of the history of agritourism theory study, advances the concept of agritourism, presents an analysis of the agritourism development within the reservoir area in light of experience from home and abroad and sums up five agritourism products; In accordance with the questionnaire survey, the author uses a SWOT matrix to better locate the industry target, segment the market in detail and further figures out the consumer behavior in the second part; In the last part, the author designs a development model for agritourism, and provides suggestions about/for the area economic development from ten aspects, including idea, strategy design, law and policy, administration mechanism, investment and financing system, environment optimization, feature product manufacturing, sales publicity, personnel training and sustainable development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

