

Water Potential Productivity and Benefit Assessment of Dryland Farming in District of High Temperature and Summer Drought

【作者】 胡小东

【导师】 王龙昌;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 生态学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究在全面介绍国内外作物生产潜力研究历史与现状的基础上,首先将重庆市40个区县按照高温伏旱灾害发生频率的高低区分为中心区、高频区、普通区和低频区,采用迈阿密模型和桑斯维特纪念模型分别计算了各区县的水分生产潜力。其次,选取重庆市“一圈两翼”的代表区县,包括东北部的奉节、万县、梁平,东南部的彭水、酉阳,中西部的沙坪坝、涪陵为研究对象,计算并分析这些区县的近五、六十年的地面气候资料月值数据,结合研究区域三年田间实验数据,采用理论计算法得到这些代表区域的小麦、玉米、红苕、马铃薯、油菜和大豆等六种作物单作的光合生产潜力、光温生产潜力和水分生产潜力;另外,本研究还构建多熟制种植模式下总体生产潜力模型并计算了薯-玉-苕、油-玉-苕、麦-玉-苕、麦-玉-豆、油-玉等五种多熟制种植模式下的总光合生产潜力、总光温生产潜力和总体生产潜力。再次,以高温伏旱灾害高频区的沙坪坝区为研究对象,分析了不同年份状况下高温伏旱灾害对作物单作模式下和多熟制模式下水分生产潜力变化情况。在此基础上,结合重庆市作物现实生产水平,利用相对生产潜力、增产潜力系数构建出高温伏旱区作物水分生产潜力评价指标体系,对研究区域水分生产潜力现状和未来发展趋势作了有效评估。研究结果表明:(1)单作模式下,按作物来看,玉米的优势明显,不论是水分生产潜力、相对生产潜力还是增产潜力系数,都处于优势位置;红苕,马铃薯较好;大豆、小麦和油菜状况不佳。按区域来看,东北部的万县和中西部的沙坪坝凭借优良的光热水资源,总体生产潜力位列前茅;东南部的酉阳和彭水虽然水分利用较好,但是光热资源较差,整体处于劣势。(2)多熟制种植模式下,薯-玉-苕和油-玉-苕两种模式占优,麦-玉-豆和油-玉较差,按区域来看,东北部各研究区域的总体生产潜力产量均超过平均水平,中西部处于中间水平,东南部较差。(3)通过研究发现,高温伏旱灾害对作物光合、光温生产潜力影响不大,但是对作物水分生产潜力却造成巨大影响,重灾年份较好的光热资源使其光合、光温生产潜力超过普通年和丰水年,但是比较其水分生产潜力时,均值都低于普通年份和丰水年份。由此可以看出,高温伏旱区内,水分是限制作物产量的最主要的一个因素。(4)多熟制模式下,不管是那种种植模式,其丰水年的总体生产潜力总是最高的,而且结果比较显著。同普通年份比较,伏旱灾害对五种模式水分总生产潜力影响不大,说明研究所选择的五种多熟制模式能充分利用降水,在降水量较多的情况下能大幅度提高产量,同时能较好适应高温伏旱区的高温和伏旱灾害,在重灾年份仍然能够抵抗高温伏旱灾害,获得较好的产量,是适合大面积推广的多熟制模式。(5)本研究利用了理论计算法和经验法中的数种模型来计算验证高温伏旱区的水分生产潜力。研究证明:理论计算法和桑斯维特纪念模型能够使用于高温伏旱区水分生产潜力研究,而迈阿密模型则不能适用于本区域研究。(6)在以上研究基础上,本文构建了生产潜力评价指标并提出相应的生产潜力开发对策。

【Abstract】 Conception and developmental history of crop potential productivity was recommended in this paper. The recent situation of research on corp.potential productivity was summarized and some research methodologies in common use were introduced.Firstly, according to the frequency of summer drought, we can distinguish all counties in Chongqing into four types as Center, High Frequency, Common Area, Low frequency, assigning them 0,1,2 and 3.Water potential productivities of every district were calculated respectively based on the Miami Model and Thortwaite Memorial Model.Furthermore, the agricultural photosynthesis potential productivities, photo-temperature potential productivities and water potential productivities of six main crops(Including wheat, maize, sweet potato, potato, rape, bean in monoculture) and five multi-cropping planting patterns(Including potato-maize-sweet potato, rape-maize-sweet potato, wheat-maize-sweet potato, wheat-maize-bean, rape-maize) for seven districts (Including Fengjie, Pengshui, Youyang, Shapingba, Wanxian, Fuling, Liangpin) selected for representatives were calculated based on mechanism method and analyzed.At last, take the district of Shapingba as a sample,research on the possible impact of High Temperature and Summer Drought on the water potential productivities. The crops and planting patterns as same sa above.The construction of evaluation index system was based on the study results and sown areas and output of major farm crops in Chongqing.The result shows that:(1)In monoculture, maize is the best in the photosynthesis potential productivities, photo-temperature potential productivities and water potential productivities, and sweet potato and potato are better, bean, rape and wheat are poor. The districts of Shapingba and Wanxian are better than the others due to the good condition of illumination, temperature and water. Altough the districts of Youyang and Pengshui have fair Water use efficiency, the whole potential is poor due to low illumination.(2)In multi-cropping, potato-maize-sweet potato and rape-maize-sweet potato are better among the five planting patterns, and the following pattern are wheat-maize-sweet potato, wheat-maize-bean and rape-maize. The districts of Fengjie, Liangpin and Wanxian are best by region. (3)The high temperature and summer drought could affect water potential productivities more than the photosynthesis potential productivities and photo-temperature potential productivities. From this perspective we conclude that water is the most important impact factor in the districts of high temperature and summer drought.(4)In multi-cropping, all of the five planting patterns can get a good harvest in the years of Low frequency of high temperature and summer drought or sufficient rainfall.This shows that all of planting patterns can suit the districts of high temperature and summer drought.(5)In this paper three models were used to calculate and analyze the water potential productivities of the districts of high temperature and summer drought. This result shows that Mechanism Method and Thortwaite Memorial Model can be used in the study area but Miami Model.(6)Evaluation of production potential was constructed and development of the productive potential of the corresponding measures was proposed based on the above research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

